# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import random import threading import time from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence from functools import partial from psycopg2 import IntegrityError, OperationalError, errorcodes import odoo from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError, AccessError from odoo.models import BaseModel from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools import DotDict from odoo.tools.translate import _, translate_sql_constraint from . import security from ..tools import lazy _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PG_CONCURRENCY_ERRORS_TO_RETRY = (errorcodes.LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE, errorcodes.SERIALIZATION_FAILURE, errorcodes.DEADLOCK_DETECTED) MAX_TRIES_ON_CONCURRENCY_FAILURE = 5 def get_public_method(model, name): """ Get the public unbound method from a model. When the method does not exist or is inaccessible, raise appropriate errors. Accessible methods are public (in sense that python defined it: not prefixed with "_") and are not decorated with `@api.private`. """ assert isinstance(model, BaseModel), f"{model!r} is not a BaseModel for {name}" cls = type(model) method = getattr(cls, name, None) if not callable(method): raise AttributeError(f"The method '{model._name}.{name}' does not exist") # noqa: TRY004 for mro_cls in cls.mro(): cla_method = getattr(mro_cls, name, None) if not cla_method: continue if name.startswith('_') or getattr(cla_method, '_api_private', False): raise AccessError(f"Private methods (such as '{model._name}.{name}') cannot be called remotely.") # pylint: disable=missing-gettext return method def dispatch(method, params): db, uid, passwd = params[0], int(params[1]), params[2] security.check(db, uid, passwd) threading.current_thread().dbname = db threading.current_thread().uid = uid registry = odoo.registry(db).check_signaling() with registry.manage_changes(): if method == 'execute': res = execute(db, uid, *params[3:]) elif method == 'execute_kw': res = execute_kw(db, uid, *params[3:]) else: raise NameError("Method not available %s" % method) return res def execute_cr(cr, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw): # clean cache etc if we retry the same transaction cr.reset() env = odoo.api.Environment(cr, uid, {}) recs = env.get(obj) if recs is None: raise UserError(_("Object %s doesn't exist", obj)) get_public_method(recs, method) # Don't use the result, call_kw will redo the getattr result = retrying(partial(odoo.api.call_kw, recs, method, args, kw), env) # force evaluation of lazy values before the cursor is closed, as it would # error afterwards if the lazy isn't already evaluated (and cached) for l in _traverse_containers(result, lazy): _0 = l._value return result def execute_kw(db, uid, obj, method, args, kw=None): return execute(db, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw or {}) def execute(db, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw): with odoo.registry(db).cursor() as cr: res = execute_cr(cr, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw) if res is None: _logger.info('The method %s of the object %s can not return `None` !', method, obj) return res def _as_validation_error(env, exc): """ Return the IntegrityError encapsuled in a nice ValidationError """ unknown = _('Unknown') model = DotDict({'_name': unknown.lower(), '_description': unknown}) field = DotDict({'name': unknown.lower(), 'string': unknown}) for _name, rclass in env.registry.items(): if exc.diag.table_name == rclass._table: model = rclass field = model._fields.get(exc.diag.column_name) or field break if exc.pgcode == errorcodes.NOT_NULL_VIOLATION: return ValidationError(_( "The operation cannot be completed:\n" "- Create/update: a mandatory field is not set.\n" "- Delete: another model requires the record being deleted." " If possible, archive it instead.\n\n" "Model: %(model_name)s (%(model_tech_name)s)\n" "Field: %(field_name)s (%(field_tech_name)s)\n", model_name=model._description, model_tech_name=model._name, field_name=field.string, field_tech_name=field.name, )) if exc.pgcode == errorcodes.FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION: return ValidationError(_( "The operation cannot be completed: another model requires " "the record being deleted. If possible, archive it instead.\n\n" "Model: %(model_name)s (%(model_tech_name)s)\n" "Constraint: %(constraint)s\n", model_name=model._description, model_tech_name=model._name, constraint=exc.diag.constraint_name, )) if exc.diag.constraint_name in env.registry._sql_constraints: return ValidationError(_( "The operation cannot be completed: %s", translate_sql_constraint(env.cr, exc.diag.constraint_name, env.context.get('lang', 'en_US')) )) return ValidationError(_("The operation cannot be completed: %s", exc.args[0])) def retrying(func, env): """ Call ``func`` until the function returns without serialisation error. A serialisation error occurs when two requests in independent cursors perform incompatible changes (such as writing different values on a same record). By default, it retries up to 5 times. :param callable func: The function to call, you can pass arguments using :func:`functools.partial`:. :param odoo.api.Environment env: The environment where the registry and the cursor are taken. """ try: for tryno in range(1, MAX_TRIES_ON_CONCURRENCY_FAILURE + 1): tryleft = MAX_TRIES_ON_CONCURRENCY_FAILURE - tryno try: result = func() if not env.cr._closed: env.cr.flush() # submit the changes to the database break except (IntegrityError, OperationalError) as exc: if env.cr._closed: raise env.cr.rollback() env.reset() env.registry.reset_changes() if request: request.session = request._get_session_and_dbname()[0] # Rewind files in case of failure for filename, file in request.httprequest.files.items(): if hasattr(file, "seekable") and file.seekable(): file.seek(0) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot retry request on input file {filename!r} after serialization failure") from exc if isinstance(exc, IntegrityError): raise _as_validation_error(env, exc) from exc if exc.pgcode not in PG_CONCURRENCY_ERRORS_TO_RETRY: raise if not tryleft: _logger.info("%s, maximum number of tries reached!", errorcodes.lookup(exc.pgcode)) raise wait_time = random.uniform(0.0, 2 ** tryno) _logger.info("%s, %s tries left, try again in %.04f sec...", errorcodes.lookup(exc.pgcode), tryleft, wait_time) time.sleep(wait_time) else: # handled in the "if not tryleft" case raise RuntimeError("unreachable") except Exception: env.reset() env.registry.reset_changes() raise if not env.cr.closed: env.cr.commit() # effectively commits and execute post-commits env.registry.signal_changes() return result def _traverse_containers(val, type_): """ Yields atoms filtered by specified ``type_`` (or type tuple), traverses through standard containers (non-string mappings or sequences) *unless* they're selected by the type filter """ from odoo.models import BaseModel if isinstance(val, type_): yield val elif isinstance(val, (str, bytes, BaseModel)): return elif isinstance(val, Mapping): for k, v in val.items(): yield from _traverse_containers(k, type_) yield from _traverse_containers(v, type_) elif isinstance(val, Sequence): for v in val: yield from _traverse_containers(v, type_)