import json from hashlib import sha256 from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from lxml import etree from datetime import datetime from odoo import models, fields, _, api from odoo.exceptions import UserError from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key from import ECDSA from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.x509 import load_der_x509_certificate class AccountEdiFormat(models.Model): _inherit = 'account.edi.format' """ Once the journal has been successfully onboarded, we can clear/report invoices through the ZATCA API: A) STANDARD Invoice: Make a call to the Clearance API '/invoices/clearance/single'. This will validate the invoice, sign it and apply a QR code then return the result. B) SIMPLIFIED Invoice: Make a call to the Reporting API '/invoices/reporting/single'. This will validate the invoice then return the result. The X509 Certificate and password from the PCSID API need to be provided in the request headers. """ # ====== Helper Functions ======= def _l10n_sa_get_zatca_datetime(self, timestamp): return fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self.with_context(tz='Asia/Riyadh'), timestamp) def _l10n_sa_xml_node_content(self, root, xpath, namespaces=None): namespaces = namespaces or self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca']._l10n_sa_get_namespaces() return etree.tostring(root.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces)[0], with_tail=False, encoding='utf-8', method='xml') # ====== Xades Signing ======= @api.model def _l10n_sa_get_digital_signature(self, company_id, invoice_hash): """ Generate an ECDSA SHA256 digital signature for the XML eInvoice """ decoded_hash = b64decode(invoice_hash).decode() private_key = load_pem_private_key(company_id.sudo().l10n_sa_private_key, password=None, backend=default_backend()) signature = private_key.sign(decoded_hash.encode(), ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())) return b64encode(signature) def _l10n_sa_calculate_signed_properties_hash(self, issuer_name, serial_number, signing_time, public_key): """ Calculate the SHA256 value of the SignedProperties XML node. The algorithm used by ZATCA expects the indentation of the nodes to start with 40 spaces, except for the root SignedProperties node. """ signed_properties = etree.fromstring(self.env['ir.qweb']._render('l10n_sa_edi.export_sa_zatca_ubl_signed_properties', { 'issuer_name': issuer_name, 'serial_number': serial_number, 'signing_time': signing_time, 'public_key_hashing': public_key, })) etree.indent(signed_properties, space=' ') signed_properties_split = etree.tostring(signed_properties).decode().split('\n') signed_properties_final = "" for index, line in enumerate(signed_properties_split): if index == 0: signed_properties_final += line else: signed_properties_final += (' ' * 36) + line if index != len(signed_properties_final) - 1: signed_properties_final += '\n' signed_properties_final = etree.tostring(etree.fromstring(signed_properties_final)) return b64encode(sha256(signed_properties_final).hexdigest().encode()).decode() def _l10n_sa_sign_xml(self, xml_content, certificate_str, signature): """ Function that signs XML content of a UBL document with a provided B64 encoded X509 certificate """ root = etree.fromstring(xml_content) etree.indent(root, space=' ') def _set_content(xpath, content): node = root.xpath(xpath)[0] node.text = content b64_decoded_cert = b64decode(certificate_str) x509_certificate = load_der_x509_certificate(b64decode(b64_decoded_cert.decode()), default_backend()) issuer_name = ', '.join([s.rfc4514_string() for s in x509_certificate.issuer.rdns[::-1]]) serial_number = str(x509_certificate.serial_number) signing_time = self._l10n_sa_get_zatca_datetime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') public_key_hashing = b64encode(sha256(b64_decoded_cert).hexdigest().encode()).decode() signed_properties_hash = self._l10n_sa_calculate_signed_properties_hash(issuer_name, serial_number, signing_time, public_key_hashing) _set_content("//*[local-name()='X509IssuerName']", issuer_name) _set_content("//*[local-name()='X509SerialNumber']", serial_number) _set_content("//*[local-name()='SignedSignatureProperties']/*[local-name()='SigningTime']", signing_time) _set_content("//*[local-name()='SignedSignatureProperties']//*[local-name()='DigestValue']", public_key_hashing) prehash_content = etree.tostring(root) invoice_hash = self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca']._l10n_sa_generate_invoice_xml_hash(prehash_content, 'digest') _set_content("//*[local-name()='SignatureValue']", signature) _set_content("//*[local-name()='X509Certificate']", b64_decoded_cert.decode()) _set_content("//*[local-name()='SignatureInformation']//*[local-name()='DigestValue']", invoice_hash) _set_content("//*[@URI='#xadesSignedProperties']/*[local-name()='DigestValue']", signed_properties_hash) return etree.tostring(root, with_tail=False) def _l10n_sa_assert_clearance_status(self, invoice, clearance_data): """ Assert Clearance status. To be overridden in case there are any other cases to be accounted for """ mode = 'reporting' if invoice._l10n_sa_is_simplified() else 'clearance' if mode == 'clearance' and clearance_data.get('clearanceStatus', '') != 'CLEARED': return {'error': _("Invoice could not be cleared:\n%s", clearance_data), 'blocking_level': 'error'} elif mode == 'reporting' and clearance_data.get('reportingStatus', '') != 'REPORTED': return {'error': _("Invoice could not be reported:\n%s", clearance_data), 'blocking_level': 'error'} return clearance_data # ====== UBL Document Rendering & Submission ======= def _l10n_sa_postprocess_zatca_template(self, xml_content): """ Post-process xml content generated according to the ZATCA UBL specifications. Specifically, this entails: - Force the xmlns:ext namespace on the root element (Invoice). This is required, since, by default the generated UBL file does not have any ext namespaced element, so the namespace is removed since it is unused. """ # Append UBLExtensions to the XML content ubl_extensions = etree.fromstring(self.env['ir.qweb']._render('l10n_sa_edi.export_sa_zatca_ubl_extensions')) root = etree.fromstring(xml_content) root.insert(0, ubl_extensions) # Force xmlns:ext namespace on UBl file ns_map = {'ext': 'urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2'} etree.cleanup_namespaces(root, top_nsmap=ns_map, keep_ns_prefixes=['ext']) return etree.tostring(root, with_tail=False).decode() def _l10n_sa_generate_zatca_template(self, invoice): """ Render the ZATCA UBL file """ xml_content, errors = self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca']._export_invoice(invoice) if errors: return { 'error': _("Could not generate Invoice UBL content: %s", ", \n".join(errors)), 'blocking_level': 'error' } return self._l10n_sa_postprocess_zatca_template(xml_content) def _l10n_sa_submit_einvoice(self, invoice, signed_xml, PCSID_data): """ Submit a generated Invoice UBL file by making calls to the following APIs: - A. Clearance API: Submit a standard Invoice to ZATCA for validation, returns signed UBL - B. Reporting API: Submit a simplified Invoice to ZATCA for validation """ clearance_data = invoice.journal_id._l10n_sa_api_clearance(invoice, signed_xml.decode(), PCSID_data) if clearance_data.get('json_errors'): errors = [json.loads(j).get('validationResults', {}) for j in clearance_data['json_errors']] error_msg = '' is_warning = True for error in errors: validation_results = error.get('validationResults', {}) for err in validation_results.get('warningMessages', []): error_msg += '\n - %s | %s' % (err['code'], err['message']) for err in validation_results.get('errorMessages', []): is_warning = False error_msg += '\n - %s | %s' % (err['code'], err['message']) return { 'error': error_msg, 'rejected': not is_warning, 'response': signed_xml.decode(), 'blocking_level': 'warning' if is_warning else 'error' } if not clearance_data.get('error'): return self._l10n_sa_assert_clearance_status(invoice, clearance_data) return clearance_data def _l10n_sa_postprocess_einvoice_submission(self, invoice, signed_xml, clearance_data): """ Once an invoice has been successfully submitted, it is returned as a Cleared invoice, on which data from ZATCA was applied. To be overridden to account for other cases, such as Reporting. """ if invoice._l10n_sa_is_simplified(): # if invoice is B2C, it is a SIMPLIFIED invoice, and thus it is only reported and returns # no signed invoice. In this case, we just return the original content return signed_xml.decode() return b64decode(clearance_data['clearedInvoice']).decode() def _l10n_sa_apply_qr_code(self, invoice, xml_content): """ Apply QR code on Invoice UBL content """ root = etree.fromstring(xml_content) qr_code = invoice.l10n_sa_qr_code_str qr_node = root.xpath('//*[local-name()="ID"][text()="QR"]/following-sibling::*/*')[0] qr_node.text = qr_code return etree.tostring(root, with_tail=False) def _l10n_sa_get_signed_xml(self, invoice, unsigned_xml, x509_cert): """ Helper method to sign the provided XML, apply the QR code in the case if Simplified invoices (B2C), then return the signed XML """ signed_xml = self._l10n_sa_sign_xml(unsigned_xml, x509_cert, invoice.l10n_sa_invoice_signature) if invoice._l10n_sa_is_simplified(): # Applying with_prefetch() to set the _prefetch_ids = _ids, # preventing premature QR code computation for other invoices. invoice = invoice.with_prefetch() return self._l10n_sa_apply_qr_code(invoice, signed_xml) return signed_xml def _l10n_sa_export_zatca_invoice(self, invoice, xml_content=None): """ Generate a ZATCA compliant UBL file, make API calls to authenticate, sign and include QR Code and Cryptographic Stamp, then create an attachment with the final contents of the UBL file """ self.ensure_one() # Prepare UBL invoice values and render XML file unsigned_xml = xml_content or self._l10n_sa_generate_zatca_template(invoice) # Load PCISD data and X509 certificate try: PCSID_data = invoice.journal_id._l10n_sa_api_get_pcsid() except UserError as e: return ({ 'error': _("Could not generate PCSID values: \n") + e.args[0], 'blocking_level': 'error', 'response': unsigned_xml }, unsigned_xml) x509_cert = PCSID_data['binarySecurityToken'] # Apply Signature/QR code on the generated XML document try: signed_xml = self._l10n_sa_get_signed_xml(invoice, unsigned_xml, x509_cert) except UserError as e: return ({ 'error': _("Could not generate signed XML values: \n") + e.args[0], 'blocking_level': 'error', 'response': unsigned_xml }, unsigned_xml) # Once the XML content has been generated and signed, we submit it to ZATCA return self._l10n_sa_submit_einvoice(invoice, signed_xml, PCSID_data), signed_xml def _l10n_sa_check_partner_missing_info(self, partner_id, fields_to_check): """ Helper function to check if ZATCA mandated partner fields are missing for a specified partner record """ missing = [] for field in fields_to_check: field_value = partner_id[field[0]] if not field_value or (len(field) == 3 and not field[2](partner_id, field_value)): missing.append(field[1]) return missing def _l10n_sa_check_seller_missing_info(self, invoice): """ Helper function to check if ZATCA mandated partner fields are missing for the seller """ partner_id = invoice.company_id.partner_id.commercial_partner_id fields_to_check = [ ('l10n_sa_edi_building_number', _('Building Number for the Buyer is required on Standard Invoices')), ('street2', _('Neighborhood for the Seller is required on Standard Invoices')), ('l10n_sa_additional_identification_scheme', _('Additional Identification Scheme is required for the Seller, and must be one of CRN, MOM, MLS, SAG or OTH'), lambda p, v: v in ('CRN', 'MOM', 'MLS', 'SAG', 'OTH') ), ('vat', _('VAT is required when Identification Scheme is set to Tax Identification Number'), lambda p, v: p.l10n_sa_additional_identification_scheme != 'TIN' ), ('state_id', _('State / Country subdivision')) ] return self._l10n_sa_check_partner_missing_info(partner_id, fields_to_check) def _l10n_sa_check_buyer_missing_info(self, invoice): """ Helper function to check if ZATCA mandated partner fields are missing for the buyer """ fields_to_check = [] if any(tax.l10n_sa_exemption_reason_code in ('VATEX-SA-HEA', 'VATEX-SA-EDU') for tax in invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered( lambda line: line.display_type == 'product').tax_ids): fields_to_check += [ ('l10n_sa_additional_identification_scheme', _('Additional Identification Scheme is required for the Buyer if tax exemption reason is either ' 'VATEX-SA-HEA or VATEX-SA-EDU, and its value must be NAT'), lambda p, v: v == 'NAT'), ('l10n_sa_additional_identification_number', _('Additional Identification Number is required for commercial partners'), lambda p, v: p.l10n_sa_additional_identification_scheme != 'TIN' ), ] elif invoice.commercial_partner_id.l10n_sa_additional_identification_scheme == 'TIN': fields_to_check += [ ('vat', _('VAT is required when Identification Scheme is set to Tax Identification Number')) ] if not invoice._l10n_sa_is_simplified() and invoice.partner_id.country_id.code == 'SA': # If the invoice is a non-foreign, Standard (B2B), the Building Number and Neighborhood are required fields_to_check += [ ('l10n_sa_edi_building_number', _('Building Number for the Buyer is required on Standard Invoices')), ('street2', _('Neighborhood for the Buyer is required on Standard Invoices')), ] return self._l10n_sa_check_partner_missing_info(invoice.commercial_partner_id, fields_to_check) def _l10n_sa_post_zatca_edi(self, invoice): # no batch ensure that there is only one invoice """ Post invoice to ZATCA and return a dict of invoices and their success/attachment """ # Chain integrity check: chain head must have been REALLY posted, and did not time out # When a submission times out, we reset the chain index of the invoice to False, so it has to be submitted again # According to ZATCA, if we end up submitting the same invoice more than once, they will directly reach out # to the taxpayer for clarifications chain_head = invoice.journal_id._l10n_sa_get_last_posted_invoice() if chain_head and chain_head != invoice and not chain_head._l10n_sa_is_in_chain(): return {invoice: { 'error': f"ZATCA: Cannot post invoice while chain head ({}) has not been posted", 'blocking_level': 'error', 'response': None, }} xml_content = None if not invoice.l10n_sa_chain_index: # If the Invoice doesn't have a chain index, it means it either has not been submitted before, # or it was submitted and rejected. Either way, we need to assign it a new Chain Index and regenerate # the data that depends on it before submitting (UUID, XML content, signature) invoice.l10n_sa_chain_index = invoice.journal_id._l10n_sa_edi_get_next_chain_index() xml_content = invoice._l10n_sa_generate_unsigned_data() # Generate Invoice name for attachment attachment_name = self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_21.zatca']._export_invoice_filename(invoice) # Generate XML, sign it, then submit it to ZATCA response_data, submitted_xml = self._l10n_sa_export_zatca_invoice(invoice, xml_content) # Check for submission errors if response_data.get('error'): # If the request was rejected, we save the signed xml content as an attachment if response_data.get('rejected'): invoice._l10n_sa_log_results(submitted_xml, response_data, error=True) # If the request returned an exception (Timeout, ValueError... etc.) it means we're not sure if the # invoice was successfully cleared/reported, and thus we keep the Index Chain. # Else, we recalculate the submission Index (ICV), UUID, XML content and Signature if not response_data.get('excepted'): invoice.l10n_sa_chain_index = False return { invoice: { **response_data, 'response': submitted_xml } } # Once submission is done with no errors, check submission status cleared_xml = self._l10n_sa_postprocess_einvoice_submission(invoice, submitted_xml, response_data) # Save the submitted/returned invoice XML content once the submission has been completed successfully invoice._l10n_sa_log_results(cleared_xml.encode(), response_data) return { invoice: { 'success': True, 'response': cleared_xml, 'message': '', 'attachment': self.env['ir.attachment'].create({ 