# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. """ The PostgreSQL connector is a connectivity layer between the OpenERP code and the database, *not* a database abstraction toolkit. Database abstraction is what the ORM does, in fact. """ import logging import os import re import threading import time import uuid import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import datetime, timedelta from inspect import currentframe import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extensions import psycopg2.extras from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT, ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED, ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ from psycopg2.pool import PoolError from psycopg2.sql import SQL, Identifier from werkzeug import urls from . import tools from .tools.func import frame_codeinfo, locked psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE) def undecimalize(value, cr): if value is None: return None return float(value) psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.new_type((700, 701, 1700), 'float', undecimalize)) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _logger_conn = _logger.getChild("connection") real_time = time.time.__call__ # ensure we have a non patched time for query times when using freezegun re_from = re.compile(r'\bfrom\s+"?([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\b', re.IGNORECASE) re_into = re.compile(r'\binto\s+"?([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\b', re.IGNORECASE) sql_counter = 0 class Savepoint: """ Reifies an active breakpoint, allows :meth:`BaseCursor.savepoint` users to internally rollback the savepoint (as many times as they want) without having to implement their own savepointing, or triggering exceptions. Should normally be created using :meth:`BaseCursor.savepoint` rather than directly. The savepoint will be rolled back on unsuccessful context exits (exceptions). It will be released ("committed") on successful context exit. The savepoint object can be wrapped in ``contextlib.closing`` to unconditionally roll it back. The savepoint can also safely be explicitly closed during context body. This will rollback by default. :param BaseCursor cr: the cursor to execute the `SAVEPOINT` queries on """ def __init__(self, cr): self.name = str(uuid.uuid1()) self._name = Identifier(self.name) self._cr = cr self.closed = False cr.execute(SQL('SAVEPOINT {}').format(self._name)) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close(rollback=exc_type is not None) def close(self, *, rollback=True): if not self.closed: self._close(rollback) def rollback(self): self._cr.execute(SQL('ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT {}').format(self._name)) def _close(self, rollback): if rollback: self.rollback() self._cr.execute(SQL('RELEASE SAVEPOINT {}').format(self._name)) self.closed = True class _FlushingSavepoint(Savepoint): def __init__(self, cr): cr.flush() super().__init__(cr) def rollback(self): self._cr.clear() super().rollback() def _close(self, rollback): try: if not rollback: self._cr.flush() except Exception: rollback = True raise finally: super()._close(rollback) class BaseCursor: """ Base class for cursors that manage pre/post commit hooks. """ def __init__(self): self.precommit = tools.Callbacks() self.postcommit = tools.Callbacks() self.prerollback = tools.Callbacks() self.postrollback = tools.Callbacks() # By default a cursor has no transaction object. A transaction object # for managing environments is instantiated by registry.cursor(). It # is not done here in order to avoid cyclic module dependencies. self.transaction = None def flush(self): """ Flush the current transaction, and run precommit hooks. """ if self.transaction is not None: self.transaction.flush() self.precommit.run() def clear(self): """ Clear the current transaction, and clear precommit hooks. """ if self.transaction is not None: self.transaction.clear() self.precommit.clear() def reset(self): """ Reset the current transaction (this invalidates more that clear()). This method should be called only right after commit() or rollback(). """ if self.transaction is not None: self.transaction.reset() def savepoint(self, flush=True) -> Savepoint: """context manager entering in a new savepoint With ``flush`` (the default), will automatically run (or clear) the relevant hooks. """ if flush: return _FlushingSavepoint(self) else: return Savepoint(self) def __enter__(self): """ Using the cursor as a contextmanager automatically commits and closes it:: with cr: cr.execute(...) # cr is committed if no failure occurred # cr is closed in any case """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): try: if exc_type is None: self.commit() finally: self.close() class Cursor(BaseCursor): """Represents an open transaction to the PostgreSQL DB backend, acting as a lightweight wrapper