# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import pytz from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from operator import itemgetter from pytz import timezone from odoo.http import request from odoo import models, fields, api, exceptions, _ from odoo.addons.resource.models.utils import Intervals from odoo.osv.expression import AND, OR from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_is_zero from odoo.exceptions import AccessError from odoo.tools import format_duration, format_time, format_datetime def get_google_maps_url(latitude, longitude): return "https://maps.google.com?q=%s,%s" % (latitude, longitude) class HrAttendance(models.Model): _name = "hr.attendance" _description = "Attendance" _order = "check_in desc" _inherit = "mail.thread" def _default_employee(self): return self.env.user.employee_id employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string="Employee", default=_default_employee, required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True) department_id = fields.Many2one('hr.department', string="Department", related="employee_id.department_id", readonly=True) check_in = fields.Datetime(string="Check In", default=fields.Datetime.now, required=True, tracking=True) check_out = fields.Datetime(string="Check Out", tracking=True) worked_hours = fields.Float(string='Worked Hours', compute='_compute_worked_hours', store=True, readonly=True) color = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_color') overtime_hours = fields.Float(string="Over Time", compute='_compute_overtime_hours', store=True) in_latitude = fields.Float(string="Latitude", digits=(10, 7), readonly=True) in_longitude = fields.Float(string="Longitude", digits=(10, 7), readonly=True) in_country_name = fields.Char(string="Country", help="Based on IP Address", readonly=True) in_city = fields.Char(string="City", readonly=True) in_ip_address = fields.Char(string="IP Address", readonly=True) in_browser = fields.Char(string="Browser", readonly=True) in_mode = fields.Selection(string="Mode", selection=[('kiosk', "Kiosk"), ('systray', "Systray"), ('manual', "Manual")], readonly=True, default='manual') out_latitude = fields.Float(digits=(10, 7), readonly=True) out_longitude = fields.Float(digits=(10, 7), readonly=True) out_country_name = fields.Char(help="Based on IP Address", readonly=True) out_city = fields.Char(readonly=True) out_ip_address = fields.Char(readonly=True) out_browser = fields.Char(readonly=True) out_mode = fields.Selection(selection=[('kiosk', "Kiosk"), ('systray', "Systray"), ('manual', "Manual")], readonly=True, default='manual') def _compute_color(self): for attendance in self: if attendance.check_out: attendance.color = 1 if attendance.worked_hours > 16 else 0 else: attendance.color = 1 if attendance.check_in < (datetime.today() - timedelta(days=1)) else 10 @api.depends('worked_hours') def _compute_overtime_hours(self): att_progress_values = dict() negative_overtime_attendances = defaultdict(lambda: False) if self.employee_id: self.env['hr.attendance'].flush_model(['worked_hours']) self.env['hr.attendance.overtime'].flush_model(['duration']) self.env.cr.execute(''' WITH employee_time_zones AS ( SELECT employee.id AS employee_id, calendar.tz AS timezone FROM hr_employee employee INNER JOIN resource_calendar calendar ON calendar.id = employee.resource_calendar_id ) SELECT att.id AS att_id, att.worked_hours AS att_wh, ot.id AS ot_id, ot.duration AS ot_d, ot.date AS od, att.check_in AS ad FROM hr_attendance att INNER JOIN employee_time_zones etz ON att.employee_id = etz.employee_id INNER JOIN hr_attendance_overtime ot ON date_trunc('day', CAST(att.check_in AT TIME ZONE 'utc' AT TIME ZONE etz.timezone as date)) = date_trunc('day', ot.date) AND att.employee_id = ot.employee_id AND att.employee_id IN %s AND ot.adjustment IS false ORDER BY att.check_in DESC ''', (tuple(self.employee_id.ids),)) a = self.env.cr.dictfetchall() grouped_dict = dict() for row in a: if row['ot_id'] and row['att_wh']: if row['ot_id'] not in grouped_dict: grouped_dict[row['ot_id']] = {'attendances': [(row['att_id'], row['att_wh'])], 'overtime_duration': row['ot_d']} else: grouped_dict[row['ot_id']]['attendances'].append((row['att_id'], row['att_wh'])) for overtime in grouped_dict: overtime_reservoir = grouped_dict[overtime]['overtime_duration'] if overtime_reservoir > 0: for attendance in grouped_dict[overtime]['attendances']: if overtime_reservoir > 0: sub_time = attendance[1] - overtime_reservoir if sub_time < 0: att_progress_values[attendance[0]] = 0 overtime_reservoir -= attendance[1] else: att_progress_values[attendance[0]] = float(((attendance[1] - overtime_reservoir) / attendance[1]) * 100) overtime_reservoir = 0 else: att_progress_values[attendance[0]] = 100 elif overtime_reservoir < 0 and grouped_dict[overtime]['attendances']: att_id = grouped_dict[overtime]['attendances'][0][0] att_progress_values[att_id] = overtime_reservoir negative_overtime_attendances[att_id] = True