'name': attachment_name, 'raw': cleared_xml.encode(), 'res_model': 'account.move', 'res_id':, 'mimetype': 'application/xml' }) } } # ====== EDI Format Overrides ======= def _is_required_for_invoice(self, invoice): """ Override to add ZATCA edi checks on required invoices """ self.ensure_one() if self.code != 'sa_zatca': return super()._is_required_for_invoice(invoice) return invoice.is_sale_document() and invoice.country_code == 'SA' def _check_move_configuration(self, invoice): """ Override to add ZATCA compliance checks on the Invoice """ def _set_missing_partner_fields(missing_fields, name): return _("- Please, set the following fields on the %s: %s", name, ', '.join(missing_fields)) journal = invoice.journal_id company = invoice.company_id errors = super()._check_move_configuration(invoice) if self.code != 'sa_zatca' or company.country_id.code != 'SA': return errors if invoice.commercial_partner_id == invoice.company_id.partner_id.commercial_partner_id: errors.append(_("- You cannot post invoices where the Seller is the Buyer")) if not all(line.tax_ids for line in invoice.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.display_type == 'product' and line._check_edi_line_tax_required())): errors.append(_("- Invoice lines should have at least one Tax applied.")) if not journal._l10n_sa_ready_to_submit_einvoices(): errors.append( _("- Finish the Onboarding procees for journal %s by requesting the CSIDs and completing the checks.", if not company._l10n_sa_check_organization_unit(): errors.append( _("- The company VAT identification must contain 15 digits, with the first and last digits being '3' as per the BR-KSA-39 and BR-KSA-40 of ZATCA KSA business rule.")) if not company.sudo().l10n_sa_private_key: errors.append( _("- No Private Key was generated for company %s. A Private Key is mandatory in order to generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).", if not journal.l10n_sa_serial_number: errors.append( _("- No Serial Number was assigned for journal %s. A Serial Number is mandatory in order to generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).", supplier_missing_info = self._l10n_sa_check_seller_missing_info(invoice) customer_missing_info = self._l10n_sa_check_buyer_missing_info(invoice) if supplier_missing_info: errors.append(_set_missing_partner_fields(supplier_missing_info, _("Supplier"))) if customer_missing_info: errors.append(_set_missing_partner_fields(customer_missing_info, _("Customer"))) if invoice.invoice_date > fields.Date.context_today(self.with_context(tz='Asia/Riyadh')): errors.append(_("- Please, make sure the invoice date is set to either the same as or before Today.")) if invoice.move_type in ('in_refund', 'out_refund') and not invoice._l10n_sa_check_refund_reason(): errors.append( _("- Please, make sure either the Reversed Entry or the Reversal Reason are specified when confirming a Credit/Debit note")) return errors def _needs_web_services(self): """ Override to add a check on edi document format code """ self.ensure_one() return self.code == 'sa_zatca' or super()._needs_web_services() def _is_compatible_with_journal(self, journal): """ Override to add a check on journal type & country code (SA) """ self.ensure_one() if self.code != 'sa_zatca': return super()._is_compatible_with_journal(journal) return journal.type == 'sale' and journal.country_code == 'SA' def _l10n_sa_get_invoice_content_edi(self, invoice): """ Return contents of the submitted UBL file or generate it if the invoice has not been submitted yet """ doc = invoice.edi_document_ids.filtered(lambda d: d.edi_format_id.code == 'sa_zatca' and d.state == 'sent') return doc.attachment_id.raw or self._l10n_sa_generate_zatca_template(invoice).encode() def _get_move_applicability(self, move): # EXTENDS account_edi self.ensure_one() if self.code != 'sa_zatca' or move.country_code != 'SA' or move.move_type not in ('out_invoice', 'out_refund'): return super()._get_move_applicability(move) return { 'post': self._l10n_sa_post_zatca_edi, 'edi_content': self._l10n_sa_get_invoice_content_edi, }