around psycopg2's ``cursor`` objects. ``Cursor`` is the object behind the ``cr`` variable used all over the OpenERP code. .. rubric:: Transaction Isolation One very important property of database transactions is the level of isolation between concurrent transactions. The SQL standard defines four levels of transaction isolation, ranging from the most strict *Serializable* level, to the least strict *Read Uncommitted* level. These levels are defined in terms of the phenomena that must not occur between concurrent transactions, such as *dirty read*, etc. In the context of a generic business data management software such as OpenERP, we need the best guarantees that no data corruption can ever be cause by simply running multiple transactions in parallel. Therefore, the preferred level would be the *serializable* level, which ensures that a set of transactions is guaranteed to produce the same effect as running them one at a time in some order. However, most database management systems implement a limited serializable isolation in the form of `snapshot isolation `_, providing most of the same advantages as True Serializability, with a fraction of the performance cost. With PostgreSQL up to version 9.0, this snapshot isolation was the implementation of both the ``REPEATABLE READ`` and ``SERIALIZABLE`` levels of the SQL standard. As of PostgreSQL 9.1, the previous snapshot isolation implementation was kept for ``REPEATABLE READ``, while a new ``SERIALIZABLE`` level was introduced, providing some additional heuristics to detect a concurrent update by parallel transactions, and forcing one of them to rollback. OpenERP implements its own level of locking protection for transactions that are highly likely to provoke concurrent updates, such as stock reservations or document sequences updates. Therefore we mostly care about the properties of snapshot isolation, but we don't really need additional heuristics to trigger transaction rollbacks, as we are taking care of triggering instant rollbacks ourselves when it matters (and we can save the additional performance hit of these heuristics). As a result of the above, we have selected ``REPEATABLE READ`` as the default transaction isolation level for OpenERP cursors, as it will be mapped to the desired ``snapshot isolation`` level for all supported PostgreSQL version (>10). .. attribute:: cache Cache dictionary with a "request" (-ish) lifecycle, only lives as long as the cursor itself does and proactively cleared when the cursor is closed. This cache should *only* be used to store repeatable reads as it ignores rollbacks and savepoints, it should not be used to store *any* data which may be modified during the life of the cursor. """ IN_MAX = 1000 # decent limit on size of IN queries - guideline = Oracle limit def __init__(self, pool, dbname, dsn, **kwargs): super().__init__() if 'serialized' in kwargs: warnings.warn("Since 16.0, 'serialized' parameter is not used anymore.", DeprecationWarning, 2) assert kwargs.keys() <= {'serialized'} self.sql_from_log = {} self.sql_into_log = {} # default log level determined at cursor creation, could be # overridden later for debugging purposes self.sql_log_count = 0 self._sql_table_tracking = False # avoid the call of close() (by __del__) if an exception # is raised by any of the following initializations self._closed = True self.__pool = pool self.dbname = dbname self._cnx = pool.borrow(dsn) self._obj = self._cnx.cursor() if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.__caller = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(), 2) else: self.__caller = False self._closed = False # real initialization value # See the docstring of this class. self.connection.set_isolation_level(ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ) self.cache = {} self._now = None def __build_dict(self, row): return {d.name: row[i] for i, d in enumerate(self._obj.description)} def dictfetchone(self): row = self._obj.fetchone() return row and self.__build_dict(row) def dictfetchmany(self, size): return [self.__build_dict(row) for row in self._obj.fetchmany(size)] def dictfetchall(self): return [self.__build_dict(row) for row in self._obj.fetchall()] def __del__(self): if not self._closed and not self._cnx.closed: # Oops. 'self' has not been closed explicitly. # The cursor will be deleted by the garbage collector, # but the database connection is not put back into the connection # pool, preventing some operation on the database like dropping it. # This can also lead to a server overload. msg = "Cursor not closed explicitly\n" if self.__caller: msg += "Cursor was created at %s:%s" % self.