for attendance in self: if negative_overtime_attendances[attendance.id]: attendance.overtime_hours = att_progress_values.get(attendance.id, 0) else: attendance.overtime_hours = attendance.worked_hours * ((100 - att_progress_values.get(attendance.id, 100)) / 100) @api.depends('employee_id', 'check_in', 'check_out') def _compute_display_name(self): tz = request.httprequest.cookies.get('tz') if request else None for attendance in self: if not attendance.check_out: attendance.display_name = _( "From %s", format_time(self.env, attendance.check_in, time_format=None, tz=tz, lang_code=self.env.lang), ) else: attendance.display_name = _( "%s : (%s-%s)", format_duration(attendance.worked_hours), format_time(self.env, attendance.check_in, time_format=None, tz=tz, lang_code=self.env.lang), format_time(self.env, attendance.check_out, time_format=None, tz=tz, lang_code=self.env.lang), ) def _get_employee_calendar(self): self.ensure_one() return self.employee_id.resource_calendar_id or self.employee_id.company_id.resource_calendar_id @api.depends('check_in', 'check_out') def _compute_worked_hours(self): for attendance in self: if attendance.check_out and attendance.check_in and attendance.employee_id: calendar = attendance._get_employee_calendar() resource = attendance.employee_id.resource_id tz = timezone(calendar.tz) check_in_tz = attendance.check_in.astimezone(tz) check_out_tz = attendance.check_out.astimezone(tz) lunch_intervals = attendance.employee_id._employee_attendance_intervals(check_in_tz, check_out_tz, lunch=True) attendance_intervals = Intervals([(check_in_tz, check_out_tz, attendance)]) - lunch_intervals delta = sum((i[1] - i[0]).total_seconds() for i in attendance_intervals) attendance.worked_hours = delta / 3600.0 else: attendance.worked_hours = False @api.constrains('check_in', 'check_out') def _check_validity_check_in_check_out(self): """ verifies if check_in is earlier than check_out. """ for attendance in self: if attendance.check_in and attendance.check_out: if attendance.check_out < attendance.check_in: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('"Check Out" time cannot be earlier than "Check In" time.')) @api.constrains('check_in', 'check_out', 'employee_id') def _check_validity(self): """ Verifies the validity of the attendance record compared to the others from the same employee. For the same employee we must have : * maximum 1 "open" attendance record (without check_out) * no overlapping time slices with previous employee records """ for attendance in self: # we take the latest attendance before our check_in time and check it doesn't overlap with ours last_attendance_before_check_in = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([ ('employee_id', '=', attendance.employee_id.id), ('check_in', '<=', attendance.check_in), ('id', '!=', attendance.id), ], order='check_in desc', limit=1) if last_attendance_before_check_in and last_attendance_before_check_in.check_out and last_attendance_before_check_in.check_out > attendance.check_in: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee was already checked in on %(datetime)s", empl_name=attendance.employee_id.name, datetime=format_datetime(self.env, attendance.check_in, dt_format=False))) if not attendance.check_out: # if our attendance is "open" (no check_out), we verify there is no other "open" attendance no_check_out_attendances = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([ ('employee_id', '=', attendance.employee_id.id), ('check_out', '=', False), ('id', '!=', attendance.id), ], order='check_in desc', limit=1) if no_check_out_attendances: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee hasn't checked out since %(datetime)s", empl_name=attendance.employee_id.name, datetime=format_datetime(self.env, no_check_out_attendances.check_in, dt_format=False))) else: # we verify that the latest attendance with check_in time before our check_out time # is the same as the one before our check_in time computed before, otherwise it overlaps last_attendance_before_check_out = self.env['hr.attendance'].search([ ('employee_id', '=', attendance.employee_id.id), ('check_in', '<', attendance.check_out), ('id', '!=', attendance.id), ], order='check_in desc', limit=1) if last_attendance_before_check_out and last_attendance_before_check_in != last_attendance_before_check_out: raise exceptions.ValidationError(_("Cannot create new attendance record for %(empl_name)s, the employee was already checked in on %(datetime)s", empl_name=attendance.employee_id.name, datetime=format_datetime(self.env, last_attendance_before_check_out.check_in, dt_format=False))) @api.model def _get_day_start_and_day(self, employee, dt): #Returns a tuple containing the datetime in naive UTC of the employee's start of the day # and the date it was for that employee if not dt.tzinfo: date_employee_tz = pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(pytz.timezone(employee._get_tz())) else: date_employee_tz = dt start_day_employee_tz = date_employee_tz.