# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import ast import collections.abc import copy import functools import importlib import logging import os import pkg_resources import re import sys import warnings from os.path import join as opj, normpath import odoo import odoo.tools as tools import odoo.release as release from odoo.tools import pycompat from odoo.tools.misc import file_path MANIFEST_NAMES = ('__manifest__.py', '__openerp__.py') README = ['README.rst', 'README.md', 'README.txt'] _DEFAULT_MANIFEST = { #addons_path: f'/path/to/the/addons/path/of/{module}', # automatic 'application': False, 'bootstrap': False, # web 'assets': {}, 'author': 'Odoo S.A.', 'auto_install': False, 'category': 'Uncategorized', 'data': [], 'demo': [], 'demo_xml': [], 'depends': [], 'description': '', 'external_dependencies': [], #icon: f'/{module}/static/description/icon.png', # automatic 'init_xml': [], 'installable': True, 'images': [], # website 'images_preview_theme': {}, # website themes #license, mandatory 'live_test_url': '', # website themes #name, mandatory 'post_init_hook': '', 'post_load': '', 'pre_init_hook': '', 'sequence': 100, 'snippet_lists': {}, # website themes 'summary': '', 'test': [], 'update_xml': [], 'uninstall_hook': '', 'version': '1.0', 'web': False, 'website': '', } _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # addons path as a list # ad_paths is a deprecated alias, please use odoo.addons.__path__ @tools.lazy def ad_paths(): warnings.warn( '"odoo.modules.module.ad_paths" is a deprecated proxy to ' '"odoo.addons.__path__".', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return odoo.addons.__path__ # Modules already loaded loaded = [] class AddonsHook(object): """ Makes modules accessible through openerp.addons.* """ def find_module(self, name, path=None): if name.startswith('openerp.addons.') and name.count('.') == 2: warnings.warn( '"openerp.addons" is a deprecated alias to "odoo.addons".', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self def find_spec(self, fullname, path=None, target=None): if fullname.startswith('openerp.addons.') and fullname.count('.') == 2: warnings.warn( '"openerp.addons" is a deprecated alias to "odoo.addons".', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return importlib.util.spec_from_loader(fullname, self) def load_module(self, name): assert name not in sys.modules odoo_name = re.sub(r'^openerp.addons.(\w+)$', r'odoo.addons.\g<1>', name) odoo_module = sys.modules.get(odoo_name) if not odoo_module: odoo_module = importlib.import_module(odoo_name) sys.modules[name] = odoo_module return odoo_module class OdooHook(object): """ Makes odoo package also available as openerp """ def find_module(self, name, path=None): # openerp.addons. should already be matched by AddonsHook, # only framework and subdirectories of modules should match if re.match(r'^openerp\b', name): warnings.warn( 'openerp is a deprecated alias to odoo.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self def find_spec(self, fullname, path=None, target=None): # openerp.addons. should already be matched by AddonsHook, # only framework and subdirectories of modules should match if re.match(r'^openerp\b', fullname): warnings.warn( 'openerp is a deprecated alias to odoo.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return importlib.util.spec_from_loader(fullname, self) def load_module(self, name): assert name not in sys.modules canonical = re.sub(r'^openerp(.*)', r'odoo\g<1>', name) if canonical in sys.modules: mod = sys.modules[canonical] else: # probable failure: canonical execution calling old naming -> corecursion mod = importlib.import_module(canonical) # just set the original module at the new location. Don't proxy, # it breaks *-import (unless you can find how `from a import *` lists # what's supposed to be imported by `*`, and manage to override it) sys.modules[name] = mod return sys.modules[name] class UpgradeHook(object): """Makes the legacy `migrations` package being `odoo.upgrade`""" def find_module(self, name, path=None): if re.match(r"^odoo\.addons\.base\.maintenance\.migrations\b", name): # We can't trigger a DeprecationWarning in this case. # In order to be cross-versions, the multi-versions upgrade scripts (0.0.0 scripts), # the tests, and the common files (utility functions) still needs to import from the # legacy name. return self def find_spec(self, fullname, path=None, target=None): if re.match(r"^odoo\.addons\.base\.maintenance\.migrations\b", fullname): # We can't trigger a DeprecationWarning in this case. # In order to be cross-versions, the multi-versions upgrade scripts (0.0.0 scripts), # the tests, and the common files (utility functions) still needs to import from the # legacy name. return importlib.util.spec_from_loader(fullname, self) def load_module(self, name): assert name not in sys.modules canonical_upgrade = name.replace("odoo.addons.base.maintenance.migrations", "odoo.upgrade") if canonical_upgrade in sys.modules: mod = sys.modules[canonical_upgrade] else: mod = importlib.import_module(canonical_upgrade) sys.modules[name] = mod return sys.modules[name] def initialize_sys_path(): """ Setup the addons path ``odoo.addons.__path__`` with various defaults and explicit directories. """ # hook odoo.addons on data dir dd = os.path.normcase(tools.config.addons_data_dir) if os.access(dd, os.R_OK) and dd not in odoo.addons.__path__: odoo.addons.__path__.append(dd) # hook odoo.addons on addons paths for ad in tools.config['addons_path'].split(','): ad = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(tools.ustr(ad.strip()))) if ad not in odoo.addons.__path__: odoo.addons.