__caller else: msg += "Please enable sql debugging to trace the caller." _logger.warning(msg) self._close(True) def _format(self, query, params=None): encoding = psycopg2.extensions.encodings[self.connection.encoding] return self._obj.mogrify(query, params).decode(encoding, 'replace') def execute(self, query, params=None, log_exceptions=True): global sql_counter if params and not isinstance(params, (tuple, list, dict)): # psycopg2's TypeError is not clear if you mess up the params raise ValueError("SQL query parameters should be a tuple, list or dict; got %r" % (params,)) start = real_time() try: params = params or None res = self._obj.execute(query, params) except Exception as e: if log_exceptions: _logger.error("bad query: %s\nERROR: %s", tools.ustr(self._obj.query or query), e) raise finally: delay = real_time() - start if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _logger.debug("[%.3f ms] query: %s", 1000 * delay, self._format(query, params)) # simple query count is always computed self.sql_log_count += 1 sql_counter += 1 current_thread = threading.current_thread() if hasattr(current_thread, 'query_count'): current_thread.query_count += 1 current_thread.query_time += delay # optional hooks for performance and tracing analysis for hook in getattr(current_thread, 'query_hooks', ()): hook(self, query, params, start, delay) # advanced stats if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) or self._sql_table_tracking: delay *= 1E6 decoded_query = self._obj.query.decode() res_into = re_into.search(decoded_query) # prioritize `insert` over `select` so `select` subqueries are not # considered when inside a `insert` if res_into: self.sql_into_log.setdefault(res_into.group(1), [0, 0]) self.sql_into_log[res_into.group(1)][0] += 1 self.sql_into_log[res_into.group(1)][1] += delay else: res_from = re_from.search(decoded_query) if res_from: self.sql_from_log.setdefault(res_from.group(1), [0, 0]) self.sql_from_log[res_from.group(1)][0] += 1 self.sql_from_log[res_from.group(1)][1] += delay return res def split_for_in_conditions(self, ids, size=None): """Split a list of identifiers into one or more smaller tuples safe for IN conditions, after uniquifying them.""" return tools.misc.split_every(size or self.IN_MAX, ids) def print_log(self): global sql_counter if not _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): return def process(type): sqllogs = {'from': self.sql_from_log, 'into': self.sql_into_log} sum = 0 if sqllogs[type]: sqllogitems = sqllogs[type].items() _logger.debug("SQL LOG %s:", type) for r in sorted(sqllogitems, key=lambda k: k[1]): delay = timedelta(microseconds=r[1][1]) _logger.debug("table: %s: %s/%s", r[0], delay, r[1][0]) sum += r[1][1] sqllogs[type].clear() sum = timedelta(microseconds=sum) _logger.debug("SUM %s:%s/%d [%d]", type, sum, self.sql_log_count, sql_counter) sqllogs[type].clear() process('from') process('into') self.sql_log_count = 0 @contextmanager def _enable_logging(self): """ Forcefully enables logging for this cursor, restores it afterwards. Updates the logger in-place, so not thread-safe. """ level = _logger.level _logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: yield finally: _logger.setLevel(level) @contextmanager def _enable_table_tracking(self): old = self._sql_table_tracking try: self._sql_table_tracking = True yield finally: self._sql_table_tracking = old def close(self): if not self.closed: return self._close(False) def _close(self, leak=False): if not self._obj: return del self.cache # advanced stats only at logging.DEBUG level self.print_log() self._obj.close() # This force the cursor to be freed, and thus, available again. It is # important because otherwise we can overload the server very easily # because of a cursor shortage (because cursors are not garbage # collected as fast as they should). The problem is probably due in # part because browse records keep a reference to the cursor. del self._obj # Clean the underlying connection, and run rollback hooks. self.rollback() self._closed = True if leak: self._cnx.leaked = True else: chosen_template = tools.config['db_template'] keep_in_pool = self.dbname not in ('template0', 'template1', 'postgres', chosen_template) self.__pool.give_back(self._cnx, keep_in_pool=keep_in_pool) def autocommit(self, on): warnings.warn( f"Deprecated Methods since 16.0, use {'`_cnx.autocommit = True`' if on else '`_cnx.set_isolation_level`'} instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) if on: isolation_level = ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT else: isolation_level = ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ if self._serialized else ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED self._cnx.set_isolation_level(isolation_level) def commit(self): """ Perform an SQL `COMMIT` """ self.flush() result = self._cnx.commit() self.clear() self._now = None self.prerollback.clear() self.postrollback.clear() self.postcommit.run() return result def rollback(self): """ Perform an SQL `ROLLBACK` """ self.clear() self.postcommit.clear() self.prerollback.run() result = self._cnx.rollback() self._now = None self.postrollback.run() return