# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import random from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import AccessDenied, AccessError, UserError from odoo.tools import html_escape class CrmLead(models.Model): _inherit = "crm.lead" partner_latitude = fields.Float('Geo Latitude', digits=(10, 7)) partner_longitude = fields.Float('Geo Longitude', digits=(10, 7)) partner_assigned_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Assigned Partner', tracking=True, domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]", help="Partner this case has been forwarded/assigned to.", index='btree_not_null') partner_declined_ids = fields.Many2many( 'res.partner', 'crm_lead_declined_partner', 'lead_id', 'partner_id', string='Partner not interested') date_partner_assign = fields.Date( 'Partner Assignment Date', compute='_compute_date_partner_assign', copy=True, readonly=False, store=True, help="Last date this case was forwarded/assigned to a partner") @api.depends("partner_assigned_id") def _compute_date_partner_assign(self): for lead in self: if not lead.partner_assigned_id: lead.date_partner_assign = False else: lead.date_partner_assign = fields.Date.context_today(lead) def _merge_get_fields(self): fields_list = super(CrmLead, self)._merge_get_fields() fields_list += ['partner_latitude', 'partner_longitude', 'partner_assigned_id', 'date_partner_assign'] return fields_list def assign_salesman_of_assigned_partner(self): salesmans_leads = {} for lead in self: if lead.active and lead.probability < 100: if lead.partner_assigned_id and lead.partner_assigned_id.user_id != lead.user_id: salesmans_leads.setdefault(lead.partner_assigned_id.user_id.id, []).append(lead.id) for salesman_id, leads_ids in salesmans_leads.items(): leads = self.browse(leads_ids) leads.write({'user_id': salesman_id}) def action_assign_partner(self): """ While assigning a partner, geo-localization is performed only for leads having country set (see method 'assign_geo_localize' and 'search_geo_partner'). So for leads that does not have country set, we show the notification, and for the rest, we geo-localize them. """ leads_with_country = self.filtered(lambda lead: lead.country_id) leads_without_country = self - leads_with_country if leads_without_country: self.env['bus.bus']._sendone(self.env.user.partner_id, 'simple_notification', { 'title': _("Warning"), 'message': _('There is no country set in addresses for %(lead_names)s.', lead_names=', '.join(leads_without_country.mapped('name'))), }) return leads_with_country.assign_partner(partner_id=False) def assign_partner(self, partner_id=False): partner_dict = {} res = False if not partner_id: partner_dict = self.search_geo_partner() for lead in self: if not partner_id: partner_id = partner_dict.get(lead.id, False) if not partner_id: tag_to_add = self.env.ref('website_crm_partner_assign.tag_portal_lead_partner_unavailable', False) if tag_to_add: lead.write({'tag_ids': [(4, tag_to_add.id, False)]}) continue lead.assign_geo_localize(lead.partner_latitude, lead.partner_longitude) partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id) if partner.user_id: lead._handle_salesmen_assignment(user_ids=partner.user_id.ids, team_id=partner.team_id.id) lead.write({'partner_assigned_id': partner_id}) return res def assign_geo_localize(self, latitude=False, longitude=False): if latitude and longitude: self.write({ 'partner_latitude': latitude, 'partner_longitude': longitude }) return True # Don't pass context to browse()! We need country name in english below for lead in self: if lead.partner_latitude and lead.partner_longitude: continue if lead.country_id: result = self.env['res.partner']._geo_localize( lead.street, lead.zip, lead.city, lead.state_id.name, lead.country_id.name ) if result: lead.write({ 'partner_latitude': result[0], 'partner_longitude': result[1] }) return True def _prepare_customer_values(self, partner_name, is_company=False, parent_id=False): res = super()._prepare_customer_values(partner_name, is_company=is_company, parent_id=parent_id) res.update({ 'partner_latitude': self.partner_latitude, 'partner_longitude': self.partner_longitude, }) return res def search_geo_partner(self): Partner = self.env['res.partner'] res_partner_ids = {} self.assign_geo_localize() for lead in self: partner_ids = [] if not lead.country_id: continue latitude = lead.partner_latitude longitude = lead.partner_longitude if latitude and longitude: # 1. first way: in the same country, small area partner_ids = Partner.search([ ('partner_weight', '>', 0), ('partner_latitude', '>', latitude - 2), ('partner_latitude', '<', latitude + 2), ('partner_longitude', '>', longitude - 1.5), ('partner_longitude', '<', longitude + 1.5), ('country_id', '=', lead.country_id.id), ('id', 'not in', lead.partner_declined_ids.mapped('id')), ]) # 2. second way: in the same country, big area if not partner_ids: partner_ids = Partner.search([ ('partner_weight', '>', 0), ('partner_latitude', '>', latitude - 4), ('partner_latitude', '<', latitude + 4), ('partner_longitude', '>', longitude - 3), ('partner_longitude', '<', longitude + 3), ('country_id', '=', lead.country_id.id), ('id', 'not in', lead.partner_declined_ids.mapped('id')), ]) # 3. third way: in the same country, extra large area if not partner_ids: partner_ids = Partner.search([ ('partner_weight', '>', 0), ('partner_latitude', '>', latitude - 8), ('partner_latitude', '<', latitude + 8), ('partner_longitude', '>', longitude - 8), ('partner_longitude', '<', longitude + 8), ('country_id', '=', lead.country_id.id), ('id', 'not in', lead.partner_declined_ids.mapped('id')), ]) # 5. fifth way: anywhere in same country if not partner_ids: # still haven't found any, let's take all partners in the country! partner_ids = Partner.search([ ('partner_weight', '>', 0), ('country_id', '=', lead.country_id.id), ('id', 'not in', lead.partner_declined_ids.mapped('id')), ]) # 6. sixth way: closest partner whatsoever, just to have at least one result if not partner_ids: # warning: point() type takes (longitude, latitude) as parameters in this order! self._cr.execute("""SELECT id, distance FROM (select id, (point(partner_longitude, partner_latitude) <-> point(%s,%s)) AS distance FROM res_partner WHERE active AND partner_longitude is not null AND partner_latitude is not null AND partner_weight > 0 AND id not in (select partner_id from crm_lead_declined_partner where lead_id = %s) ) AS d ORDER BY distance LIMIT 1""", (longitude, latitude, lead.id)) res = self._cr.dictfetchone() if res: partner_ids = Partner.browse([res['id']]) if partner_ids: res_partner_ids[lead.id] = random.choices( partner_ids.ids, partner_ids.mapped('partner_weight'), )[0] return res_partner_ids def partner_interested(self, comment=False): message = _('

