# Translation of Odoo Server. # This file contains the translation of the following modules: # * website_slides_forum # # Translators: # Rastislav Brencic , 2022 # Martin Trigaux, 2022 # Jiří Podhorecký, 2022 # Aleš Fiala , 2024 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 16.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-14 05:53+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-22 05:57+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Aleš Fiala , 2024\n" "Language-Team: Czech (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/cs/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n" "Language: cs\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\n" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "(The above section was adapted from Stackoverflow’s FAQ.)" msgstr "(Výše uvedená část byla upravena z FAQ Stackoverflow.)" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Answers should not add or expand questions. Instead either edit the " "question or add a question comment." msgstr "" "Odpovědi by neměly přidávat ani rozšiřovat otázky. Místo toho buď " "otázku upravte, nebo přidejte komentář k otázce." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Answers should not add or expand questions. Instead, either edit the " "question or add a comment." msgstr "" "Odpovědi by neměly přidávat ani rozšiřovat otázky. Místo toho buď " "otázku upravte, nebo přidejte komentář." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Answers should not comment other answers. Instead add a comment on " "the other answers." msgstr "" "Odpovědi by neměly komentovat jiné odpovědi. Místo toho přidejte " "komentář k ostatním odpovědím." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Answers should not start debates This community Q&A is not a " "discussion group. Please avoid holding debates in your answers as they tend " "to dilute the essence of questions and answers. For brief discussions please" " use commenting facility." msgstr "" "Odpovědi by neměly začít debaty. Tyto komunitní otázky a odpovědi " "nejsou diskusní skupinou. Vyhněte se, abyste ve svých odpovědích pořádali " "debaty, protože mají tendenci oslabovat podstatu otázek a odpovědí. Pro " "krátké diskuse použijte komentář." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Answers shouldn't just point to other Questions. Instead add a " "question comment indication \"Possible duplicate of...\". However, it's ok " "to include links to other questions or answers providing relevant additional" " information." msgstr "" "Odpovědi by neměly jen odkazovat na jiné otázky. Místo toho přidejte " "poznámku s poznámkou k otázce \"Možný duplikát ...\". Je však v pořádku " "zahrnout odkazy na další otázky nebo odpovědi, které poskytují relevantní " "doplňující informace." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Answers shouldn't just point to other questions.Instead add a comment" " indicating \"Possible duplicate of...\". However, it's fine to " "include links to other questions or answers providing relevant additional " "information." msgstr "" "Odpovědi by neměly poukazovat pouze na jiné otázky. Místo toho " "přidejte komentář označující „Možný duplikát ...“. Je však v pořádku " "zahrnout odkazy na další otázky nebo odpovědi poskytující relevantní " "doplňující informace." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Answers shouldn't just provide a link a solution. Instead provide the" " solution description text in your answer, even if it's just a copy/paste. " "Links are welcome, but should be complementary to answer, referring sources " "or additional reading." msgstr "" "Odpovědi by neměly poskytovat pouze odkaz na řešení. Místo toho " "poskytněte textový popis řešení do své odpovědi, i když je to jen kopie / " "vložení. Odkazy jsou vítány, ale měly by doplňovat odpovědi, odkazovat " "zdroje nebo doplňující čtení." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Before you ask - please make sure to search for a similar question. " "You can search questions by their title or tags. It’s also OK to answer your" " own question." msgstr "" "Než se zeptáte - nezapomeňte hledat podobnou otázku. Otázky můžete " "vyhledávat podle názvu nebo značek. Je také v pořádku odpovědět na vlastní " "otázku." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Please avoid asking questions that are too subjective and " "argumentative or not relevant to this community." msgstr "" "Vyhněte se prosím kladení otázek, které jsou pro tuto komunitu příliš " "subjektivní a argumentační nebo nejsou relevantní." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "What kinds of questions can I ask here?" msgstr "Jaké druhy otázek zde mohu pokládat?" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "What should I avoid in my answers?" msgstr "Čemu se mám ve svých odpovědích vyhnout?" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "What should I avoid in my questions?" msgstr "Čemu se mám ve svých otázkách vyhnout?" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "Why can other people edit my questions/answers?" msgstr "Proč mohou ostatní lidé upravovat moje otázky / odpovědi?" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.slide_fullscreen msgid "" "Forum" msgstr "" "Fórum" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_header msgid " Course" msgstr " Kurz" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:forum.forum,name:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 msgid "Basics of Gardening" msgstr "Základy zahradnictví" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_index msgid "Check our Courses " msgstr "Podívejte se na naše kurzy " #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:website_slides_forum.forum_post_action_channel msgid "Come back later to monitor and moderate what is posted on your Forums." msgstr "" "Vraťte se později a sledujte a moderujte, co je zveřejněno na vašich fórech." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model,name:website_slides_forum.model_slide_channel #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__slide_channel_id msgid "Course" msgstr "Kurs" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_slide_channel__forum_id msgid "Course Forum" msgstr "Fórum kurzu" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__slide_channel_ids msgid "Courses" msgstr "Kurzy" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_index msgid "Courses Discussions" msgstr "Diskuzní kurzy" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_action_channel msgid "Create a Forum" msgstr "Vytvořit fórum" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_index msgid "Description" msgstr "Popis" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model.fields,help:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__slide_channel_ids msgid "Edit the course linked to this forum on the course form." msgstr "Upravte kurz propojený s tímto fórem ve formuláři kurzu." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "For example, if you ask an interesting question or give a helpful answer, " "your input will be upvoted. On the other hand if the answer is misleading - " "it will be downvoted. Each vote in favor will generate 10 points, each vote " "against will subtract 2 points. There is a limit of 200 points that can be " "accumulated for a question or answer per day. The table given at the end " "explains reputation point requirements for each type of moderation task." msgstr "" "Pokud například položíte zajímavou otázku nebo poskytnete užitečnou odpověď," " váš příspěvek bude hlasováním posunut nahoru. Na druhou stranu, pokud je " "odpověď zavádějící - bude hlasováním posunut dolů. Každým kladným hlasem " "získá 10 bodů, každý hlas proti odečte 2 body. Limit je 200 bodů denně, " "které lze nashromáždit za otázku nebo odpověď. Tabulka uvedená na konci " "vysvětluje požadavky na reputaci bodů pro každý typ úkolu moderování." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model,name:website_slides_forum.model_forum_forum #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:website_slides_forum.website_slides_menu_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.course_main #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.slide_fullscreen #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_channel_inherit_view_form #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_header msgid "Forum" msgstr "Fórum" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.snippet_options msgid "Forum Page" msgstr "Stránka fóra" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:website_slides_forum.forum_post_action_channel #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_channel_inherit_view_form msgid "Forum Posts" msgstr "Příspěvky fóra" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model.fields,help:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__visibility msgid "" "Forum linked to a Course, the visibility is the one applied on the course." msgstr "" "Fórum propojené s kurzem, viditelnost je ta, která se aplikuje na kurz." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_action_channel #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:website_slides_forum.website_slides_menu_forum_forum msgid "Forums" msgstr "Fóra" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_action_channel msgid "Forums allow your attendees to ask questions to your community." msgstr "Fóra umožňují vašim účastníkům klást otázky vaší komunitě." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "Here a table with the privileges and the karma level" msgstr "Zde tabulka s výsadami a úrovní karmy" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "Hide Intro" msgstr "Skrýt intro" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "If this approach is not for you, please respect the community." msgstr "Pokud tento přístup není pro vás, respektujte prosím komunitu." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "If you fit in one of these example or if your motivation for asking the " "question is “I would like to participate in a discussion about ______”, then" " you should not be asking here but on our mailing lists. However, if your " "motivation is “I would like others to explain ______ to me”, then you are " "probably OK." msgstr "" "Pokud zapadáte do některého z těchto příkladů nebo pokud máte motivaci k " "položení otázky „Chtěl bych se zúčastnit diskuse o ______“, neměli byste se " "ptát zde, ale na našich seznamech adresátů. Pokud je však vaše motivace " "„Chtěl bych, aby mi ostatní vysvětlili ______“, pak jste pravděpodobně v " "pořádku." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.res_config_settings_view_form msgid "Manage Forums" msgstr "Spravovat fóra" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "More over:" msgstr "Navíc:" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:website_slides_forum.forum_post_action_channel msgid "No Forum Post yet!" msgstr "Zatím žádný příspěvek na fóru!" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_slide_channel__forum_total_posts msgid "Number of active forum posts" msgstr "Počet aktivních příspěvků na fóru" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model.constraint,message:website_slides_forum.constraint_slide_channel_forum_uniq msgid "Only one course per forum!" msgstr "Pouze jeden kurz na fórum!" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:website_slides_forum.website_slides_menu_forum_post msgid "Posts" msgstr "Příspěvky" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registrovat" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_header msgid "Reviews" msgstr "Recenze" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_index msgid "See all Courses" msgstr "Zobrazit všechny kurzy" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.snippet_options msgid "Separate Courses" msgstr "Samostatné kurzy" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "The goal of this site is create a relevant knowledge base that would answer " "questions related to Odoo." msgstr "" "Cílem tohoto webu je vytvořit relevantní znalostní základnu, která by " "odpovídala na otázky týkající se Odoo." