# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import Command from odoo.tests import HttpCase, TransactionCase, tagged @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestCustomSnippet(TransactionCase): def test_translations_custom_snippet(self): ResLang = self.env['res.lang'] View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] # 1. Setup website and languages parseltongue = ResLang.create({ 'name': 'Parseltongue', 'code': 'pa_GB', 'iso_code': 'pa_GB', 'url_code': 'pa_GB', }) ResLang._activate_lang(parseltongue.code) website = self.env.ref('website.default_website') website.language_ids = [Command.link(parseltongue.id)] data_name_attr = "Custom Text Block Test Translations" data_name_attr2 = "Custom Title Test Translations" # Note that `s_custom_snippet` is supposed to be added by the JS when # sending a snippet arch to the `save_snippet` python method. # Adding it here to mimick the real flow, but at this point it really is # just a regular snippet. snippet_arch = f"""
English Text
""" snippet_arch2 = f"""

English Title

""" # 2. Create a view containing a snippet and translate it view1 = View.create({ 'name': 'Specific View Test Translation 1', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': f'''




''', 'key': 'test.specific_view_test_translation_1', 'website_id': website.id, }) view1.update_field_translations('arch_db', { parseltongue.code: { 'English Text': 'Texte Francais', 'English Title': 'Titre Francais', } }) self.assertIn('Titre Francais', view1.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) self.assertIn('Texte Francais', view1.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) # 3. Save the snippet as custom snippet and ensure it is translated self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context( website_id=website.id, model=view1._name, # `arch` is not the field in DB (it's a compute), this is also # testing that it works in such cases (raw sql query would fail) field='arch', resId=view1.id, ).save_snippet( name=data_name_attr, arch=snippet_arch, thumbnail_url='/website/static/src/img/snippets_thumbs/s_text_block.svg', snippet_key='s_text_block', template_key='website.snippets' ) custom_snippet_view = View.search([('name', '=', data_name_attr)], limit=1) self.assertIn( 'Texte Francais', custom_snippet_view.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context( website_id=website.id, model=view1._name, # `arch` is not the field in DB (it's a compute), this is also # testing that it works in such cases (raw sql query would fail) field='arch', resId=view1.id, ).save_snippet( name=data_name_attr2, arch=snippet_arch2, thumbnail_url='/website/static/src/img/snippets_thumbs/s_text_block.svg', snippet_key='s_text_block', template_key='website.snippets' ) custom_snippet_view = View.search([('name', '=', data_name_attr2)], limit=1) self.assertIn( 'Titre Francais', custom_snippet_view.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) # 4. Simulate snippet being dropped in another page/view and ensure # it is translated view2 = View.create({ 'name': 'Specific View Test Translation 2', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '
', 'key': 'test.specific_view_test_translation_2', 'website_id': website.id, }) view2.save(f"
", xpath='/body[1]/div[1]') view2.save(f"
", xpath='/body[1]/div[2]') self.assertIn( 'Titre Francais', view2.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) self.assertIn( 'Texte Francais', view2.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) # 5. Simulate snippet being dropped in another model field and ensure # it is translated mega_menu = self.env['website.menu'].create({ 'name': 'Meaga Menu Test Translation 1', 'mega_menu_content': '
', }) view2.save(f'''
''', xpath='/body[1]/div[1]') self.assertIn( 'English Text', mega_menu.mega_menu_content) # Side test: this is testing that saving a custom snippet from a record # which is not an ir.ui.view works fine. # Indeed, it's a more complexe case as it's basically copying # translations from Model1.Field1 to Model2.Field2 -> different model # and different field. mega_menu.mega_menu_content = f'
' mega_menu.update_field_translations('mega_menu_content', { parseltongue.code: { 'English Text': 'Texte Francais', } }) self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context( website_id=website.id, model=mega_menu._name, field='mega_menu_content', resId=mega_menu.id, ).save_snippet( name='Test Translation MegaMenu', arch=snippet_arch, thumbnail_url='/website/static/src/img/snippets_thumbs/s_text_block.svg', snippet_key='s_text_block', template_key='website.snippets' ) custom_snippet_view = View.search([('name', '=', 'Test Translation MegaMenu')], limit=1) self.assertIn( 'Texte Francais', custom_snippet_view.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) # Check that a translated page/view with a custom snippet won't copy # the translation from the saved custom view for the terms that are # "already translated". view = View.create({ 'name': 'Custom Snippet Test View', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': """

English Text

""", 'key': 'test.custom_snippet_test_view', 'website_id': website.id, }) view.update_field_translations('arch_db', { parseltongue.code: { 'English Text': 'Parseltongue Text', } }) self.assertIn( 'Parseltongue Text', view.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) view.save(f'
', xpath='/body[1]/div[1]') self.assertIn( 'Parseltongue Text', view.with_context(lang=parseltongue.code).arch) @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestHttpCustomSnippet(HttpCase): def test_editable_root_as_custom_snippet(self): View = self.env['ir.ui.view'] Page = self.env['website.page'] custom_page_view = View.create({ 'name': 'Custom Page View', 'type': 'qweb', 'key': 'test.custom_page_view', 'arch': """
Some section in a snippet which is an editable root (holds the branding).
""", }) custom_page = Page.create({ 'view_id': custom_page_view.id, 'url': '/custom-page', }) self.start_tour(f'{custom_page.url}?enable_editor=1', 'editable_root_as_custom_snippet', login='admin')