# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from types import SimpleNamespace from unittest.mock import patch from odoo.addons.base.models.res_users import is_selection_groups, get_selection_groups, name_selection_groups from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase, Form, tagged, new_test_user from odoo.tools import mute_logger class TestUsers(TransactionCase): def test_name_search(self): """ Check name_search on user. """ User = self.env['res.users'] test_user = User.create({'name': 'Flad the Impaler', 'login': 'vlad'}) like_user = User.create({'name': 'Wlad the Impaler', 'login': 'vladi'}) other_user = User.create({'name': 'Nothing similar', 'login': 'nothing similar'}) all_users = test_user | like_user | other_user res = User.name_search('vlad', operator='ilike') self.assertEqual(User.browse(i[0] for i in res) & all_users, test_user) res = User.name_search('vlad', operator='not ilike') self.assertEqual(User.browse(i[0] for i in res) & all_users, all_users) res = User.name_search('', operator='ilike') self.assertEqual(User.browse(i[0] for i in res) & all_users, all_users) res = User.name_search('', operator='not ilike') self.assertEqual(User.browse(i[0] for i in res) & all_users, User) res = User.name_search('lad', operator='ilike') self.assertEqual(User.browse(i[0] for i in res) & all_users, test_user | like_user) res = User.name_search('lad', operator='not ilike') self.assertEqual(User.browse(i[0] for i in res) & all_users, other_user) def test_user_partner(self): """ Check that the user partner is well created """ User = self.env['res.users'] Partner = self.env['res.partner'] Company = self.env['res.company'] company_1 = Company.create({'name': 'company_1'}) company_2 = Company.create({'name': 'company_2'}) partner = Partner.create({ 'name': 'Bob Partner', 'company_id': company_2.id }) # case 1 : the user has no partner test_user = User.create({ 'name': 'John Smith', 'login': 'jsmith', 'company_ids': [company_1.id], 'company_id': company_1.id }) self.assertFalse( test_user.partner_id.company_id, "The partner_id linked to a user should be created without any company_id") # case 2 : the user has a partner test_user = User.create({ 'name': 'Bob Smith', 'login': 'bsmith', 'company_ids': [company_1.id], 'company_id': company_1.id, 'partner_id': partner.id }) self.assertEqual( test_user.partner_id.company_id, company_1, "If the partner_id of a user has already a company, it is replaced by the user company" ) def test_change_user_company(self): """ Check the partner company update when the user company is changed """ User = self.env['res.users'] Company = self.env['res.company'] test_user = User.create({'name': 'John Smith', 'login': 'jsmith'}) company_1 = Company.create({'name': 'company_1'}) company_2 = Company.create({'name': 'company_2'}) test_user.company_ids += company_1 test_user.company_ids += company_2 # 1: the partner has no company_id, no modification test_user.write({ 'company_id': company_1.id }) self.assertFalse( test_user.partner_id.company_id, "On user company change, if its partner_id has no company_id," "the company_id of the partner_id shall NOT be updated") # 2: the partner has a company_id different from the new one, update it test_user.partner_id.write({ 'company_id': company_1.id }) test_user.write({ 'company_id': company_2.id }) self.assertEqual( test_user.partner_id.company_id, company_2, "On user company change, if its partner_id has already a company_id," "the company_id of the partner_id shall be updated" ) @mute_logger('odoo.sql_db') def test_deactivate_portal_users_access(self): """Test that only a portal users can deactivate his account.""" user_internal = self.env['res.users'].create({ 'name': 'Internal', 'login': 'user_internal', 'password': 'password', 'groups_id': [self.env.ref('base.group_user').id], }) with self.assertRaises(UserError, msg='Internal users should not be able to deactivate their account'): user_internal._deactivate_portal_user() @mute_logger('odoo.sql_db') def test_deactivate_portal_users_archive_and_remove(self): """Test that if the account can not be removed, it's archived instead and sensitive information are removed. In this test, the deletion