__path__.append(ad) # hook odoo.addons on base module path base_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'addons'))) if base_path not in odoo.addons.__path__ and os.path.isdir(base_path): odoo.addons.__path__.append(base_path) # hook odoo.upgrade on upgrade-path from odoo import upgrade legacy_upgrade_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'base', 'maintenance', 'migrations') for up in (tools.config['upgrade_path'] or legacy_upgrade_path).split(','): up = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(tools.ustr(up.strip()))) if os.path.isdir(up) and up not in upgrade.__path__: upgrade.__path__.append(up) # create decrecated module alias from odoo.addons.base.maintenance.migrations to odoo.upgrade spec = importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec("odoo.addons.base.maintenance", None, is_package=True) maintenance_pkg = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) maintenance_pkg.migrations = upgrade sys.modules["odoo.addons.base.maintenance"] = maintenance_pkg sys.modules["odoo.addons.base.maintenance.migrations"] = upgrade # hook deprecated module alias from openerp to odoo and "crm"-like to odoo.addons if not getattr(initialize_sys_path, 'called', False): # only initialize once sys.meta_path.insert(0, UpgradeHook()) sys.meta_path.insert(0, OdooHook()) sys.meta_path.insert(0, AddonsHook()) initialize_sys_path.called = True def get_module_path(module, downloaded=False, display_warning=True): """Return the path of the given module. Search the addons paths and return the first path where the given module is found. If downloaded is True, return the default addons path if nothing else is found. """ if re.search(r"[\/\\]", module): return False for adp in odoo.addons.__path__: files = [opj(adp, module, manifest) for manifest in MANIFEST_NAMES] +\ [opj(adp, module + '.zip')] if any(os.path.exists(f) for f in files): return opj(adp, module) if downloaded: return opj(tools.config.addons_data_dir, module) if display_warning: _logger.warning('module %s: module not found', module) return False def get_module_filetree(module, dir='.'): warnings.warn( "Since 16.0: use os.walk or a recursive glob or something", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) path = get_module_path(module) if not path: return False dir = os.path.normpath(dir) if dir == '.': dir = '' if dir.startswith('..') or (dir and dir[0] == '/'): raise Exception('Cannot access file outside the module') files = odoo.tools.osutil.listdir(path, True) tree = {} for f in files: if not f.startswith(dir): continue if dir: f = f[len(dir)+int(not dir.endswith('/')):] lst = f.split(os.sep) current = tree while len(lst) != 1: current = current.setdefault(lst.pop(0), {}) current[lst.pop(0)] = None return tree def get_resource_path(module, *args): """Return the full path of a resource of the given module. :param module: module name :param list(str) args: resource path components within module :rtype: str :return: absolute path to the resource """ resource_path = opj(module, *args) try: return file_path(resource_path) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): return False def check_resource_path(mod_path, *args): resource_path = opj(mod_path, *args) try: return file_path(resource_path) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): return False # backwards compatibility get_module_resource = get_resource_path def get_resource_from_path(path): """Tries to extract the module name and the resource's relative path out of an absolute resource path. If operation is successful, returns a tuple containing the module name, the relative path to the resource using '/' as filesystem seperator[1] and the same relative path using os.path.sep seperators. [1] same convention as the resource path declaration in manifests :param path: absolute resource path :rtype: tuple :return: tuple(module_name, relative_path, os_relative_path) if possible, else None """ resource = False sorted_paths = sorted(odoo.addons.__path__, key=len, reverse=True) for adpath in sorted_paths: # force trailing separator adpath = os.path.join(adpath, "") if os.path.commonprefix([adpath, path]) == adpath: resource = path.replace(adpath, "", 1) break if resource: relative = resource.split(os.path.sep) if not relative[0]: relative.pop(0) module = relative.pop(0) return (module, '/'.join(relative), os.path.sep.join(relative)) return None def get_module_icon(module): iconpath = ['static', 'description', 'icon.png'] if get_module_resource(module, *iconpath): return ('/' + module + '/') + '/'.join(iconpath) return '/base/' + '/'.join(iconpath) def get_module_icon_path(module): iconpath = ['static', 'description', 'icon.png'] path = get_module_resource(module.name, *iconpath) if not path: path = get_module_resource('base', *iconpath) return path def module_manifest(path): """Returns path to module manifest if one can be found under `path`, else `None`.""" if not path: return None for manifest_name in MANIFEST_NAMES: if os.path.isfile(opj(path, manifest_name)): return opj(path, manifest_name) def get_module_root(path): """ Get closest module's root beginning from path # Given: # /foo/bar/module_dir/static/src/... get_module_root('/foo/bar/module_dir/static/') # returns '/foo/bar/module_dir' get_module_root('/foo/bar/module_dir/') # returns '/foo/bar/module_dir' get_module_root('/foo/bar') # returns None @param path: Path from which the lookup should start @return: Module root path or None if not found """ while not module_manifest(path): new_path = os.path.abspath(opj(path, os.pardir)) if path == new_path: return None path = new_path return path def