Tax report country Balance balance Base 0 1 - Transmissions of goods and services on which you paid tax [1] Reduced rate trp_base_1 balance tax_tags trp_base_1 [5] Intermediate rate trp_base_5 balance tax_tags trp_base_5 [3] Normal rate trp_base_3 balance tax_tags trp_base_3 [7] Exempt or non-taxed - Intra-community transfers of goods and supplies of services mentioned in the recapitulative statements trp_base_7 balance tax_tags trp_base_7 [8] Exempt or non-taxed - Entitled to deduction trp_base_8 balance tax_tags trp_base_8 [9] Exempt or non-taxed - Not entitled to deduction trp_base_9 balance tax_tags trp_base_9 2 - [10] Intra-community acquisitions of goods and assimilated operations trp_base_10 trp_base_12.balance + trp_base_14.balance + trp_base_15.balance [12] Whose tax was assessed by the declarant trp_base_12 balance tax_tags trp_base_12 [14] Covered by the articles 15.° of the CIVA or the RITI trp_base_14 balance tax_tags trp_base_14 [15] Covered by the n.°s 3, 4 e 5 of the article 22.° of the RITI trp_base_15 balance tax_tags trp_base_15 3 - [16] Services rendered by taxable persons from other Member States, for which the tax was paid by the declarant trp_base_16 balance tax_tags trp_base_16 4 - [18] Imports of goods for which the tax was assessed by the declarant (No. 8 of Article 27 of CIVA) trp_base_18 balance tax_tags trp_base_18 [90] BASE TOTAL trp_base_1.balance + trp_base_5.balance + trp_base_3.balance + trp_base_7.balance + trp_base_8.balance + trp_base_9.balance + trp_base_10.balance + trp_base_16.balance + trp_base_18.balance Tax in favor of the taxable entity 0 5 - Tax deductible [20] Non-current assets (fixed assets) trp_tax_favor_company_20 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_20 [21] Inventories at reduced rate trp_tax_favor_company_21 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_21 [23] Inventories at the intermediate rate trp_tax_favor_company_23 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_23 [22] Inventories at the normal rate trp_tax_favor_company_22 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_22 [24] Other goods and services trp_tax_favor_company_24 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_24 6 - [40] Monthly, quarterly and yearly regularizations trp_tax_favor_company_40 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_40 7 - [61] Excess to carry forward from the previous period (Field 96 dof previous declaration - n.°4 of article 22.°) trp_tax_favor_company_61 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_61 8 - [65] Attachment - (see Table 03) trp_tax_favor_company_65 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_65 9 - [67] Attachment - (see Table 03) trp_tax_favor_company_67 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_company_67 [91] TOTAL TAX IN FAVOR OF THE TAXABLE ENTITY trp_tax_favor_company_total_91 trp_tax_favor_company_20.balance + trp_tax_favor_company_21.balance + trp_tax_favor_company_23.balance + trp_tax_favor_company_22.balance + trp_tax_favor_company_24.balance + trp_tax_favor_company_40.balance + trp_tax_favor_company_61.balance + trp_tax_favor_company_65.balance + trp_tax_favor_company_67.balance Tax in favor of the State 0 1 - Transmissions of goods and services on which you paid tax [2] Reduced rate trp_tax_favor_state_2 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_2 [6] Intermediate rate trp_tax_favor_state_6 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_6 [4] Normal rate trp_tax_favor_state_4 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_4 2 - [11] Intra-community acquisitions of goods and assimilated operations trp_tax_favor_state_11 trp_tax_favor_state_13.balance [13] Whose tax was assessed by the declarant trp_tax_favor_state_13 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_13 3 - [17] Services rendered by taxable persons from other Member States, for which the tax was paid by the declarant trp_tax_favor_state_17 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_17 4 - [19] Imports of goods on which tax has been assessed by the declarant (n°8 of article 27.° of the CIVA) trp_tax_favor_state_19 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_19 6 - [41] Monthly, quarterly and yearly regularizations trp_tax_favor_state_41 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_41 8 - [66] Attachment - (see Table 03) trp_tax_favor_state_66 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_66 9 - [68] Attachment - (see Table 03) trp_tax_favor_state_68 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_68 [92] TOTAL TAX TO THE STATE trp_tax_favor_state_total_92 trp_tax_favor_state_2.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_6.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_4.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_11.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_17.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_19.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_41.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_66.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_68.balance Totals 0 [93] Tax to be paid to the State balance aggregation trp_tax_favor_state_total_92.balance - trp_tax_favor_company_total_91.balance if_above(EUR(0)) [94] Credit to be recovered balance aggregation trp_tax_favor_company_total_91.balance - trp_tax_favor_state_total_92.balance if_above(EUR(0)) Table 06A 0 A - Operations located in Portugal where, as the acquirer, you have paid the VAT due [97] Made by entities resident in EU countries (does not include the operations mentioned in field 16) trp_tax_favor_state_97 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_97 [98] Made by entities resident in third countries or territories trp_tax_favor_state_98 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_98 B - Transactions in which you assessed the VAT due by applying the reverse charge rule [99] Gold (Decree-Law 362/99) trp_tax_favor_state_99 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_99 [100] Property acquisition with waiver of the exemption (Decree-Law 21/2007) trp_tax_favor_state_100 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_100 [101] Metal [Subparagraph i) of n.°1 of the article 2.° of the CIVA] trp_tax_favor_state_101 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_101 [102] Construction services[Subparagraph j) of n.°1 of the article 2.° of the CIVA] trp_tax_favor_state_102 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_102 [105] Greenhouse gas emissions [Subparagraph l) of n.°1 of the article 2.° of the CIVA] trp_tax_favor_state_105 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_105 [107] Acquisition of cork and other forestry products [Subparagraph m) of n.°1 of the article 2.° of the CIVA trp_tax_favor_state_107 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_107 C - [103] Operations referred to in subparagraphs f) and g) of N.°3 of the article 3.°E subparagraph a) and b) of N.°2 of the article 4.° of the CIVA trp_tax_favor_state_103 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_103 D - [104] Operations referred to in subparagraphs a), b) and c) of the article 42.° of the CIVA trp_tax_favor_state_104 balance tax_tags trp_tax_favor_state_104 [106] Sum of the table 06A trp_tax_favor_state_97.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_98.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_99.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_100.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_101.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_102.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_105.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_107.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_103.balance + trp_tax_favor_state_104.balance