result def __getattr__(self, name): if self._closed and name == '_obj': raise psycopg2.InterfaceError("Cursor already closed") return getattr(self._obj, name) @property def closed(self): return self._closed or self._cnx.closed def now(self): """ Return the transaction's timestamp ``NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'``. """ if self._now is None: self.execute("SELECT (now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')") self._now = self.fetchone()[0] return self._now class TestCursor(BaseCursor): """ A pseudo-cursor to be used for tests, on top of a real cursor. It keeps the transaction open across requests, and simulates committing, rolling back, and closing: +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | test cursor | queries on actual cursor | +========================+===================================================+ |``cr = TestCursor(...)``| SAVEPOINT test_cursor_N | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``cr.execute(query)`` | query | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``cr.commit()`` | RELEASE SAVEPOINT test_cursor_N | | | SAVEPOINT test_cursor_N (lazy) | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``cr.rollback()`` | ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT test_cursor_N (if savepoint)| +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | ``cr.close()`` | ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT test_cursor_N (if savepoint)| | | RELEASE SAVEPOINT test_cursor_N (if savepoint) | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ """ _cursors_stack = [] def __init__(self, cursor, lock): assert isinstance(cursor, BaseCursor) super().__init__() self._now = None self._closed = False self._cursor = cursor # we use a lock to serialize concurrent requests self._lock = lock self._lock.acquire() self._cursors_stack.append(self) # in order to simulate commit and rollback, the cursor maintains a # savepoint at its last commit, the savepoint is created lazily self._savepoint = self._cursor.savepoint(flush=False) def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self._savepoint: self._savepoint = self._cursor.savepoint(flush=False) return self._cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs) def close(self): if not self._closed: self.rollback() self._closed = True if self._savepoint: self._savepoint.close(rollback=False) tos = self._cursors_stack.pop() if tos is not self: _logger.warning("Found different un-closed cursor when trying to close %s: %s", self, tos) self._lock.release() def autocommit(self, on): warnings.warn("Deprecated method and does nothing since 16.0", DeprecationWarning, 2) def commit(self): """ Perform an SQL `COMMIT` """ self.flush() if self._savepoint: self._savepoint.close(rollback=False) self._savepoint = None self.clear() self.prerollback.clear() self.postrollback.clear() self.postcommit.clear() # TestCursor ignores post-commit hooks def rollback(self): """ Perform an SQL `ROLLBACK` """ self.clear() self.postcommit.clear() self.prerollback.run() if self._savepoint: self._savepoint.rollback() self.postrollback.run() def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._cursor, name) def now(self): """ Return the transaction's timestamp ``datetime.now()``. """ if self._now is None: self._now = datetime.now() return self._now class PsycoConnection(psycopg2.extensions.connection): def lobject(*args, **kwargs): pass if hasattr(psycopg2.extensions, 'ConnectionInfo'): @property def info(self): class PsycoConnectionInfo(psycopg2.extensions.ConnectionInfo): @property def password(self): pass return PsycoConnectionInfo(self) class ConnectionPool(object): """ The pool of connections to database(s) Keep a set of connections to pg databases open, and reuse them to open cursors for all transactions. The connections are *not* automatically closed. Only a close_db() can trigger that. """ def __init__(self, maxconn=64): self._connections = [] self._maxconn = max(maxconn, 1) self._lock = threading.Lock() def __repr__(self): used = len([1 for c, u in self._connections[:] if u]) count = len(self._connections) return "ConnectionPool(used=%d/count=%d/max=%d)" % (used, count, self._maxconn) def _debug(self, msg, *args): _logger_conn.debug(('%r ' + msg), self, *args) @locked def borrow(self, connection_info): """ :param dict connection_info: dict of psql connection keywords :rtype: PsycoConnection """ # free dead and leaked connections for i, (cnx, _) in tools.reverse_enumerate(self._connections): if cnx.closed: self._connections.pop(i) self._debug('Removing closed connection at index %d: %r', i, cnx.dsn) continue if getattr(cnx, 'leaked', False): delattr(cnx, 'leaked') self._connections.pop(i) self._connections.append((cnx, False)) _logger.info('%r: Free leaked connection to %r', self, cnx.dsn) for i, (cnx, used) in enumerate(self._connections): if not used and