of "portal_user" will succeed, but the deletion of "portal_user_2" will fail. """ User = self.env['res.users'] portal_user = User.create({ 'name': 'Portal', 'login': 'portal_user', 'password': 'password', 'groups_id': [self.env.ref('base.group_portal').id], }) portal_partner = portal_user.partner_id portal_user_2 = User.create({ 'name': 'Portal', 'login': 'portal_user_2', 'password': 'password', 'groups_id': [self.env.ref('base.group_portal').id], }) portal_partner_2 = portal_user_2.partner_id (portal_user | portal_user_2)._deactivate_portal_user() self.assertTrue(portal_user.exists() and not portal_user.active, 'Should have archived the user 1') self.assertEqual(portal_user.name, 'Portal', 'Should have kept the user name') self.assertEqual(portal_user.partner_id.name, 'Portal', 'Should have kept the partner name') self.assertNotEqual(portal_user.login, 'portal_user', 'Should have removed the user login') asked_deletion_1 = self.env['res.users.deletion'].search([('user_id', '=', portal_user.id)]) asked_deletion_2 = self.env['res.users.deletion'].search([('user_id', '=', portal_user_2.id)]) self.assertTrue(asked_deletion_1, 'Should have added the user 1 in the deletion queue') self.assertTrue(asked_deletion_2, 'Should have added the user 2 in the deletion queue') # The deletion will fail for "portal_user_2", # because of the absence of "ondelete=cascade" self.cron = self.env['ir.cron'].create({ 'name': 'Test Cron', 'user_id': portal_user_2.id, 'model_id': self.env.ref('base.model_res_partner').id, }) self.env['res.users.deletion']._gc_portal_users() self.assertFalse(portal_user.exists(), 'Should have removed the user') self.assertFalse(portal_partner.exists(), 'Should have removed the partner') self.assertEqual(asked_deletion_1.state, 'done', 'Should have marked the deletion as done') self.assertTrue(portal_user_2.exists(), 'Should have kept the user') self.assertTrue(portal_partner_2.exists(), 'Should have kept the partner') self.assertEqual(asked_deletion_2.state, 'fail', 'Should have marked the deletion as failed') def test_user_home_action_restriction(self): test_user = new_test_user(self.env, 'hello world') # Find an action that contains restricted context ('active_id') restricted_action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].search([('context', 'ilike', 'active_id')], limit=1) with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): test_user.action_id = restricted_action.id # Find an action without restricted context allowed_action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].search(['!', ('context', 'ilike', 'active_id')], limit=1) test_user.action_id = allowed_action.id self.assertEqual(test_user.action_id.id, allowed_action.id) def test_context_get_lang(self): self.env['res.lang'].with_context(active_test=False).search([ ('code', 'in', ['fr_FR', 'es_ES', 'de_DE', 'en_US']) ]).write({'active': True}) user = new_test_user(self.env, 'jackoneill') user = user.with_user(user) user.lang = 'fr_FR' company = user.company_id.partner_id.sudo() company.lang = 'de_DE' request = SimpleNamespace() request.best_lang = 'es_ES' request_patch = patch('odoo.addons.base.models.res_users.request', request) self.addCleanup(request_patch.stop) request_patch.start() self.assertEqual(user.context_get()['lang'], 'fr_FR') self.env.registry.clear_caches() user.lang = False self.assertEqual(user.context_get()['lang'], 'es_ES') self.env.registry.clear_caches() request_patch.stop() self.assertEqual(user.context_get()['lang'], 'de_DE') self.env.registry.clear_caches() company.lang = False self.assertEqual(user.context_get()['lang'], 'en_US') @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestUsers2(TransactionCase): def test_reified_groups(self): """ The groups handler doesn't use the "real" view with pseudo-fields during installation, so it always works (because it uses the normal groups_id field). """ # use the specific views which has the pseudo-fields f = Form(self.env['res.users'], view='base.view_users_form') f.name = "bob" f.login = "bob" user = f.save() self.assertIn(self.env.ref('base.group_user'), user.groups_id) # all template user groups are copied default_user = self.env.ref('base.default_user') self.assertEqual(default_user.groups_id, user.groups_id) def test_selection_groups(self): # create 3 groups that should be in a selection app = self.env['ir.module.category'].create({'name': 'Foo'}) group1, group2, group0 = self.env['res.groups'].create([ {'name': name, 'category_id': app.id} for name in ('User', 'Manager', 'Visitor') ]) # THIS PART IS NECESSARY TO REPRODUCE AN ISSUE: group1.id < group2.id < group0.id self.assertLess(group1.id, group2.id) self.assertLess(group2.id, group0.id) # implication order is group0 < group1 < group2 group2.implied_ids = group1 group1.implied_ids = group0 groups = group0 + group1 + group2 # determine the name of the field corresponding to groups fname = next( name for name in self.env['res.users'].fields_get() if is_selection_groups(name) and group0.id in get_selection_groups(name) ) self.assertCountEqual(get_selection_groups(fname), groups.ids) # create a user user = self.env['res.users'].create({'name': 'foo', 'login': 'foo'}) # put user in group0, and check field value user.write({fname: group0.id}) self.assertEqual(user.groups_id & groups, group0) self.assertEqual(user.read([fname])[0][fname], group0.id) # put user in group1, and check field value user.write({fname: group1.id}) self.assertEqual(user.groups_id & groups, group0 + group1) self.assertEqual(user.read([fname])[0][fname], group1.id) # put user in group2, and check field value user.write({fname: group2.id}) self.assertEqual(user.groups_id & groups, groups) self.assertEqual(user.read([fname])[0][fname], group2.id) normalized_values = user._remove_reified_groups({fname: group0.id}) self.assertEqual(sorted(normalized_values['groups_id']), [(3, group1.id), (3, group2.id), (4, group0.id)]) normalized_values = user._remove_reified_groups({fname: group1.id}) self.assertEqual(sorted(normalized_values['groups_id']), [(3, group2.id), (4, group1.id)]) normalized_values = user._remove_reified_groups({fname: group2.id}) self.assertEqual(normalized_values['groups_id'], [(4, group2.id)]) def test_read_group_with_reified_field(self): """ Check that read_group gets rid of reified fields""" User = self.env['res.users'] fnames = ['name', 'email', 'login'] # find some reified field name reified_fname = next( fname for fname in User.fields_get() if fname.startswith(('in_group_', 'sel_groups_')) ) # check that the reified field name has no effect in fields res_with_reified = User.read_group([], fnames + [reified_fname], ['company_id']) res_without_reified = User.read_group([], fnames, ['company_id']) self.assertEqual(res_with_reified, res_without_reified, "Reified fields should be ignored") # Verify that the read_group is raising an error if reified field is used as groupby with self.assertRaises(ValueError): User.read_group([], fnames + [reified_fname], [reified_fname]) def test_reified_groups_on_change(self): """Test that a change on a reified fields trigger the onchange of groups_id.""" group_public = self.env.ref('base.group_public') group_portal = self.env.ref('base.group_portal') group_user = self.env.ref('base.group_user') # Build the reified group field name user_groups = group_public | group_portal | group_user user_groups_ids = [str(group_id) for group_id in sorted(user_groups.ids)] group_field_name = f"sel_groups_{'_'.join(user_groups_ids)}" # with self.debug_mode(): user_form = Form(self.env['res.users'], view='base.view_users_form') user_form.name = "Test" user_form.login = "Test" self.assertFalse(user_form.share) setattr(user_form, group_field_name, group_portal.id) self.assertTrue(user_form.share, 'The groups_id onchange should have been triggered') setattr(user_form, group_field_name, group_user.id) self.assertFalse(user_form.share, 'The groups_id onchange should have been triggered') setattr(user_form, group_field_name, group_public.id) self.assertTrue(user_form.share, 'The groups_id onchange should have been triggered') @tagged('post_install', '-at_install', 'res_groups') class TestUsersGroupWarning(TransactionCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ These are the Groups and their Hierarchy we have Used to test Group warnings. Category groups hierarchy: Sales ├── User: All Documents └── Administrator Timesheets ├── User: own timesheets only ├── User: all timesheets └── Administrator Project ├── User └── Administrator Field Service ├── User └── Administrator Implied groups hierarchy: Sales / Administrator └── Sales / User: All Documents Timesheets / Administrator └── Timesheets / User: all timesheets └── Timehseets / User: own timesheets only Project / Administrator ├── Project / User └── Timesheets / User: all timesheets Field Service / Administrator ├── Sales / Administrator ├── Project / Administrator └── Field Service / User """ super().setUpClass() ResGroups = cls.env['res.groups'] IrModuleCategory = cls.env['ir.module.category'] categ_sales = IrModuleCategory.create({'name': 'Sales'}) categ_project = IrModuleCategory.create({'name': 'Project'}) categ_field_service = IrModuleCategory.create({'name': 'Field Service'}) categ_timesheets = IrModuleCategory.create({'name': 'Timesheets'}) # Sales cls.group_sales_user, cls.group_sales_administrator = ResGroups.create([ {'name': 'User: All Documents', 'category_id': categ_sales.id}, {'name': 'Administrator', 'category_id': categ_sales.id}, ]) cls.sales_categ_field = name_selection_groups((cls.group_sales_user | cls.group_sales_administrator).ids) cls.group_sales_administrator.implied_ids = cls.group_sales_user # Timesheets cls.group_timesheets_user_own_timesheet = ResGroups.create([ {'name': 'User: own timesheets only', 'category_id': categ_timesheets.id} ]) cls.group_timesheets_user_all_timesheet = ResGroups.create([ {'name': 'User: all timesheets', 'category_id': categ_timesheets.id} ]) cls.group_timesheets_administrator = ResGroups.create([ {'name': 'Administrator', 'category_id': categ_timesheets.id} ]) cls.timesheets_categ_field = name_selection_groups((cls.group_timesheets_user_own_timesheet | cls.group_timesheets_user_all_timesheet | cls.group_timesheets_administrator).ids ) cls.group_timesheets_administrator.implied_ids += cls.group_timesheets_user_all_timesheet cls.group_timesheets_user_all_timesheet.implied_ids += cls.group_timesheets_user_own_timesheet # Project cls.group_project_user, cls.group_project_admnistrator = ResGroups.create([ {'name': 'User', 'category_id': categ_project.id}, {'name': 'Administrator', 'category_id': categ_project.id}, ]) cls.project_categ_field = name_selection_groups((cls.group_project_user | cls.group_project_admnistrator).ids) cls.group_project_admnistrator.implied_ids = (cls.group_project_user | cls.group_timesheets_user_all_timesheet) # Field Service cls.group_field_service_user, cls.group_field_service_administrator = ResGroups.create([ {'name': 'User', 'category_id': categ_field_service.id}, {'name': 'Administrator', 'category_id': categ_field_service.id}, ]) cls.field_service_categ_field = name_selection_groups((cls.group_field_service_user | cls.group_field_service_administrator).ids) cls.group_field_service_administrator.implied_ids = (cls.group_sales_administrator | cls.group_project_admnistrator | cls.group_field_service_user).ids # User cls.test_group_user = cls.env['res.users'].create({ 'name': 'Test Group User', 'login': 'TestGroupUser', 'groups_id': ( cls.env.ref('base.group_user') | cls.group_timesheets_administrator | cls.group_field_service_administrator).ids, }) def test_user_group_empty_group_warning(self): """ User changes Empty Sales access from 'Sales: Administrator'. The warning should be there since 'Sales: Administrator' is required when user is having 'Field Service: Administrator'. When user reverts the changes, warning should disappear. """ # 97 requests if only base is installed # 412 runbot community # 549 runbot enterprise with self.assertQueryCount(__system__=549), \ Form(self.test_group_user.with_context(show_user_group_warning=True), view='base.view_users_form') as UserForm: UserForm._values[self.sales_categ_field] = False UserForm._perform_onchange([self.sales_categ_field]) self.assertEqual( UserForm.user_group_warning, 'Since Test Group User is a/an "Field Service: Administrator", they will at least obtain the right "Sales: Administrator"' ) UserForm._values[self.sales_categ_field] = self.group_sales_administrator.id UserForm._perform_onchange([self.sales_categ_field]) self.assertFalse(UserForm.user_group_warning) def