from import sql def migrate(cr, version): # Select relevant ids to generate the list of x_plan_id column names, removing the id of the project plan cr.execute( """ SELECT value::int FROM ir_config_parameter WHERE key = 'analytic.project_plan' """ ) [project_plan_id] = cr.fetchone() cr.execute("SELECT id FROM account_analytic_plan WHERE id != %s AND parent_id IS NULL", [project_plan_id]) plan_ids = [r[0] for r in cr.fetchall()] column_names = [f"x_plan{id_}_id" for id_ in plan_ids] # Update on_delete for existing x_plan_id columns cr.execute( """ UPDATE ir_model_fields SET on_delete = 'restrict' WHERE model = 'account.analytic.line' AND on_delete = 'set null' AND name = ANY(%s) """, [column_names], ) # Change the constraint on the table definition for column in column_names: sql.drop_constraint(cr, 'account_analytic_line', f'account_analytic_line_{column}_fkey') sql.add_foreign_key(cr, 'account_analytic_line', column, 'account_analytic_account', 'id', 'restrict')