Quiz about our Company b137640d-9876-1234-abcd-344ca256531e public scoring_with_answers 55 page_per_question

This small quiz will test your knowledge about our Company. Be prepared !

Who are you ? 1

Some general information about you. It will be used internally for statistics only.

2 What is your email ? char_box ex@mple.com 3 What is your nickname ? char_box Don't be shy, be wild! 4 Where are you from ? char_box Brussels, Belgium 5 How old are you ?

Just to categorize your answers, don't worry.

Our Company in a few questions ... 10

Some questions about our company. Do you really know us?

11 When is Mitchell Admin born ? Our famous Leader ! date 12 When did precisely Marc Demo crop its first apple tree ? datetime 13 Give the list of all types of wood we sell. text_box Fruits and vegetables 20

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

21 Which category does a tomato belong to "Red" is not a category, I know what you are trying to do ;) simple_choice 1 Fruits 20 2 Vegetables 10 3 Space stations 22 Which of the following would you use to pollinate simple_choice 15 1 Bees 20 2 Dogs 3 Mooses 23 Select trees that made more than 20K sales this year Our sales people have an advantage, but you can do it ! multiple_choice 20 1 Apple Trees 20 2 Lemon Trees 10 3 Baobab Trees -10 4 Cookies -10 24 A "Citrus" could give you ... multiple_choice 20 1 Pomelos 20 2 Grapefruits 20 3 Cosmic rays -10 4 Bricks -10 25 How often should you water those plants matrix simple 1 Cactus 2 Ficus 1 Once a month 2 Once a week 26 When do you harvest those fruits Best time to do it, is the right time to do it. matrix multiple 1 Apples 2 Strawberries 3 Clementine 1 Spring 2 Summer 3 Autumn 4 Winter Trees 30

We like to say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so here are trees.

Dogwood is from which family of trees ? 31 simple_choice 1 Pinaceae 2 Ulmaceae 3 Cornaceae 20 4 Salicaceae In which country did the bonsai technique develop ? 32 simple_choice 1 Japan 20 2 China 3 Vietnam 4 South Korea Is the wood of a coniferous hard or soft ? 33 simple_choice

1 Hard 2 Soft 10 From which continent is native the Scots pine (pinus sylvestris) ? 34 simple_choice

1 Africa 2 Asia 20 3 Europe 4 South America In the list below, select all the coniferous. 35 multiple_choice 1 Douglas Fir 5 2 Norway Spruce 5 3 European Yew 5 4 Mountain Pine 5 After watching this video, will you swear that you are not going to procrastinate to trim your hedge this year ? 36 simple_choice

1 Yes 10 2 No 3 Perhaps -10 Your feeling 40

We may be interested by your input.

41 What do you think about this survey ? If you don't like us, please try to be as objective as possible. simple_choice 1 Good 2 Not Good, Not Bad 3 Iznogoud 4 I have no idea, I'm a dog!