test_user_group_inheritance_warning(self): """ User changes 'Sales: User' from 'Sales: Administrator'. The warning should be there since 'Sales: Administrator' is required when user is having 'Field Service: Administrator'. When user reverts the changes, warning should disappear. """ # 97 requests if only base is installed # 412 runbot community # 549 runbot enterprise with self.assertQueryCount(__system__=549), \ Form(self.test_group_user.with_context(show_user_group_warning=True), view='base.view_users_form') as UserForm: UserForm._values[self.sales_categ_field] = self.group_sales_user.id UserForm._perform_onchange([self.sales_categ_field]) self.assertEqual( UserForm.user_group_warning, 'Since Test Group User is a/an "Field Service: Administrator", they will at least obtain the right "Sales: Administrator"' ) UserForm._values[self.sales_categ_field] = self.group_sales_administrator.id UserForm._perform_onchange([self.sales_categ_field]) self.assertFalse(UserForm.user_group_warning) def test_user_group_inheritance_warning_multi(self): """ User changes 'Sales: User' from 'Sales: Administrator' and 'Project: User' from 'Project: Administrator'. The warning should be there since 'Sales: Administrator' and 'Project: Administrator' are required when user is havning 'Field Service: Administrator'. When user reverts the changes For 'Sales: Administrator', warning should disappear for Sales Access.""" # 101 requests if only base is installed # 416 runbot community # 553 runbot enterprise with self.assertQueryCount(__system__=553), \ Form(self.test_group_user.with_context(show_user_group_warning=True), view='base.view_users_form') as UserForm: UserForm._values[self.sales_categ_field] = self.group_sales_user.id UserForm._values[self.project_categ_field] = self.group_project_user.id UserForm._perform_onchange([self.sales_categ_field]) self.assertTrue( UserForm.user_group_warning, 'Since Test Group User is a/an "Field Service: Administrator", they will at least obtain the right "Sales: Administrator", Project: Administrator"', ) UserForm._values[self.sales_categ_field] = self.group_sales_administrator.id UserForm._perform_onchange([self.sales_categ_field]) self.assertEqual( UserForm.user_group_warning, 'Since Test Group User is a/an "Field Service: Administrator", they will at least obtain the right "Project: Administrator"' ) def test_user_group_least_possible_inheritance_warning(self): """ User changes 'Timesheets: User: own timesheets only ' from 'Timesheets: Administrator'. The warning should be there since 'Timesheets: User: all timesheets' is at least required when user is having 'Project: Administrator'. When user reverts the changes For 'Timesheets: User: all timesheets', warning should disappear.""" # 98 requests if only base is installed # 413 runbot community # 550 runbot enterprise with self.assertQueryCount(__system__=550), \ Form(self.test_group_user.with_context(show_user_group_warning=True), view='base.view_users_form') as UserForm: UserForm._values[self.timesheets_categ_field] = self.group_timesheets_user_own_timesheet.id UserForm._perform_onchange([self.timesheets_categ_field]) self.assertEqual( UserForm.user_group_warning, 'Since Test Group User is a/an "Project: Administrator", they will at least obtain the right "Timesheets: User: all timesheets"' ) UserForm._values[self.timesheets_categ_field] = self.group_timesheets_user_all_timesheet.id UserForm._perform_onchange([self.timesheets_categ_field]) self.assertFalse(UserForm.user_group_warning) def test_user_group_parent_inheritance_no_warning(self): """ User changes 'Field Service: User' from 'Field Service: Administrator'. The warning should not be there since 'Field Service: User' is not affected by any other groups.""" # 83 requests if only base is installed # 397 runbot community # 534 runbot enterprise with self.assertQueryCount(__system__=534), \ Form(self.test_group_user.with_context(show_user_group_warning=True), view='base.view_users_form') as UserForm: UserForm._values[self.field_service_categ_field] = self.group_field_service_user.id UserForm._perform_onchange([self.field_service_categ_field]) self.assertFalse(UserForm.user_group_warning)