# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.osv.expression import TERM_OPERATORS_NEGATION from odoo.tools import ormcache TYPE2FIELD = { 'char': 'value_text', 'float': 'value_float', 'boolean': 'value_integer', 'integer': 'value_integer', 'text': 'value_text', 'binary': 'value_binary', 'many2one': 'value_reference', 'date': 'value_datetime', 'datetime': 'value_datetime', 'selection': 'value_text', } TYPE2CLEAN = { 'boolean': bool, 'integer': lambda val: val or False, 'float': lambda val: val or False, 'char': lambda val: val or False, 'text': lambda val: val or False, 'selection': lambda val: val or False, 'binary': lambda val: val or False, 'date': lambda val: val.date() if val else False, 'datetime': lambda val: val or False, } class Property(models.Model): _name = 'ir.property' _description = 'Company Property' _allow_sudo_commands = False name = fields.Char(index=True) res_id = fields.Char(string='Resource', index=True, help="If not set, acts as a default value for new resources",) company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', index=True) fields_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model.fields', string='Field', ondelete='cascade', required=True) value_float = fields.Float() value_integer = fields.Integer() value_text = fields.Text() # will contain (char, text) value_binary = fields.Binary(attachment=False) value_reference = fields.Char() value_datetime = fields.Datetime() type = fields.Selection([('char', 'Char'), ('float', 'Float'), ('boolean', 'Boolean'), ('integer', 'Integer'), ('text', 'Text'), ('binary', 'Binary'), ('many2one', 'Many2One'), ('date', 'Date'), ('datetime', 'DateTime'), ('selection', 'Selection'), ], required=True, default='many2one', index=True) def init(self): # Ensure there is at most one active variant for each combination. query = """ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ir_property_unique_index ON %s (fields_id, COALESCE(company_id, 0), COALESCE(res_id, '')) """ self.env.cr.execute(query % self._table) def _update_values(self, values): if 'value' not in values: return values value = values.pop('value') prop = None type_ = values.get('type') if not type_: if self: prop = self[0] type_ = prop.type else: type_ = self._fields['type'].default(self) field = TYPE2FIELD.get(type_) if not field: raise UserError(_('Invalid type')) if field == 'value_reference': if not value: value = False elif isinstance(value, models.BaseModel): value = '%s,%d' % (value._name, value.id) elif isinstance(value, int): field_id = values.get('fields_id') if not field_id: if not prop: raise ValueError() field_id = prop.fields_id else: field_id = self.env['ir.model.fields'].browse(field_id) value = '%s,%d' % (field_id.sudo().relation, value) values[field] = value return values def write(self, values): # if any of the records we're writing on has a res_id=False *or* # we're writing a res_id=False on any record default_set = False if self._ids: default_set = values.get('res_id') is False or any(not p.res_id for p in self) r = super(Property, self).write(self._update_values(values)) if default_set: # DLE P44: test `test_27_company_dependent` # Easy solution, need to flush write when changing a property. # Maybe it would be better to be able to compute all impacted cache value and update those instead # Then clear_caches must be removed as well. self.env.flush_all() self.clear_caches() return r @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): vals_list = [self._update_values(vals) for vals in vals_list] created_default = any(not v.get('res_id') for v in vals_list) r = super(Property, self).create(vals_list) if created_default: # DLE P44: test `test_27_company_dependent` self.env.flush_all() self.clear_caches() return r def unlink(self): default_deleted = any(not p.res_id for p in self) r = super().unlink() if default_deleted: self.clear_caches() return r def get_by_record(self): self.ensure_one() if self.type in ('char', 'text', 'selection'): return self.value_text elif self.type == 'float': return self.value_float elif self.type == 'boolean': return bool(self.value_integer) elif self.type == 'integer': return self.value_integer elif self.type == 'binary': return self.value_binary elif self.type == 'many2one': if not self.value_reference: return False model, resource_id = self.value_reference.split(',') return self.env[model].browse(int(resource_id)).exists() elif self.type == 'datetime': return self.value_datetime elif self.type == 'date': if not self.value_datetime: return False return fields.Date.to_string(fields.Datetime.from_string(self.value_datetime)) return False @api.model def _set_default(self, name, model, value, company=False): """ Set the given field's generic value for the given company. :param name: the field's name :param model: the field's model name :param value: the field's value :param company: the company (record or id) """ field_id = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(model, name).id company_id = int(company) if company else False prop = self.sudo().search([ ('fields_id', '=', field_id), ('company_id', '=', company_id), ('res_id', '=', False), ]) if prop: prop.write({'value': value}) else: prop.create({ 'fields_id': field_id, 'company_id': company_id, 'res_id': False, 'name': name, 'value': value, 'type': self.env[model]._fields[name].type, }) @api.model def _get(self, name, model, res_id=False): """ Get the given field's generic value for the record. :param name: the field's name :param model: the field's model name :param res_id: optional resource, format: "" (int) or "," (str) """ if not res_id: t, v = self._get_default_property(name, model) if not v or t != 'many2one': return v return self.env[v[0]].browse(v[1]) p = self._get_property(name, model, res_id=res_id) if p: return p.get_by_record() return False # only cache Property._get(res_id=False) as that's # sub-optimally. COMPANY_KEY = "self.env.company.id" @ormcache(COMPANY_KEY, 'name', 'model') def _get_default_property(self, name, model): prop = self._get_property(name, model, res_id=False) if not prop: return None, False v = prop.get_by_record() if prop.type != 'many2one': return prop.type, v return 'many2one', v and (v._name, v.id) def _get_property(self, name, model, res_id): domain = self._get_domain(name, model) if domain is not None: if res_id and isinstance(res_id, int): res_id = "%s,%s" % (model, res_id) domain = [('res_id', '=', res_id)] + domain #make the search with company_id asc to make sure that properties specific to a company are given first return self.sudo().search(domain, limit=1, order='company_id') return self.sudo().browse(()) def _get_domain(self, prop_name, model): field_id = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(model, prop_name).id if not field_id: return None company_id = self.env.company.id return [('fields_id', '=', field_id), ('company_id', 'in', [company_id, False])] @api.model def _get_multi(self, name, model, ids): """ Read the property field `name` for the records of model `model` with the given `ids`, and return a dictionary mapping `ids` to their corresponding value. """ if not ids: return {} field = self.env[model]._fields[name] field_id = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(model, name).id company_id = self.env.company.id or None if field.type == 'many2one': comodel = self.env[field.comodel_name] model_pos = len(model) + 2 value_pos = len(comodel._name) + 2 # retrieve values: both p.res_id and p.value_reference are formatted # as ","; the purpose of the LEFT JOIN is to # return the value id if it exists, NULL otherwise query = """ SELECT substr(p.res_id, %s)::integer, r.id FROM ir_property p LEFT JOIN {} r ON substr(p.value_reference, %s)::integer=r.id WHERE p.fields_id=%s AND (p.company_id=%s OR p.company_id IS NULL) AND (p.res_id IN %s OR p.res_id IS NULL) ORDER BY p.company_id NULLS FIRST """.format(comodel._table) params = [model_pos, value_pos, field_id, company_id] clean = comodel.browse elif field.type in TYPE2FIELD: model_pos = len(model) + 2 # retrieve values: p.res_id is formatted as "," query = """ SELECT substr(p.res_id, %s)::integer, p.{} FROM ir_property p WHERE p.fields_id=%s AND (p.company_id=%s OR p.company_id IS NULL) AND (p.res_id IN %s OR p.res_id IS NULL) ORDER BY p.company_id NULLS FIRST """.format(TYPE2FIELD[field.type]) params = [model_pos, field_id, company_id] clean = TYPE2CLEAN[field.type] else: return dict.fromkeys(ids, False) # retrieve values self.flush_model() cr = self.env.cr result = {} refs = {"%s,%s" % (model, id) for id in ids} for sub_refs in cr.split_for_in_conditions(refs): cr.execute(query, params + [sub_refs]) result.update(cr.fetchall()) # determine all values and format them default = result.get(None, None) return { id: clean(result.get(id, default)) for id in ids } @api.model def _set_multi(self, name, model, values, default_value=None): """ Assign the property field `name` for the records of model `model` with `values` (dictionary mapping record ids to their