load_manifest(module, mod_path=None): """ Load the module manifest from the file system. """ if not mod_path: mod_path = get_module_path(module, downloaded=True) manifest_file = module_manifest(mod_path) if not manifest_file: _logger.debug('module %s: no manifest file found %s', module, MANIFEST_NAMES) return {} manifest = copy.deepcopy(_DEFAULT_MANIFEST) manifest['icon'] = get_module_icon(module) with tools.file_open(manifest_file, mode='r') as f: manifest.update(ast.literal_eval(f.read())) if not manifest['description']: readme_path = [opj(mod_path, x) for x in README if os.path.isfile(opj(mod_path, x))] if readme_path: with tools.file_open(readme_path[0]) as fd: manifest['description'] = fd.read() if not manifest.get('license'): manifest['license'] = 'LGPL-3' _logger.warning("Missing `license` key in manifest for %r, defaulting to LGPL-3", module) # auto_install is either `False` (by default) in which case the module # is opt-in, either a list of dependencies in which case the module is # automatically installed if all dependencies are (special case: [] to # always install the module), either `True` to auto-install the module # in case all dependencies declared in `depends` are installed. if isinstance(manifest['auto_install'], collections.abc.Iterable): manifest['auto_install'] = set(manifest['auto_install']) non_dependencies = manifest['auto_install'].difference(manifest['depends']) assert not non_dependencies,\ "auto_install triggers must be dependencies, found " \ "non-dependencies [%s] for module %s" % ( ', '.join(non_dependencies), module ) elif manifest['auto_install']: manifest['auto_install'] = set(manifest['depends']) manifest['version'] = adapt_version(manifest['version']) manifest['addons_path'] = normpath(opj(mod_path, os.pardir)) return manifest def get_manifest(module, mod_path=None): """ Get the module manifest. :param str module: The name of the module (sale, purchase, ...). :param Optional[str] mod_path: The optional path to the module on the file-system. If not set, it is determined by scanning the addons-paths. :returns: The module manifest as a dict or an empty dict when the manifest was not found. :rtype: dict """ return copy.deepcopy(_get_manifest_cached(module, mod_path)) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _get_manifest_cached(module, mod_path=None): return load_manifest(module, mod_path) def load_information_from_description_file(module, mod_path=None): warnings.warn( 'load_information_from_description_file() is a deprecated ' 'alias to get_manifest()', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return get_manifest(module, mod_path) def load_openerp_module(module_name): """ Load an OpenERP module, if not already loaded. This loads the module and register all of its models, thanks to either the MetaModel metaclass, or the explicit instantiation of the model. This is also used to load server-wide module (i.e. it is also used when there is no model to register). """ global loaded if module_name in loaded: return try: __import__('odoo.addons.' + module_name) # Call the module's post-load hook. This can done before any model or # data has been initialized. This is ok as the post-load hook is for # server-wide (instead of registry-specific) functionalities. info = get_manifest(module_name) if info['post_load']: getattr(sys.modules['odoo.addons.' + module_name], info['post_load'])() except Exception as e: msg = "Couldn't load module %s" % (module_name) _logger.critical(msg) _logger.critical(e) raise else: loaded.append(module_name) def get_modules(): """Returns the list of module names """ def listdir(dir): def clean(name): name = os.path.basename(name) if name[-4:] == '.zip': name = name[:-4] return name def is_really_module(name): for mname in MANIFEST_NAMES: if os.path.isfile(opj(dir, name, mname)): return True return [ clean(it) for it in os.listdir(dir) if is_really_module(it) ] plist = [] for ad in odoo.addons.__path__: if not os.path.exists(ad): _logger.warning("addons path does not exist: %s", ad) continue plist.extend(listdir(ad)) return sorted(set(plist)) def get_modules_with_version(): modules = get_modules() res = dict.fromkeys(modules, adapt_version('1.0')) for module in modules: try: info = get_manifest(module) res[module] = info['version'] except Exception: continue return res def adapt_version(version): serie = release.major_version if version == serie or not version.startswith(serie + '.'): version = '%s.%s' % (serie, version) return version current_test = False def check_python_external_dependency(pydep): try: pkg_resources.get_distribution(pydep) except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound as e: try: importlib.import_module(pydep) _logger.info("python external dependency on '%s' does not appear to be a valid PyPI package. Using a PyPI package name is recommended.", pydep) except ImportError: # backward compatibility attempt failed _logger.warning("DistributionNotFound: %s", e) raise Exception('Python library not installed: %s' % (pydep,)) except pkg_resources.VersionConflict as e: _logger.warning("VersionConflict: %s", e) raise Exception('Python library version conflict: %s' % (pydep,)) except Exception as e: _logger.warning("get_distribution(%s) failed: %s", pydep, e) raise Exception('Error finding python library %s' % (pydep,)) def check_manifest_dependencies(manifest): depends = manifest.get('external_dependencies') if not depends: return for pydep in depends.get('python', []): check_python_external_dependency(pydep) for binary in depends.get('bin', []): try: tools.find_in_path(binary) except IOError: raise Exception('Unable to find %r in path' % (binary,))