# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from datetime import date import calendar from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import models, api, _ from odoo.osv import expression from odoo.tools import date_utils class AccountMove(models.Model): _inherit = "account.account" @api.model def _get_date_period_boundaries(self, date_period, company): period_type = date_period["range_type"] year = date_period.get("year") month = date_period.get("month") quarter = date_period.get("quarter") day = date_period.get("day") if period_type == "year": fiscal_day = company.fiscalyear_last_day fiscal_month = int(company.fiscalyear_last_month) if not (fiscal_day == 31 and fiscal_month == 12): year += 1 max_day = calendar.monthrange(year, fiscal_month)[1] current = date(year, fiscal_month, min(fiscal_day, max_day)) start, end = date_utils.get_fiscal_year(current, fiscal_day, fiscal_month) elif period_type == "month": start = date(year, month, 1) end = start + relativedelta(months=1, days=-1) elif period_type == "quarter": first_month = quarter * 3 - 2 start = date(year, first_month, 1) end = start + relativedelta(months=3, days=-1) elif period_type == "day": fiscal_day = company.fiscalyear_last_day fiscal_month = int(company.fiscalyear_last_month) end = date(year, month, day) start, _ = date_utils.get_fiscal_year(end, fiscal_day, fiscal_month) return start, end def _build_spreadsheet_formula_domain(self, formula_params): codes = [code for code in formula_params["codes"] if code] if not codes: return expression.FALSE_DOMAIN company_id = formula_params["company_id"] or self.env.company.id company = self.env["res.company"].browse(company_id) start, end = self._get_date_period_boundaries( formula_params["date_range"], company ) balance_domain = [ ("account_id.include_initial_balance", "=", True), ("date", "<=", end), ] pnl_domain = [ ("account_id.include_initial_balance", "=", False), ("date", ">=", start), ("date", "<=", end), ] # It is more optimized to (like) search for code directly in account.account than in account_move_line code_domain = expression.OR( [ ("code", "=like", f"{code}%"), ] for code in codes ) account_ids = self.env["account.account"].with_company(company_id).search(code_domain).ids code_domain = [("account_id", "in", account_ids)] period_domain = expression.OR([balance_domain, pnl_domain]) domain = expression.AND([code_domain, period_domain, [("company_id", "=", company_id)]]) if formula_params["include_unposted"]: domain = expression.AND( [domain, [("move_id.state", "!=", "cancel")]] ) else: domain = expression.AND( [domain, [("move_id.state", "=", "posted")]] ) return domain @api.model def spreadsheet_move_line_action(self, args): domain = self._build_spreadsheet_formula_domain(args) return { "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "res_model": "account.move.line", "view_mode": "list", "views": [[False, "list"]], "target": "current", "domain": domain, "name": _("Journal items for account prefix %s", ", ".join(args["codes"])), } @api.model def spreadsheet_fetch_debit_credit(self, args_list): """Fetch data for ODOO.CREDIT, ODOO.DEBIT and ODOO.BALANCE formulas The input list looks like this: [{ date_range: { range_type: "year" year: int }, company_id: int codes: str[] include_unposted: bool }] """ results = [] for args in args_list: company_id = args["company_id"] or self.env.company.id domain = self._build_spreadsheet_formula_domain(args) # remove this when _search always returns a Query object if expression.is_false(self.env["account.move.line"], domain): results.append({"credit": 0, "debit": 0}) continue MoveLines = self.env["account.move.line"].with_company(company_id) query = MoveLines._search(domain) query.order = None query_str, params = query.select( "SUM(debit) AS debit", "SUM(credit) AS credit" ) self.env.cr.execute(query_str, params) line_values = self.env.cr.dictfetchone() results.append( { "credit": line_values["credit"] or 0, "debit": line_values["debit"] or 0, } ) return results @api.model def get_account_group(self, account_types): data = self._read_group( [ ("account_type", "in", account_types), ("company_id", "=", self.env.company.id), ], ["code:array_agg"], ["account_type"], ) mapped = {group["account_type"]: group["code"] for group in data} return [mapped.get(account_type, []) for account_type in account_types]