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) return (start_day_employee_tz.astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None), start_day_employee_tz.date()) def _get_attendances_dates(self): # Returns a dictionnary {employee_id: set((datetimes, dates))} attendances_emp = defaultdict(set) for attendance in self.filtered(lambda a: a.employee_id.company_id.hr_attendance_overtime and a.check_in): check_in_day_start = attendance._get_day_start_and_day(attendance.employee_id, attendance.check_in) if check_in_day_start[0] < datetime.combine(attendance.employee_id.company_id.overtime_start_date, datetime.min.time()): continue attendances_emp[attendance.employee_id].add(check_in_day_start) if attendance.check_out: check_out_day_start = attendance._get_day_start_and_day(attendance.employee_id, attendance.check_out) attendances_emp[attendance.employee_id].add(check_out_day_start) return attendances_emp def _get_overtime_leave_domain(self): return [] def _update_overtime(self, employee_attendance_dates=None): if employee_attendance_dates is None: employee_attendance_dates = self._get_attendances_dates() overtime_to_unlink = self.env['hr.attendance.overtime'] overtime_vals_list = [] affected_employees = self.env['hr.employee'] for emp, attendance_dates in employee_attendance_dates.items(): # get_attendances_dates returns the date translated from the local timezone without tzinfo, # and contains all the date which we need to check for overtime attendance_domain = [] for attendance_date in attendance_dates: attendance_domain = OR([attendance_domain, [ ('check_in', '>=', attendance_date[0]), ('check_in', '<', attendance_date[0] + timedelta(hours=24)), ]]) attendance_domain = AND([[('employee_id', '=', emp.id)], attendance_domain]) # Attendances per LOCAL day attendances_per_day = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['hr.attendance']) all_attendances = self.env['hr.attendance'].search(attendance_domain) for attendance in all_attendances: check_in_day_start = attendance._get_day_start_and_day(attendance.employee_id, attendance.check_in) attendances_per_day[check_in_day_start[1]] += attendance # As _attendance_intervals_batch and _leave_intervals_batch both take localized dates we need to localize those date start = pytz.utc.localize(min(attendance_dates, key=itemgetter(0))[0]) stop = pytz.utc.localize(max(attendance_dates, key=itemgetter(0))[0] + timedelta(hours=24)) # Retrieve expected attendance intervals calendar = emp.resource_calendar_id or emp.company_id.resource_calendar_id expected_attendances = emp._employee_attendance_intervals(start, stop) # working_times = {date: [(start, stop)]} working_times = defaultdict(lambda: []) for expected_attendance in expected_attendances: # Exclude resource.calendar.attendance working_times[expected_attendance[0].date()].append(expected_attendance[:2]) overtimes = self.env['hr.attendance.overtime'].sudo().search([ ('employee_id', '=', emp.id), ('date', 'in', [day_data[1] for day_data in attendance_dates]), ('adjustment', '=', False), ]) company_threshold = emp.company_id.overtime_company_threshold / 60.0 employee_threshold = emp.company_id.overtime_employee_threshold / 60.0 for day_data in attendance_dates: attendance_date = day_data[1] attendances = attendances_per_day.get(attendance_date, self.browse()) unfinished_shifts = attendances.filtered(lambda a: not a.check_out) overtime_duration = 0 overtime_duration_real = 0 # Overtime is not counted if any shift is not closed or if there are no attendances for that day, # this could happen when deleting attendances. if not unfinished_shifts and attendances: # The employee usually doesn't work on that day if not working_times[attendance_date]: # User does not have any resource_calendar_attendance for that day (week-end for example) overtime_duration = sum(attendances.mapped('worked_hours')) overtime_duration_real = overtime_duration # The employee usually work on that day else: # Count time before, during and after 'working hours' pre_work_time, work_duration, post_work_time, planned_work_duration = attendances._get_pre_post_work_time(emp, working_times, attendance_date) # Overtime within the planned work hours + overtime before/after work hours is > company threshold overtime_duration = work_duration - planned_work_duration if pre_work_time > company_threshold: overtime_duration += pre_work_time if post_work_time > company_threshold: overtime_duration += post_work_time # Global overtime including the thresholds overtime_duration_real = sum(attendances.mapped('worked_hours')) - planned_work_duration overtime = overtimes.filtered(lambda o: o.date == attendance_date) if not float_is_zero(overtime_duration, 2) or unfinished_shifts: # Do not create if any attendance doesn't have a check_out, update if exists if unfinished_shifts: overtime_duration = 0 if not overtime and overtime_duration: overtime_vals_list.append({ 'employee_id': emp.id, 