I am interested by this lead.

') if comment: message += '


' % html_escape(comment) for lead in self: lead.message_post(body=message) lead.sudo().convert_opportunity(lead.partner_id) # sudo required to convert partner data def partner_desinterested(self, comment=False, contacted=False, spam=False): if contacted: message = '


' % _('I am not interested by this lead. I contacted the lead.') else: message = '


' % _('I am not interested by this lead. I have not contacted the lead.') partner_ids = self.env['res.partner'].search( [('id', 'child_of', self.env.user.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.id)]) self.message_unsubscribe(partner_ids=partner_ids.ids) if comment: message += '


' % html_escape(comment) self.message_post(body=message) values = { 'partner_assigned_id': False, } if spam: tag_spam = self.env.ref('website_crm_partner_assign.tag_portal_lead_is_spam', False) if tag_spam and tag_spam not in self.tag_ids: values['tag_ids'] = [(4, tag_spam.id, False)] if partner_ids: values['partner_declined_ids'] = [(4, p, 0) for p in partner_ids.ids] self.sudo().write(values) def update_lead_portal(self, values): self.check_access_rights('write') for lead in self: lead_values = { 'expected_revenue': values['expected_revenue'], 'probability': values['probability'] or False, 'priority': values['priority'], 'date_deadline': values['date_deadline'] or False, } # As activities may belong to several users, only the current portal user activity # will be modified by the portal form. If no activity exist we create a new one instead # that we assign to the portal user. user_activity = lead.sudo().activity_ids.filtered(lambda activity: activity.user_id == self.env.user)[:1] if values['activity_date_deadline']: if user_activity: user_activity.sudo().write({ 'activity_type_id': values['activity_type_id'], 'summary': values['activity_summary'], 'date_deadline': values['activity_date_deadline'], }) else: self.env['mail.activity'].sudo().create({ 'res_model_id': self.env.ref('crm.model_crm_lead').id, 'res_id': lead.id, 'user_id': self.env.user.id, 'activity_type_id': values['activity_type_id'], 'summary': values['activity_summary'], 'date_deadline': values['activity_date_deadline'], }) lead.write(lead_values) def update_contact_details_from_portal(self, values): self.check_access_rights('write') fields = ['partner_name', 'phone', 'mobile', 'email_from', 'street', 'street2', 'city', 'zip', 'state_id', 'country_id'] if any([key not in fields for key in values]): raise UserError(_("Not allowed to update the following field(s) : %s.") % ", ".join([key for key in values if not key in fields])) return self.sudo().write(values) @api.model def create_opp_portal(self, values): if not (self.env.user.partner_id.grade_id or self.env.user.commercial_partner_id.grade_id): raise AccessDenied() user = self.env.user self = self.sudo() if not (values['contact_name'] and values['description'] and values['title']): return { 'errors': _('All fields are required !') } tag_own = self.env.ref('website_crm_partner_assign.tag_portal_lead_own_opp', False) values = { 'contact_name': values['contact_name'], 'name': values['title'], 'description': values['description'], 'priority': '2', 'partner_assigned_id': user.commercial_partner_id.id, } if tag_own: values['tag_ids'] = [(4, tag_own.id, False)] lead = self.create(values) lead.assign_salesman_of_assigned_partner() lead.convert_opportunity(lead.partner_id) return { 'id': lead.id } # # DO NOT FORWARD PORT IN MASTER # instead, crm.lead should implement portal.mixin # def _get_access_action(self, access_uid=None, force_website=False): """ Instead of the classic form view, redirect to the online document for portal users or if force_website=True. """ self.ensure_one() user, record = self.env.user, self if access_uid: try: record.check_access_rights('read') record.check_access_rule("read") except AccessError: return super(CrmLead, self)._get_access_action(access_uid=access_uid, force_website=force_website) user = self.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(access_uid) record = self.with_user(user) if user.share or force_website: try: record.check_access_rights('read') record.check_access_rule('read') except AccessError: pass else: return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'url': '/my/opportunity/%s' % record.id, } return super(CrmLead, self)._get_access_action(access_uid=access_uid, force_website=force_website)