# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from collections import defaultdict from markupsafe import Markup from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _ from odoo.addons.phone_validation.tools import phone_validation class EventRegistration(models.Model): _inherit = 'event.registration' lead_ids = fields.Many2many( 'crm.lead', string='Leads', copy=False, readonly=True, groups='sales_team.group_sale_salesman') lead_count = fields.Integer( '# Leads', compute='_compute_lead_count', compute_sudo=True) @api.depends('lead_ids') def _compute_lead_count(self): for record in self: record.lead_count = len(record.lead_ids) @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): """ Trigger rules based on registration creation, and check state for rules based on confirmed / done attendees. """ registrations = super(EventRegistration, self).create(vals_list) # handle triggers based on creation, then those based on confirm and done # as registrations can be automatically confirmed, or even created directly # with a state given in values if not self.env.context.get('event_lead_rule_skip'): self.env['event.lead.rule'].search([('lead_creation_trigger', '=', 'create')]).sudo()._run_on_registrations(registrations) open_registrations = registrations.filtered(lambda reg: reg.state == 'open') if open_registrations: self.env['event.lead.rule'].search([('lead_creation_trigger', '=', 'confirm')]).sudo()._run_on_registrations(open_registrations) done_registrations = registrations.filtered(lambda reg: reg.state == 'done') if done_registrations: self.env['event.lead.rule'].search([('lead_creation_trigger', '=', 'done')]).sudo()._run_on_registrations(done_registrations) return registrations def write(self, vals): """ Update the lead values depending on fields updated in registrations. There are 2 main use cases * first is when we update the partner_id of multiple registrations. It happens when a public user fill its information when they register to an event; * second is when we update specific values of one registration like updating question answers or a contact information (email, phone); Also trigger rules based on confirmed and done attendees (state written to open and done). """ to_update, event_lead_rule_skip = False, self.env.context.get('event_lead_rule_skip') if not event_lead_rule_skip: to_update = self.filtered(lambda reg: reg.lead_count) if to_update: lead_tracked_vals = to_update._get_lead_tracked_values() res = super(EventRegistration, self).write(vals) if not event_lead_rule_skip and to_update: self.env.flush_all() # compute notably partner-based fields if necessary to_update.sudo()._update_leads(vals, lead_tracked_vals) # handle triggers based on state if not event_lead_rule_skip: if vals.get('state') == 'open': self.env['event.lead.rule'].search([('lead_creation_trigger', '=', 'confirm')]).sudo()._run_on_registrations(self) elif vals.get('state') == 'done': self.env['event.lead.rule'].search([('lead_creation_trigger', '=', 'done')]).sudo()._run_on_registrations(self) return res def _load_records_create(self, values): """ In import mode: do not run rules those are intended to run when customers buy tickets, not when bootstrapping a database. """ return super(EventRegistration, self.with_context(event_lead_rule_skip=True))._load_records_create(values) def _load_records_write(self, values): """ In import mode: do not run rules those are intended to run when customers buy tickets, not when bootstrapping a database. """ return super(EventRegistration, self.with_context(event_lead_rule_skip=True))._load_records_write(values) def _update_leads(self, new_vals, lead_tracked_vals): """ Update leads linked to some registrations. Update is based depending on updated fields, see ``_get_lead_contact_fields()`` and ``_get_lead_ description_fields()``. Main heuristic is * check attendee-based leads, for each registration recompute contact information if necessary (changing partner triggers the whole contact computation); update description if necessary; * check order-based leads, for each existing group-based lead, only partner change triggers a contact and description update. We consider that group-based rule works mainly with the main contact and less with further details of registrations. Those can be found in stat button if necessary. :param new_vals: values given to write. Used to determine updated fields; :param lead_tracked_vals: dict(registration_id, registration previous values) based on new_vals; """ for registration in self: leads_attendee = registration.lead_ids.filtered( lambda lead: lead.event_lead_rule_id.lead_creation_basis == 'attendee' ) if not leads_attendee: continue old_vals = lead_tracked_vals[registration.id] # if partner has been updated -> update registration contact information # as they are computed (and therefore not given to write values) if 'partner_id' in new_vals: new_vals.update(**dict( (field, registration[field]) for field in self._get_lead_contact_fields() if field != 'partner_id') ) lead_values = {} # update contact fields: valid for all leads of registration upd_contact_fields = [field for field in self._get_lead_contact_fields() if field in new_vals.keys()] if any(new_vals[field] != old_vals[field] for field in upd_contact_fields): lead_values = registration._get_lead_contact_values() # update description fields: each lead has to be updated, otherwise # update in batch upd_description_fields = [field for field in self._get_lead_description_fields() if field in new_vals.keys()] if any(new_vals[field] != old_vals[field] for field in upd_description_fields): for lead in leads_attendee: lead_values['description'] = "%s
