from odoo import api, fields, models, _ class ProductProduct(models.Model): _inherit = "product.product" standard_price_update_warning = fields.Char(compute="_compute_standard_price_update_warning") @api.onchange('standard_price') def _compute_standard_price_update_warning(self): undone_expenses = self.env['hr.expense']._read_group( domain=[('state', 'in', ['draft', 'reported']), ('product_id', 'in', self.ids)], groupby=['price_unit'], ) # The following list is composed of all the unit_amounts of expenses that use this product and should NOT trigger a warning. # Those are the amounts of any undone expense using this product and 0.0 which is the default unit_amount. unit_amounts_no_warning = [[0]) for row in undone_expenses] for product in self: product.standard_price_update_warning = False if undone_expenses: rounded_price = if rounded_price and (len(unit_amounts_no_warning) > 1 or (len(unit_amounts_no_warning) == 1 and rounded_price not in unit_amounts_no_warning)): product.standard_price_update_warning = _( "There are unsubmitted expenses linked to this category. Updating the category cost will change expense amounts. " "Make sure it is what you want to do." )