value). If the value for a given record is the same as the default value, the property entry will not be stored, to avoid bloating the database. If `default_value` is provided, that value will be used instead of the computed default value, to determine whether the value for a record should be stored or not. """ def clean(value): return value.id if isinstance(value, models.BaseModel) else value if not values: return if default_value is None: domain = self._get_domain(name, model) if domain is None: raise Exception() # retrieve the default value for the field default_value = clean(self._get(name, model)) # retrieve the properties corresponding to the given record ids field_id = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(model, name).id company_id = self.env.company.id refs = {('%s,%s' % (model, id)): id for id in values} props = self.sudo().search([ ('fields_id', '=', field_id), ('company_id', '=', company_id), ('res_id', 'in', list(refs)), ]) # modify existing properties for prop in props: id = refs.pop(prop.res_id) value = clean(values[id]) if value == default_value: # avoid prop.unlink(), as it clears the record cache that can # contain the value of other properties to set on record! self._cr.execute("DELETE FROM ir_property WHERE id=%s", [prop.id]) elif value != clean(prop.get_by_record()): prop.write({'value': value}) # create new properties for records that do not have one yet vals_list = [] for ref, id in refs.items(): value = clean(values[id]) if value != default_value: vals_list.append({ 'fields_id': field_id, 'company_id': company_id, 'res_id': ref, 'name': name, 'value': value, 'type': self.env[model]._fields[name].type, }) self.sudo().create(vals_list) @api.model def search_multi(self, name, model, operator, value): """ Return a domain for the records that match the given condition. """ default_matches = False negate = False # For "is set" and "is not set", same logic for all types if operator == 'in' and False in value: operator = 'not in' negate = True elif operator == 'not in' and False not in value: operator = 'in' negate = True elif operator in ('!=', 'not like', 'not ilike') and value: operator = TERM_OPERATORS_NEGATION[operator] negate = True elif operator == '=' and not value: operator = '!=' negate = True field = self.env[model]._fields[name] if field.type == 'many2one': def makeref(value): return value and f'{field.comodel_name},{value}' if operator in ('=', '!=', '<=', '<', '>', '>='): value = makeref(value) elif operator in ('in', 'not in'): value = [makeref(v) for v in value] elif operator in ('=like', '=ilike', 'like', 'not like', 'ilike', 'not ilike'): # most probably inefficient... but correct target = self.env[field.comodel_name] target_names = target.name_search(value, operator=operator, limit=None) target_ids = [n[0] for n in target_names] operator, value = 'in', [makeref(v) for v in target_ids] elif field.type in ('integer', 'float'): # No record is created in ir.property if the field's type is float or integer with a value # equal to 0. Then to match with the records that are linked to a property field equal to 0, # the negation of the operator must be taken to compute the goods and the domain returned # to match the searched records is just the opposite. value = float(value) if field.type == 'float' else int(value) if operator == '>=' and value <= 0: operator = '<' negate = True elif operator == '>' and value < 0: operator = '<=' negate = True elif operator == '<=' and value >= 0: operator = '>' negate = True elif operator == '<' and value > 0: operator = '>=' negate = True elif field.type == 'boolean': # the value must be mapped to an integer value value = int(value) # retrieve the properties that match the condition domain = self._get_domain(name, model) if domain is None: raise Exception() props = self.search(domain + [(TYPE2FIELD[field.type], operator, value)]) # retrieve the records corresponding to the properties that match good_ids = [] for prop in props: if prop.res_id: __, res_id = prop.res_id.split(',') good_ids.append(int(res_id)) else: default_matches = True if default_matches: # exclude all records with a property that does not match props = self.search(domain + [('res_id', '!=', False)]) all_ids = {int(res_id.split(',')[1]) for res_id in props.mapped('res_id')} bad_ids = list(all_ids - set(good_ids)) if negate: return [('id', 'in', bad_ids)] else: return [('id', 'not in', bad_ids)] elif negate: return [('id', 'not in', good_ids)] else: return [('id', 'in', good_ids)]