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "Therefore questions and answers can be edited like wiki pages by experienced" " users of this site in order to improve the overall quality of the knowledge" " base content. Such privileges are granted based on user karma level: you " "will be able to do the same once your karma gets high enough." msgstr "" "Zkušení uživatelé tohoto webu mohou proto upravovat otázky a odpovědi jako " "wiki stránky, aby se zvýšila celková kvalita obsahu znalostní báze. Taková " "oprávnění jsou udělována na základě uživatelské karmy: budete mít možnost " "udělat totéž, jakmile bude vaše karma dostatečně vysoká." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "This community is for professional and enthusiast users, partners and " "programmers. You can ask questions about:" msgstr "" "Tato komunita je pro profesionální a nadšené uživatele, partnery a " "programátory. Můžete klást otázky týkající se:" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services.\n" "
Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together." msgstr "" "Tato komunita je pro profesionály a nadšence našich produktů a služeb.\n" "
Sdílejte a diskutujte o nejlepším obsahu a nových marketingových nápadech, budujte svůj profesionální profil a společně se staňte lepším obchodníkem." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "To prevent your question from being flagged and possibly removed, avoid " "asking subjective questions where …" msgstr "" "Chcete-li zabránit tomu, aby byla vaše otázka označena a případně " "odstraněna, vyhýbejte se subjektivním otázkám, kde ..." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:forum.forum,name:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "Trees, Wood and Gardens" msgstr "Stromy, dřevo a zahrady" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__visibility msgid "Visibility" msgstr "Viditelnost" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "Welcome!" msgstr "Vítejte!" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "When a question or answer is upvoted, the user who posted them will gain " "some points, which are called \"karma points\". These points serve as a " "rough measure of the community trust to him/her. Various moderation tasks " "are gradually assigned to the users based on those points." msgstr "" "Když je otázka nebo odpověď kladně hlasována, uživatel, který ji zveřejnil, " "získá nějaké body, které se nazývají „body karmy“. Tyto body slouží jako " "hrubé měřítko důvěry komunity k němu/ní. Na základě těchto bodů jsou " "uživatelům postupně přidělovány různé moderátorské úkoly." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems" " that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the usefulness of this" " site and push other questions off the front page." msgstr "" "Měli byste se ptát pouze prakticky odpověditelné otázky na základě " "skutečných problémů, kterým čelíte. Diskutování, nekonečné otázky snižují " "užitečnost tohoto webu a vytlačují další otázky z přední stránky." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_view_form msgid "eLearning" msgstr "eLearning" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.forum_post_view_graph_slides msgid "eLearning Forum Posts" msgstr " eLearningové příspěvky na fóru" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "every answer is equally valid: “What’s your favorite ______?”" msgstr "každá odpověď je stejně platná: “Jaké je vaše oblíbené ______?”" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "how to configure or customize Odoo to specific business needs," msgstr "" "jak konfigurovat nebo přizpůsobit Odoo specifickým podnikovým potřebám," #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "how to develop modules for your own need," msgstr "jak vyvíjet moduly pro vlastní potřebu," #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "how to install Odoo on a specific infrastructure," msgstr "jak nainstalovat Odoo na konkrétní infrastrukturu," #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "it is a rant disguised as a question: “______ sucks, am I right?”" msgstr "" "jsou ty řeči maskované jako otázka “________ akorát otravuje, nemám pravdu?”" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "specific questions about Odoo service offers, etc." msgstr "konkrétní otázky týkající se nabídky služeb Odoo atd." #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "there is no actual problem to be solved: “I’m curious if other people feel " "like I do.”" msgstr "" "tohle není žádný skutečný problém, který by měl být vyřešen: “Jsem zvědavý, " "jestli se ostatní lidé cítí jako já.”" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "we are being asked an open-ended, hypothetical question: “What if ______ " "happened?”" msgstr "dostáváme otevřenou hypotetickou otázku: „Co kdyby se ______ stalo?“" #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "what's the best way to use Odoo for a specific business need," msgstr "jaký je nejlepší způsob použití Odoo pro konkrétní obchodní potřeby," #. module: website_slides_forum #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0 #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2 msgid "" "your answer is provided along with the question, and you expect more " "answers: “I use ______ for ______, what do you use?”" msgstr "" "vaše odpověď je poskytnuta spolu s otázkou, a vy očekáváte víc odpovědí: " "\"Používám ______ pro ______, co používáte vy?\""