# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import contextlib import logging import json import requests import threading import uuid from odoo import exceptions, _ from odoo.tools import email_normalize, pycompat _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = 'https://iap.odoo.com' #---------------------------------------------------------- # Tools globals #---------------------------------------------------------- _MAIL_PROVIDERS = { 'gmail.com', 'hotmail.com', 'yahoo.com', 'qq.com', 'outlook.com', '163.com', 'yahoo.fr', 'live.com', 'hotmail.fr', 'icloud.com', '126.com', 'me.com', 'free.fr', 'ymail.com', 'msn.com', 'mail.com', 'orange.fr', 'aol.com', 'wanadoo.fr', 'live.fr', 'mail.ru', 'yahoo.co.in', 'rediffmail.com', 'hku.hk', 'googlemail.com', 'gmx.de', 'sina.com', 'skynet.be', 'laposte.net', 'yahoo.co.uk', 'yahoo.co.id', 'web.de', 'gmail.com ', 'outlook.fr', 'telenet.be', 'yahoo.es', 'naver.com', 'hotmail.co.uk', 'gmai.com', 'foxmail.com', 'hku.hku', 'bluewin.ch', 'sfr.fr', 'libero.it', 'mac.com', 'rocketmail.com', 'protonmail.com', 'gmx.com', 'gamil.com', 'hotmail.es', 'gmx.net', 'comcast.net', 'yahoo.com.mx', 'linkedin.com', 'yahoo.com.br', 'yahoo.in', 'yahoo.ca', 't-online.de', '139.com', 'yandex.ru', 'yahoo.com.hk','yahoo.de', 'yeah.net', 'yandex.com', 'nwytg.net', 'neuf.fr', 'yahoo.com.ar', 'outlook.es', 'abv.bg', 'aliyun.com', 'yahoo.com.tw', 'ukr.net', 'live.nl', 'wp.pl', 'hotmail.it', 'live.com.mx', 'zoho.com', 'live.co.uk', 'sohu.com', 'twoomail.com', 'yahoo.com.sg', 'yahoo.com.vn', 'windowslive.com', 'gmail', 'vols.utk.edu', 'email.com', 'tiscali.it', 'yahoo.it', 'gmx.ch', 'trbvm.com', 'nwytg.com', 'mvrht.com', 'nyit.edu', 'o2.pl', 'live.cn', 'gmial.com', 'seznam.cz', 'live.be', 'videotron.ca', 'gmil.com', 'live.ca', 'hotmail.de', 'sbcglobal.net', 'connect.hku.hk', 'yahoo.com.au', 'att.net', 'live.in', 'btinternet.com', 'gmx.fr', 'voila.fr', 'shaw.ca', 'prodigy.net.mx', 'vip.qq.com', 'yahoo.com.ph', 'bigpond.com', '7thcomputing.com', 'freenet.de', 'alice.it', 'esi.dz', 'bk.ru', 'mail.odoo.com', 'gmail.con', 'fiu.edu', 'gmal.com', 'useemlikefun.com', 'google.com', 'trbvn.com', 'yopmail.com', 'ya.ru', 'hotmail.co.th', 'arcor.de', 'hotmail.ca', '21cn.com', 'live.de', 'outlook.de', 'gmailcom', 'unal.edu.co', 'tom.com', 'yahoo.gr', 'gmx.at', 'inbox.lv', 'ziggo.nl', 'xs4all.nl', 'sapo.pt', 'live.com.au', 'nate.com', 'online.de', 'sina.cn', 'gmail.co', 'rogers.com', 'mailinator.com', 'cox.net', 'hotmail.be', 'verizon.net', 'yahoo.co.jp', 'usa.com', 'consultant.com', 'hotmai.com', '189.cn', 'sky.com', 'eezee-it.com', 'opayq.com', 'maildrop.cc', 'home.nl', 'virgilio.it', 'outlook.be', 'hanmail.net', 'uol.com.br', 'hec.ca', 'terra.com.br', 'inbox.ru', 'tin.it', 'list.ru', 'hotmail.com ', 'safecoms.com', 'smile.fr', 'sprintit.fi', 'uniminuto.edu.co', 'bol.com.br', 'bellsouth.net', 'nirmauni.ac.in', 'ldc.edu.in', 'ig.com.br', 'engineer.com', 'scarlet.be', 'inbox.com', 'gmaill.com', 'freemail.hu', 'live.it', 'blackwaretech.com', 'byom.de', 'dispostable.com', 'dayrep.com', 'aim.com', 'prixgen.com', 'gmail.om', 'asterisk-tech.mn', 'in.com', 'aliceadsl.fr', 'lycos.com', 'topnet.tn', 'teleworm.us', 'kedgebs.com', 'supinfo.com', 'posteo.de', 'yahoo.com ', 'op.pl', 'gmail.fr', 'grr.la', 'oci.fr', 'aselcis.com', 'optusnet.com.au', 'mailcatch.com', 'rambler.ru', 'protonmail.ch', 'prisme.ch', 'bbox.fr', 'orbitalu.com', 'netcourrier.com', 'iinet.net.au', 'cegetel.net', 'proton.me', 'dbmail.com', 'club-internet.fr', 'outlook.jp', # Dummy entries 'example.com', } _MAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST = _MAIL_PROVIDERS | {'odoo.com'} # List of country codes for which we should offer state filtering when mining new leads. # See crm.iap.lead.mining.request#_compute_available_state_ids() or task-2471703 for more details. _STATES_FILTER_COUNTRIES_WHITELIST = set([ 'AR', 'AU', 'BR', 'CA', 'IN', 'MY', 'MX', 'NZ', 'AE', 'US' ]) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Tools #---------------------------------------------------------- def mail_prepare_for_domain_search(email, min_email_length=0): """ Return an email address to use for a domain-based search. For generic email providers like gmail (see ``_MAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST``) we consider each email as being independant (and return the whole email). Otherwise we return only the right-part of the email (aka "mydomain.com" if email is "Raoul Lachignole" ). :param integer min_email_length: skip if email has not the sufficient minimal length, indicating a probably fake / wrong value (skip if 0); """ if not email: return False email_tocheck = email_normalize(email, strict=False) if not email_tocheck: email_tocheck = email.casefold() if email_tocheck and min_email_length and len(email_tocheck) < min_email_length: return False parts = email_tocheck.rsplit('@', maxsplit=1) if len(parts) == 1: return email_tocheck email_domain = parts[1] if email_domain not in _MAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST: return '@' + email_domain return email_tocheck #---------------------------------------------------------- # Helpers for both clients and proxy #---------------------------------------------------------- def iap_get_endpoint(env): url = env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('iap.endpoint', DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) return url #---------------------------------------------------------- # Helpers for clients #---------------------------------------------------------- class InsufficientCreditError(Exception): pass def iap_jsonrpc(url, method='call', params=None, timeout=15): """ Calls the provided JSON-RPC endpoint, unwraps the result and returns JSON-RPC errors as exceptions. """ if hasattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing') and threading.current_thread().testing: raise exceptions.AccessError("Unavailable during tests.") payload = { 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': method, 'params': params, 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, } _logger.info('iap jsonrpc %s', url) try: req = requests.post(url, json=payload, timeout=timeout) req.raise_for_status() response = req.json() _logger.info("iap jsonrpc %s answered in %s seconds", url, req.elapsed.total_seconds()) if 'error' in response: name = response['error']['data'].get('name').rpartition('.')[-1] message = response['error']['data'].get('message') if name == 'InsufficientCreditError': e_class = InsufficientCreditError elif name == 'AccessError': e_class = exceptions.AccessError elif name == 'UserError': e_class = exceptions.UserError elif name == "ReadTimeout": raise requests.exceptions.Timeout() else: raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError() e = e_class(message) e.data = response['error']['data'] raise e return response.get('result') except requests.exceptions.Timeout: _logger.warning('Request timeout with the URL: %s', url) raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('The request to the service timed out. Please contact the author of the app. The URL it tried to contact was %s', url) ) except (ValueError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.MissingSchema, requests.exceptions.HTTPError): _logger.exception("iap jsonrpc %s failed", url) raise exceptions.AccessError( _('The url that this service requested returned an error. Please contact the author of the app. The url it tried to contact was %s', url) ) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Helpers for proxy #---------------------------------------------------------- class IapTransaction(object): def __init__(self): self.credit = None def iap_authorize(env, key, account_token, credit, dbuuid=False, description=None, credit_template=None, ttl=4320): endpoint = iap_get_endpoint(env) params = { 'account_token': account_token, 'credit': credit, 'key': key, 'description': description, 'ttl': ttl, } if dbuuid: params.update({'dbuuid': dbuuid}) try: transaction_token = iap_jsonrpc(endpoint + '/iap/1/authorize', params=params) except InsufficientCreditError as e: if credit_template: arguments = json.loads(e.args[0]) arguments['body'] = pycompat.to_text(env['ir.qweb']._render(credit_template)) e.args = (json.dumps(arguments),) raise e return transaction_token def iap_cancel(env, transaction_token, key): endpoint = iap_get_endpoint(env) params = { 'token': transaction_token, 'key': key, } r = iap_jsonrpc(endpoint + '/iap/1/cancel', params=params) return r def iap_capture(env, transaction_token, key, credit): endpoint = iap_get_endpoint(env) params = { 'token': transaction_token, 'key': key, 'credit_to_capture': credit, } r = iap_jsonrpc(endpoint + '/iap/1/capture', params=params) return r @contextlib.contextmanager def iap_charge(env, key, account_token, credit, dbuuid=False, description=None, credit_template=None, ttl=4320): """ Account charge context manager: takes a hold for ``credit`` amount before executing the body, then captures it if there is no error, or cancels it if the body generates an exception. :param str key: service identifier :param str account_token: user identifier :param int credit: cost of the body's operation :param description: a description of the purpose of the charge, the user will be able to see it in their dashboard :type description: str :param credit_template: a QWeb template to render and show to the user if their account does not have enough credits for the requested operation :param int ttl: transaction time to live in hours. If the credit are not captured when the transaction expires, the transaction is canceled :type credit_template: str """ transaction_token = iap_authorize(env, key, account_token, credit, dbuuid, description, credit_template, ttl) try: transaction = IapTransaction() transaction.credit = credit yield transaction except Exception as e: r = iap_cancel(env,transaction_token, key) raise e else: r = iap_capture(env,transaction_token, key, transaction.credit)