# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import inspect import logging import warnings import traceback from odoo import api, models from odoo.exceptions import AccessDenied _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_autovacuum(func): """ Return whether ``func`` is an autovacuum method. """ return callable(func) and getattr(func, '_autovacuum', False) class AutoVacuum(models.AbstractModel): """ Helper model to the ``@api.autovacuum`` method decorator. """ _name = 'ir.autovacuum' _description = 'Automatic Vacuum' def _run_vacuum_cleaner(self): """ Perform a complete database cleanup by safely calling every ``@api.autovacuum`` decorated method. """ if not self.env.is_admin(): raise AccessDenied() for model in self.env.values(): cls = self.env.registry[model._name] for attr, func in inspect.getmembers(cls, is_autovacuum): _logger.debug('Calling %s.%s()', model, attr) try: func(model) self.env.cr.commit() except Exception: _logger.exception("Failed %s.%s()", model, attr) self.env.cr.rollback() # Ensure backward compatibility with the previous autovacuum API try: self.power_on() self.env.cr.commit() except Exception: _logger.exception("Failed power_on") self.env.cr.rollback() # Deprecated API @api.model def power_on(self, *args, **kwargs): tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2) if tb[-2].name == 'power_on': warnings.warn( "You are extending the 'power_on' ir.autovacuum method" f"in {tb[-2].filename} around line {tb[-2].lineno}. " "You should instead use the @api.autovacuum decorator " "on your garbage collecting method.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)