%s" % ( lead.description, registration._get_lead_description(_("Updated registrations"), line_counter=True) ) lead.write(lead_values) elif lead_values: leads_attendee.write(lead_values) leads_order = self.lead_ids.filtered(lambda lead: lead.event_lead_rule_id.lead_creation_basis == 'order') for lead in leads_order: lead_values = {} if new_vals.get('partner_id'): lead_values.update(lead.registration_ids._get_lead_contact_values()) if not lead.partner_id: lead_values['description'] = lead.registration_ids._get_lead_description(_("Participants"), line_counter=True) elif new_vals['partner_id'] != lead.partner_id.id: lead_values['description'] = (lead.description or '') + "
" + lead.registration_ids._get_lead_description(_("Updated registrations"), line_counter=True, line_suffix=_("(updated)")) if lead_values: lead.write(lead_values) def _get_lead_values(self, rule): """ Get lead values from registrations. Self can contain multiple records in which case first found non void value is taken. Note that all registrations should belong to the same event. :return dict lead_values: values used for create / write on a lead """ lead_values = { # from rule 'type': rule.lead_type, 'user_id': rule.lead_user_id.id, 'team_id': rule.lead_sales_team_id.id, 'tag_ids': rule.lead_tag_ids.ids, 'event_lead_rule_id': rule.id, # event and registration 'event_id': self.event_id.id, 'referred': self.event_id.name, 'registration_ids': self.ids, 'campaign_id': self._find_first_notnull('utm_campaign_id'), 'source_id': self._find_first_notnull('utm_source_id'), 'medium_id': self._find_first_notnull('utm_medium_id'), } lead_values.update(self._get_lead_contact_values()) lead_values['description'] = self._get_lead_description(_("Participants"), line_counter=True) return lead_values def _get_lead_contact_values(self): """ Specific management of contact values. Rule creation basis has some effect on contact management * in attendee mode: keep registration partner only if partner phone and email match. Indeed lead are synchronized with their contact and it would imply rewriting on partner, and therefore on other documents; * in batch mode: if a customer is found use it as main contact. Registrations details are included in lead description; :return dict: values used for create / write on a lead """ valid_partner = next( (reg.partner_id for reg in self if reg.partner_id != self.env.ref('base.public_partner')), self.env['res.partner'] ) # CHECKME: broader than just public partner # mono registration mode: keep partner only if email and phone matches; # otherwise registration > partner. Note that email format and phone # formatting have to taken into account in comparison if len(self) == 1 and valid_partner: # compare emails: email_normalized or raw if self.email and valid_partner.email: if valid_partner.email_normalized and tools.email_normalize(self.email) != valid_partner.email_normalized: valid_partner = self.env['res.partner'] elif not valid_partner.email_normalized and valid_partner.email != self.email: valid_partner = self.env['res.partner'] # compare phone, taking into account formatting if valid_partner and self.phone and valid_partner.phone: phone_formatted = self._phone_format(fname='phone', country=valid_partner.country_id) partner_phone_formatted = valid_partner._phone_format(fname='phone') if phone_formatted and partner_phone_formatted and phone_formatted != partner_phone_formatted: valid_partner = self.env['res.partner'] if (not phone_formatted or not partner_phone_formatted) and self.phone != valid_partner.phone: valid_partner = self.env['res.partner'] registration_phone = self._find_first_notnull('phone') if valid_partner: contact_vals = self.env['crm.lead']._prepare_values_from_partner(valid_partner) # force email_from / phone only if not set on partner because those fields are now synchronized automatically if not valid_partner.email: contact_vals['email_from'] = self._find_first_notnull('email') if not valid_partner.phone: contact_vals['phone'] = registration_phone else: # don't force email_from + partner_id because those fields are now synchronized automatically contact_vals = { 'contact_name': self._find_first_notnull('name'), 'email_from': self._find_first_notnull('email'), 'phone': registration_phone, 'lang_id': False, } contact_name = valid_partner.name or self._find_first_notnull('name') or self._find_first_notnull('email') contact_vals.update({ 'name': f'{self.event_id[:1].name} - {contact_name}', 'partner_id': valid_partner.id, }) # try