'date': attendance_date, 'duration': overtime_duration, 'duration_real': overtime_duration_real, }) elif overtime: overtime.sudo().write({ 'duration': overtime_duration, 'duration_real': overtime_duration }) affected_employees |= overtime.employee_id elif overtime: overtime_to_unlink |= overtime created_overtimes = self.env['hr.attendance.overtime'].sudo().create(overtime_vals_list) employees_worked_hours_to_compute = (affected_employees.ids + created_overtimes.employee_id.ids + overtime_to_unlink.employee_id.ids) overtime_to_unlink.sudo().unlink() self.env.add_to_compute(self._fields['overtime_hours'], self.search([('employee_id', 'in', employees_worked_hours_to_compute)])) def _get_pre_post_work_time(self, employee, working_times, attendance_date): pre_work_time, work_duration, post_work_time = 0, 0, 0 company_threshold = employee.company_id.overtime_company_threshold / 60.0 employee_threshold = employee.company_id.overtime_employee_threshold / 60.0 # Compute start and end time for that day planned_start_dt, planned_end_dt = False, False planned_work_duration = 0 for calendar_attendance in working_times[attendance_date]: planned_start_dt = min(planned_start_dt, calendar_attendance[0]) if planned_start_dt else calendar_attendance[0] planned_end_dt = max(planned_end_dt, calendar_attendance[1]) if planned_end_dt else calendar_attendance[1] planned_work_duration += (calendar_attendance[1] - calendar_attendance[0]).total_seconds() / 3600.0 for attendance in self: # consider check_in as planned_start_dt if within threshold # if delta_in < 0: Checked in after supposed start of the day # if delta_in > 0: Checked in before supposed start of the day local_check_in = pytz.utc.localize(attendance.check_in) delta_in = (planned_start_dt - local_check_in).total_seconds() / 3600.0 # Started before or after planned date within the threshold interval if (delta_in > 0 and delta_in <= company_threshold) or\ (delta_in < 0 and abs(delta_in) <= employee_threshold): local_check_in = planned_start_dt local_check_out = pytz.utc.localize(attendance.check_out) # same for check_out as planned_end_dt delta_out = (local_check_out - planned_end_dt).total_seconds() / 3600.0 # if delta_out < 0: Checked out before supposed start of the day # if delta_out > 0: Checked out after supposed start of the day # Finised before or after planned date within the threshold interval if (delta_out > 0 and delta_out <= company_threshold) or\ (delta_out < 0 and abs(delta_out) <= employee_threshold): local_check_out = planned_end_dt # There is an overtime at the start of the day if local_check_in < planned_start_dt: pre_work_time += (min(planned_start_dt, local_check_out) - local_check_in).total_seconds() / 3600.0 # Interval inside the working hours -> Considered as working time if local_check_in <= planned_end_dt and local_check_out >= planned_start_dt: start_dt = max(planned_start_dt, local_check_in) stop_dt = min(planned_end_dt, local_check_out) work_duration += (stop_dt - start_dt).total_seconds() / 3600.0 # remove lunch time from work duration lunch_intervals = employee._employee_attendance_intervals(start_dt, stop_dt, lunch=True) work_duration -= sum((i[1] - i[0]).total_seconds() / 3600.0 for i in lunch_intervals) # There is an overtime at the end of the day if local_check_out > planned_end_dt: post_work_time += (local_check_out - max(planned_end_dt, local_check_in)).total_seconds() / 3600.0 return pre_work_time, work_duration, post_work_time, planned_work_duration @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): res = super().create(vals_list) res._update_overtime() return res def write(self, vals): if vals.get('employee_id') and \ vals['employee_id'] not in self.env.user.employee_ids.ids and \ not self.env.user.has_group('hr_attendance.group_hr_attendance_officer'): raise AccessError(_("Do not have access, user cannot edit the attendances that are not his own.")) attendances_dates = self._get_attendances_dates() result = super(HrAttendance, self).write(vals) if any(field in vals for field in ['employee_id', 'check_in', 'check_out']): # Merge attendance dates before and after write to recompute the # overtime if the attendances have been moved to another day for emp, dates in self._get_attendances_dates().items(): attendances_dates[emp] |= dates self._update_overtime(attendances_dates) return result def unlink(self): attendances_dates = self._get_attendances_dates() res = super().unlink() self._update_overtime(attendances_dates) return res @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id) def copy(self, default=None): raise exceptions.UserError(_('You cannot duplicate an attendance.')) def action_in_attendance_maps(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'url': get_google_maps_url(self.in_latitude, self.in_longitude), 'target': 'new' } def action_out_attendance_maps(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'url': get_google_maps_url(self.out_latitude, self.out_longitude), 'target': 'new' }