/* global ace */ odoo.define('test_website.reset_views', function (require) { 'use strict'; const wTourUtils = require('website.tour_utils'); var BROKEN_STEP = { // because saving a broken template opens a recovery page with no assets // there's no way for the tour to resume on the new page, and thus no way // to properly wait for the page to be saved & reloaded in order to fix the // race condition of a tour ending on a side-effect (with the possible // exception of somehow telling the harness / browser to do it) trigger: 'body', run: function () {} }; wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('test_reset_page_view_complete_flow_part1', { test: true, url: '/test_page_view', // 1. Edit the page through Edit Mode, it will COW the view edition: true, }, [ { content: "drop a snippet", trigger: ".oe_snippet:has(.s_cover) .oe_snippet_thumbnail", // id starting by 'oe_structure..' will actually create an inherited view run: "drag_and_drop iframe #oe_structure_test_website_page", }, { content: "save the page", extra_trigger: 'iframe #oe_structure_test_website_page.o_dirty', trigger: "button[data-action=save]", }, // 2. Edit that COW'd view in the HTML editor to break it. { content: "open site menu", extra_trigger: "iframe body:not(.editor_enable)", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "open html editor", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_ace_editor"]', }, { content: "add a broken t-field in page DOM", trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_xml:contains("placeholder")', run: function () { ace.edit('ace-view-editor').getSession().insert({row: 4, column: 1}, '\n'); }, }, { content: "save the html editor", extra_trigger: '.ace_content:contains("not.exist")', trigger: ".o_ace_view_editor button[data-action=save]", }, BROKEN_STEP ] ); wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('test_reset_page_view_complete_flow_part2', { test: true, url: '/test_page_view', }, [ { content: "check that the view got fixed", trigger: 'iframe p:containsExact("Test Page View")', run: function () {}, // it's a check }, { content: "check that the inherited COW view is still there (created during edit mode)", trigger: 'iframe #oe_structure_test_website_page .s_cover', run: function () {}, // it's a check }, //4. Now break the inherited view created when dropping a snippet { content: "open site menu", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "open html editor", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_ace_editor"]', }, { content: "select oe_structure view", trigger: '#s2id_ace-view-list', // use select2 version run: function () { var viewId = $('#ace-view-list option:contains("oe_structure_test_website_page")').val(); $('#ace-view-list').val(viewId).trigger('change'); }, }, { content: "add a broken t-field in page DOM", trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_xml:contains("oe_structure_test_website_page")', run: function () { ace.edit('ace-view-editor').getSession().insert({row: 4, column: 1}, '\n'); }, }, { content: "save the html editor", trigger: ".o_ace_view_editor button[data-action=save]", }, BROKEN_STEP ] ); });