import re from odoo import models, fields, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec class ResCompany(models.Model): _inherit = "" def _l10n_sa_generate_private_key(self): """ Compute a private key for each company that will be used to generate certificate signing requests (CSR) in order to receive X509 certificates from the ZATCA APIs and sign EDI documents - public_exponent=65537 is a default value that should be used most of the time, as per the documentation of cryptography. - key_size=2048 is considered a reasonable default key size, as per the documentation of cryptography. See """ private_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256K1(), default_backend()) return private_key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption()) l10n_sa_private_key = fields.Binary("ZATCA Private key", attachment=False, groups="base.group_system", copy=False, help="The private key used to generate the CSR and obtain certificates",) l10n_sa_api_mode = fields.Selection( [('sandbox', 'Sandbox'), ('preprod', 'Simulation (Pre-Production)'), ('prod', 'Production')], help="Specifies which API the system should use", required=True, default='sandbox', copy=False) l10n_sa_edi_building_number = fields.Char(compute='_compute_address', inverse='_l10n_sa_edi_inverse_building_number') l10n_sa_edi_plot_identification = fields.Char(compute='_compute_address', inverse='_l10n_sa_edi_inverse_plot_identification') l10n_sa_additional_identification_scheme = fields.Selection( related='partner_id.l10n_sa_additional_identification_scheme', readonly=False) l10n_sa_additional_identification_number = fields.Char( related='partner_id.l10n_sa_additional_identification_number', readonly=False) def _get_company_root_delegated_field_names(self): return super()._get_company_root_delegated_field_names() + [ 'l10n_sa_api_mode', 'l10n_sa_private_key', ] def write(self, vals): for company in self: if 'l10n_sa_api_mode' in vals: if company.l10n_sa_api_mode == 'prod' and vals['l10n_sa_api_mode'] != 'prod': raise UserError(_("You cannot change the ZATCA Submission Mode once it has been set to Production")) journals = self.env['account.journal'].search(self.env['account.journal']._check_company_domain(company)) journals._l10n_sa_reset_certificates() journals.l10n_sa_latest_submission_hash = False return super().write(vals) def _get_company_address_field_names(self): """ Override to add ZATCA specific address fields """ return super()._get_company_address_field_names() + \ ['l10n_sa_edi_building_number', 'l10n_sa_edi_plot_identification'] def _l10n_sa_edi_inverse_building_number(self): for company in self: company.partner_id.l10n_sa_edi_building_number = company.l10n_sa_edi_building_number def _l10n_sa_edi_inverse_plot_identification(self): for company in self: company.partner_id.l10n_sa_edi_plot_identification = company.l10n_sa_edi_plot_identification def _l10n_sa_get_csr_invoice_type(self): """ Return the Invoice Type flag used in the CSR. 4-digit numerical input using 0 & 1 mapped to “TSCZ” where: - 0: False/Not supported, 1: True/Supported - T: Tax Invoice (Standard), S: Simplified Invoice, C & Z will be used in the future and should always be 0 For example: 1100 would mean the Solution will be generating Standard and Simplified invoices. We can assume Odoo-powered EGS solutions will always generate both Standard & Simplified invoices :return: """ return '1100' def _l10n_sa_check_organization_unit(self): """ Check company Organization Unit according to ZATCA specifications Standards: BR-KSA-39 BR-KSA-40 See """ self.ensure_one() if not self.vat: return False return len(self.vat) == 15 and bool(re.match(r'^3\d{13}3$', self.vat))