self._dsn_equals(cnx.dsn, connection_info): try: cnx.reset() except psycopg2.OperationalError: self._debug('Cannot reset connection at index %d: %r', i, cnx.dsn) # psycopg2 2.4.4 and earlier do not allow closing a closed connection if not cnx.closed: cnx.close() continue self._connections.pop(i) self._connections.append((cnx, True)) self._debug('Borrow existing connection to %r at index %d', cnx.dsn, i) return cnx if len(self._connections) >= self._maxconn: # try to remove the oldest connection not used for i, (cnx, used) in enumerate(self._connections): if not used: self._connections.pop(i) if not cnx.closed: cnx.close() self._debug('Removing old connection at index %d: %r', i, cnx.dsn) break else: # note: this code is called only if the for loop has completed (no break) raise PoolError('The Connection Pool Is Full') try: result = psycopg2.connect( connection_factory=PsycoConnection, **connection_info) except psycopg2.Error: _logger.info('Connection to the database failed') raise self._connections.append((result, True)) self._debug('Create new connection backend PID %d', result.get_backend_pid()) return result @locked def give_back(self, connection, keep_in_pool=True): self._debug('Give back connection to %r', connection.dsn) for i, (cnx, used) in enumerate(self._connections): if cnx is connection: self._connections.pop(i) if keep_in_pool: self._connections.append((cnx, False)) self._debug('Put connection to %r in pool', cnx.dsn) else: self._debug('Forgot connection to %r', cnx.dsn) cnx.close() break else: raise PoolError('This connection does not belong to the pool') @locked def close_all(self, dsn=None): count = 0 last = None for i, (cnx, used) in tools.reverse_enumerate(self._connections): if dsn is None or self._dsn_equals(cnx.dsn, dsn): cnx.close() last = self._connections.pop(i)[0] count += 1 if count: _logger.info('%r: Closed %d connections %s', self, count, (dsn and last and 'to %r' % last.dsn) or '') def _dsn_equals(self, dsn1, dsn2): alias_keys = {'dbname': 'database'} ignore_keys = ['password'] dsn1, dsn2 = ({ alias_keys.get(key, key): str(value) for key, value in (psycopg2.extensions.parse_dsn(dsn) if isinstance(dsn, str) else dsn).items() if key not in ignore_keys } for dsn in (dsn1, dsn2)) return dsn1 == dsn2 class Connection(object): """ A lightweight instance of a connection to postgres """ def __init__(self, pool, dbname, dsn): self.__dbname = dbname self.__dsn = dsn self.__pool = pool @property def dsn(self): dsn = dict(self.__dsn) dsn.pop('password', None) return dsn @property def dbname(self): return self.__dbname def cursor(self, **kwargs): if 'serialized' in kwargs: warnings.warn("Since 16.0, 'serialized' parameter is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, 2) cursor_type = kwargs.pop('serialized', True) and 'serialized ' or '' _logger.debug('create %scursor to %r', cursor_type, self.dsn) return Cursor(self.__pool, self.__dbname, self.__dsn) def serialized_cursor(self, **kwargs): warnings.warn("Since 16.0, 'serialized_cursor' is deprecated, use `cursor` instead", DeprecationWarning, 2) return self.cursor(**kwargs) def __bool__(self): raise NotImplementedError() __nonzero__ = __bool__ def connection_info_for(db_or_uri): """ parse the given `db_or_uri` and return a 2-tuple (dbname, connection_params) Connection params are either a dictionary with a single key ``dsn`` containing a connection URI, or a dictionary containing connection parameter keywords which psycopg2 can build a key/value connection string (dsn) from :param str db_or_uri: database name or postgres dsn :rtype: (str, dict) """ if 'ODOO_PGAPPNAME' in os.environ: # Using manual string interpolation for security reason and trimming at default NAMEDATALEN=63 app_name = os.environ['ODOO_PGAPPNAME'].replace('{pid}', str(os.getpid()))[0:63] else: app_name = "odoo-%d" % os.getpid() if db_or_uri.startswith(('postgresql://', 'postgres://')): # extract db from uri us = urls.url_parse(db_or_uri) if len(us.path) > 1: db_name = us.path[1:] elif us.username: db_name = us.username else: db_name = us.hostname return db_name, {'dsn': db_or_uri, 'application_name': app_name} connection_info = {'database': db_or_uri, 'application_name': app_name} for p in ('host', 'port', 'user', 'password', 'sslmode'): cfg = tools.config['db_' + p] if cfg: connection_info[p] = cfg return db_or_uri, connection_info _Pool = None def db_connect(to, allow_uri=False): global _Pool if _Pool is None: _Pool = ConnectionPool(int(tools.config['db_maxconn'])) db, info = connection_info_for(to) if not allow_uri and db != to: raise ValueError('URI connections not allowed') return Connection(_Pool, db, info) def close_db(db_name): """ You might want to call odoo.modules.registry.Registry.delete(db_name) along this function.""" global _Pool if _Pool: _Pool.close_all(connection_info_for(db_name)[1]) def close_all(): global _Pool if _Pool: _Pool.close_all()