Elearning: New Course Content Notification New {{ object.slide_category }} published on {{ object.channel_id.name }} Sent to attendees when new course is published


There is something new in the course Trees, Wood and Gardens you are following:

Enjoy this exclusive content!
Mitchell Admin

Elearning: Course Share {{ user.name }} shared a {{ object.slide_category }} with you! {{ user.email_formatted }} {{ ctx.get('email', '') }} Sent when attendees share the course by email


Mitchell Admin shared the document Trees with you!

Mitchell Admin

Elearning: Completed Course Congratulations! You completed {{ object.channel_id.name }} {{ (object.channel_id.user_id.email_formatted or object.channel_id.user_id.company_id.catchall_formatted) }} {{ object.partner_id.id }} Sent to attendees once they've completed the course

Hello Brandon Freeman,


You've completed the course Basics of Gardening

Check out the other available courses.

Enjoy this exclusive content!
Mitchell Admin
{{ object.partner_id.lang }}
Channel Shared {{ user.name }} shared a Course {{ user.email_formatted }}


Mitchell Admin shared the document with you!

Mitchell Admin

Elearning: Course Invite You have been invited to join {{ object.channel_id.name }} Sent to attendees when they are added to a course


You have been invited to join a new course: Basics of Gardening.

{{ object.partner_id.lang }}