/* global ace */ odoo.define('website.test.html_editor', function (require) { 'use strict'; const wTourUtils = require('website.tour_utils'); const adminCssModif = '#wrap {display: none;}'; const demoCssModif = '// demo_edition'; wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('html_editor_language', { url: '/test_page', test: true, }, [ { content: "open site menu", extra_trigger: "iframe body:not(.editor_enable)", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "open html editor", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_ace_editor"]', }, { content: "add something in the page's English version", trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_xml:contains("rumbler")', run: () => { ace.edit('ace-view-editor').getSession().insert({ row: 1, column: 1, }, '
\n'); }, }, { content: "save the html editor", extra_trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_xml:contains("br")', trigger: ".o_ace_view_editor button[data-action=save]", }, { content: "check that the page has the modification", trigger: 'iframe #wrapwrap:has(br)', run: () => {}, // it's a check }, { content: "check that the page has not lost the original text", trigger: 'iframe #wrapwrap:contains("rommelpot")', run: () => {}, // it's a check }, ] ); wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('html_editor_multiple_templates', { url: '/generic', edition: true, test: true, }, [ { content: "drop a snippet", trigger: ".oe_snippet:has(.s_cover) .oe_snippet_thumbnail", // id starting by 'oe_structure..' will actually create an inherited view run: "drag_and_drop iframe #oe_structure_test_ui", }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnSave(), // 2. Edit generic view { content: "open site menu", extra_trigger: "iframe body:not(.editor_enable)", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "open html editor", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_ace_editor"]', }, { content: "add something in the generic view", trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_xml:contains("Generic")', run: function () { ace.edit('ace-view-editor').getSession().insert({row: 3, column: 1}, '


\n'); }, }, // 3. Edit oe_structure specific view { content: "select oe_structure specific view", trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_xml:contains("somenewcontent")', run: function () { var viewId = $('#ace-view-list option:contains("oe_structure_test_ui")').val(); $('#ace-view-list').val(viewId).trigger('change'); }, }, { content: "add something in the oe_structure specific view", extra_trigger: '#ace-view-id:contains("test.generic_view_oe_structure_test_ui")', // If no xml_id it should show key trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_xml:contains("s_cover")', run: function () { ace.edit('ace-view-editor').getSession().insert({row: 2, column: 1}, '


\n'); }, }, { content: "save the html editor", extra_trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_xml:contains("anothernewcontent")', trigger: ".o_ace_view_editor button[data-action=save]", }, { content: "check that the page has both modification", extra_trigger: 'iframe #wrapwrap:contains("anothernewcontent")', trigger: 'iframe #wrapwrap:contains("somenewcontent")', run: function () {}, // it's a check }, ] ); wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('test_html_editor_scss', { url: '/contactus', test: true, }, [ // 1. Open Html Editor and select a scss file { content: "open site menu", extra_trigger: 'iframe #wrap:visible', // ensure state for later trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "open html editor", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_ace_editor"]', }, { content: "open type switcher", trigger: '.o_ace_type_switcher button', }, { content: "select scss files", trigger: '.o_ace_type_switcher_choice[data-type="scss"]', }, { content: "select 'user_custom_rules'", trigger: 'body:has(#ace-scss-list option:contains("user_custom_rules"))', run: function () { var scssId = $('#ace-scss-list option:contains("user_custom_rules")').val(); $('#ace-scss-list').val(scssId).trigger('change'); }, }, // 2. Edit that file and ensure it was saved then reset it { content: "add some scss content in the file", trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_comment:contains("footer {")', run: function () { ace.edit('ace-view-editor').getSession().insert({row: 2, column: 0}, `${adminCssModif}\n`); }, }, { content: "save the html editor", extra_trigger: `div.ace_line:contains("${adminCssModif}")`, trigger: ".o_ace_view_editor button[data-action=save]", }, { content: "check that the scss modification got applied", trigger: 'iframe body:has(#wrap:hidden)', run: function () {}, // it's a check timeout: 30000, // SCSS compilation might take some time }, { content: "reset view (after reload, html editor should have been reopened where it was)", trigger: '#ace-view-id button[data-action="reset"]:not([disabled])', }, { content: "confirm reset warning", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "check that the scss file was reset correctly, wrap content should now be visible again", trigger: 'iframe #wrap:visible', run: function () {}, // it's a check timeout: 30000, // SCSS compilation might take some time }, // 3. Customize again that file (will be used in second part of the test // to ensure restricted user can still use the HTML Editor) { content: "add some scss content in the file", trigger: 'div.ace_line .ace_comment:contains("footer {")', run: function () { ace.edit('ace-view-editor').getSession().insert({row: 2, column: 0}, `${adminCssModif}\n`); }, }, { content: "save the html editor", extra_trigger: `div.ace_line:contains("${adminCssModif}")`, trigger: '.o_ace_view_editor button[data-action=save]', }, { content: "check that the scss modification got applied", trigger: 'iframe body:has(#wrap:hidden)', run: function () {}, // it's a check }, ] ); wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('test_html_editor_scss_2', { url: '/', test: true, }, [ // This part of the test ensures that a restricted user can still use // the HTML Editor if someone else made a customization previously. // 4. Open Html Editor and select a scss file { content: "open site menu", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "open html editor", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_ace_editor"]', }, { content: "open type switcher", trigger: '.o_ace_type_switcher button', }, { content: "select scss files", trigger: '.o_ace_type_switcher_choice[data-type="scss"]', }, { content: "select 'user_custom_rules'", trigger: 'body:has(#ace-scss-list option:contains("user_custom_rules"))', run: function () { var scssId = $('#ace-scss-list option:contains("user_custom_rules")').val(); $('#ace-scss-list').val(scssId).trigger('change'); }, }, // 5. Edit that file and ensure it was saved then reset it { content: "add some scss content in the file", trigger: `div.ace_line:contains("${adminCssModif}")`, // ensure the admin modification is here run: function () { ace.edit('ace-view-editor').getSession().insert({row: 2, column: 0}, `${demoCssModif}\n`); }, }, { content: "save the html editor", extra_trigger: `div.ace_line:contains("${demoCssModif}")`, trigger: ".o_ace_view_editor button[data-action=save]", }, { content: "reset view (after reload, html editor should have been reopened where it was)", trigger: '#ace-view-id button[data-action="reset"]:not([disabled])', timeout: 30000, // SCSS compilation might take some time }, { content: "confirm reset warning", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "check that the scss file was reset correctly", extra_trigger: `body:not(:has(div.ace_line:contains("${adminCssModif}")))`, trigger: `body:not(:has(div.ace_line:contains("${demoCssModif}")))`, run: function () {}, // it's a check timeout: 30000, // SCSS compilation might take some time }, ] ); });