to avoid copying registration_phone on both phone and mobile fields # as would be noise; pay attention partner.hone is propagated through compute mobile = valid_partner.mobile or registration_phone if mobile != contact_vals.get('phone', valid_partner.phone): contact_vals['mobile'] = valid_partner.mobile or registration_phone return contact_vals def _get_lead_description(self, prefix='', line_counter=True, line_suffix=''): """ Build the description for the lead using a prefix for all generated lines. For example to enumerate participants or inform of an update in the information of a participant. :return string description: complete description for a lead taking into account all registrations contained in self """ reg_lines = [ registration._get_lead_description_registration( line_suffix=line_suffix ) for registration in self ] description = (prefix if prefix else '') + Markup("
") if line_counter: description += Markup("
    ") + Markup('').join(reg_lines) + Markup("
") else: description += Markup("") return description def _get_lead_description_registration(self, line_suffix=''): """ Build the description line specific to a given registration. """ self.ensure_one() return Markup("
  • ") + "%s (%s)%s" % ( self.name or self.partner_id.name or self.email, " - ".join(self[field] for field in ('email', 'phone') if self[field]), f" {line_suffix}" if line_suffix else "", ) + Markup("
  • ") def _get_lead_tracked_values(self): """ Tracked values are based on two subset of fields to track in order to fill or update leads. Two main use cases are * description fields: registration contact fields: email, phone, ... on registration. Other fields are added by inheritance like question answers; * contact fields: registration contact fields + partner_id field as contact of a lead is managed specifically. Indeed email and phone synchronization of lead / partner_id implies paying attention to not rewrite partner values from registration values. Tracked values are therefore the union of those two field sets. """ tracked_fields = list(set(self._get_lead_contact_fields()) | set(self._get_lead_description_fields())) return dict( (registration.id, dict((field, self._convert_value(registration[field], field)) for field in tracked_fields) ) for registration in self ) def _get_lead_grouping(self, rules, rule_to_new_regs): """ Perform grouping of registrations in order to enable order-based lead creation and update existing groups with new registrations. Heuristic in event is the following. Registrations created in multi-mode are grouped by event and creation_date. Customer use case: website_event flow creates several registrations in a create-multi. Cron use case: when running a rule on existing registrations, grouping on event only is not sufficient, create_date is a safe bet for registration groups. Update is not supported as there is no way to determine if a registration is part of an existing batch. :param rules: lead creation rules to run on registrations given by self; :param rule_to_new_regs: dict: for each rule, subset of self matching rule conditions. Used to speedup batch computation; :return dict: for each rule, rule (key of dict) gives a list of groups. Each group is a tuple ( existing_lead: existing lead to update; group_record: record used to group; registrations: sub record set of self, containing registrations belonging to the same group; ) """ grouped_registrations = { (create_date, event): sub_registrations for event, registrations in self.grouped('event_id').items() for create_date, sub_registrations in registrations.grouped('create_date').items() } return dict( (rule, [(False, key, (registrations & rule_to_new_regs[rule]).sorted('id')) for key, registrations in grouped_registrations.items()]) for rule in rules ) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # TOOLS # ------------------------------------------------------------ @api.model def _get_lead_contact_fields(self): """ Get registration fields linked to lead contact. Those are used notably to see if an update of lead is necessary or to fill contact values in ``_get_lead_contact_values())`` """ return ['name', 'email', 'phone', 'partner_id'] @api.model def _get_lead_description_fields(self): """ Get registration fields linked to lead description. Those are used notably to see if an update of lead is necessary or to fill description in ``_get_lead_description())`` """ return ['name', 'email', 'phone'] def _find_first_notnull(self, field_name): """ Small tool to extract the first not nullvalue of a field: its value or the ids if this is a relational field. """ value = next((reg[field_name] for reg in self if reg[field_name]), False) return self._convert_value(value, field_name) def _convert_value(self, value, field_name): """ Small tool because convert_to_write is touchy """ if isinstance(value, models.BaseModel) and self._fields[field_name].type in ['many2many', 'one2many']: return value.ids if isinstance(value, models.BaseModel) and self._fields[field_name].type == 'many2one': return value.id return value