VAT Report country Amount balance A - TRANSACTION SUMMARY L10N_NG_A 0 5. Total No of Branches L10N_NG_A5 integer 10. Total Sales/Income Exclusive of VAT L10N_NG_A10 L10N_NG_B20.balance 15. Total Purchases L10N_NG_A15 balance tax_tags 15 B - SALES/ INCOME L10N_NG_B 0 20. Total Income Received from Sale for the Month Excluding VAT L10N_NG_B20 balance tax_tags 20 25. Less: Value of Goods and Services Exempted Included in Line 20 L10N_NG_B25 balance tax_tags 25 30. Less: Value of Zero Rated Goods & Services Included in line 20 L10N_NG_B30 balance tax_tags 30 35. Sales Adjustments (Gross amount) L10N_NG_B35 balance tax_tags 35 40. Income Received from Sales Subject to VAT L10N_NG_B40 1 L10N_NG_B20.balance - L10N_NG_B25.balance - L10N_NG_B30.balance + L10N_NG_B35.balance 45. TOTAL Output Tax Collected @ 7.5% L10N_NG_B45 1 _tax_tags tax_tags 45 balance aggregation L10N_NG_B45._tax_tags - L10N_NG_B35.balance C - VAT ON PURCHASES/EXPENSES L10N_NG_C 0 50. Payments for Domestic Purchases other than zero rated and exempted goods and services For the Month L10N_NG_C50 balance tax_tags 50 55. Payments for Domestic Purchases for Zero Rated Goods L10N_NG_C55 balance tax_tags 55 60. Total Domestic Purchases Subject to Input Tax L10N_NG_C60 1 L10N_NG_C50.balance + L10N_NG_C55.balance 65. Payment for Imported Goods For the Month L10N_NG_C65 balance tax_tags 65 70. TOTAL Purchases Subject to Input Tax L10N_NG_C70 1 L10N_NG_C60.balance + L10N_NG_C65.balance 75. Total Input Tax Paid Line 70 @ 7.5% L10N_NG_C75 1 balance tax_tags 75 80. VAT Payable /(Credit) for Current Month L10N_NG_C80 1 L10N_NG_B45.balance - L10N_NG_C75.balance 85. Less VAT deducted at source (by MDAs & Oil and Gas) Current Month L10N_NG_C85 balance tax_tags 85 90. Less Automatic/Electronic VAT Payment in Current Month L10N_NG_C90 balance tax_tags 90 95. Net VAT Payable/(Refundable) Current Month L10N_NG_C95 1 L10N_NG_C80.balance - L10N_NG_C85.balance - L10N_NG_C90.balance 100. Previous Unrelieved VAT Credit Brought Forward L10N_NG_C100 _applied_carryover_balance external most_recent previous_tax_period tag tax_tags 100 balance aggregation L10N_NG_C100.tag + L10N_NG_C100._applied_carryover_balance 105. Total VAT Credit claimable L10N_NG_C105 balance aggregation L10N_NG_C95.balance + L10N_NG_C100.balance if_below(NGN(0)) 110. VAT Credit Relieved (expected value: negative or zero) L10N_NG_C110 1 monetary 115. Unrelieved VAT Credit Carried Forward L10N_NG_C115 balance aggregation L10N_NG_C105.balance - L10N_NG_C110.balance if_below(NGN(0)) _carryover_balance aggregation L10N_NG_C115.balance L10N_NG_C100._applied_carryover_balance 120. VAT Payable L10N_NG_C120 1 balance aggregation L10N_NG_C95.balance + L10N_NG_C100.balance if_above(NGN(0))