# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.addons.website_slides.tests import common class TestAttendee(common.SlidesCase): def test_course_attendee_copy(self): """ To check members of the channel after duplication of contact """ # Adding attendee self.channel._action_add_members(self.customer) self.channel.invalidate_recordset() # Attendee count before copy of contact attendee_before = self.env['slide.channel.partner'].search_count([]) # Duplicating the contact self.customer.copy() # Attendee count after copy of contact attendee_after = self.env['slide.channel.partner'].search_count([]) self.assertEqual(attendee_before, attendee_after, "Duplicating the contact should not create a new attendee")