# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from collections import defaultdict from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from uuid import uuid4 class LoyaltyProgram(models.Model): _name = 'loyalty.program' _description = 'Loyalty Program' _order = 'sequence' _rec_name = 'name' name = fields.Char('Program Name', required=True, translate=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) sequence = fields.Integer(copy=False) company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', 'Company', default=lambda self: self.env.company) currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', 'Currency', compute='_compute_currency_id', readonly=False, required=True, store=True, precompute=True) currency_symbol = fields.Char(related='currency_id.symbol') pricelist_ids = fields.Many2many( 'product.pricelist', string="Pricelist", domain="[('currency_id', '=', currency_id)]" ) total_order_count = fields.Integer("Total Order Count", compute="_compute_total_order_count") rule_ids = fields.One2many('loyalty.rule', 'program_id', 'Conditional rules', copy=True, compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True) reward_ids = fields.One2many('loyalty.reward', 'program_id', 'Rewards', copy=True, compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True) communication_plan_ids = fields.One2many('loyalty.mail', 'program_id', copy=True, compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True) # These fields are used for the simplified view of gift_card and ewallet mail_template_id = fields.Many2one('mail.template', compute='_compute_mail_template_id', inverse='_inverse_mail_template_id', string="Email template", readonly=False) trigger_product_ids = fields.Many2many(related='rule_ids.product_ids', readonly=False) coupon_ids = fields.One2many('loyalty.card', 'program_id') coupon_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_coupon_count') coupon_count_display = fields.Char(compute='_compute_coupon_count_display', string="Items") program_type = fields.Selection([ ('coupons', 'Coupons'), ('gift_card', 'Gift Card'), ('loyalty', 'Loyalty Cards'), ('promotion', 'Promotions'), ('ewallet', 'eWallet'), ('promo_code', 'Discount Code'), ('buy_x_get_y', 'Buy X Get Y'), ('next_order_coupons', 'Next Order Coupons')], default='promotion', required=True, ) date_from = fields.Date( string="Start Date", help="The start date is included in the validity period of this program", ) date_to = fields.Date( string="End date", help="The end date is included in the validity period of this program", ) limit_usage = fields.Boolean(string='Limit Usage') max_usage = fields.Integer() # Dictates when the points can be used: # current: if the order gives enough points on that order, the reward may directly be claimed, points lost otherwise # future: if the order gives enough points on that order, a coupon is generated for a next order # both: points are accumulated on the coupon to claim rewards, the reward may directly be claimed applies_on = fields.Selection([ ('current', 'Current order'), ('future', 'Future orders'), ('both', 'Current & Future orders')], default='current', required=True, compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True, ) trigger = fields.Selection([ ('auto', 'Automatic'), ('with_code', 'Use a code')], compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True, help=""" Automatic: Customers will be eligible for a reward automatically in their cart. Use a code: Customers will be eligible for a reward if they enter a code. """ ) portal_visible = fields.Boolean(default=False, help=""" Show in web portal, PoS customer ticket, eCommerce checkout, the number of points available and used by reward. """) portal_point_name = fields.Char(default='Points', translate=True, compute='_compute_portal_point_name', readonly=False, store=True) is_nominative = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_nominative') is_payment_program = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_payment_program') payment_program_discount_product_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.product', string='Discount Product', compute='_compute_payment_program_discount_product_id', readonly=True, help="Product used in the sales order to apply the discount." ) # Technical field used for a label available_on = fields.Boolean("Available On", store=False, help=""" Manage where your program should be available for use. """ ) _sql_constraints = [ ('check_max_usage', 'CHECK (limit_usage = False OR max_usage > 0)', 'Max usage must be strictly positive if a limit is used.'), ] @api.constrains('currency_id', 'pricelist_ids') def _check_pricelist_currency(self): if any( pricelist.currency_id != program.currency_id for program in self for pricelist in program.pricelist_ids ): raise UserError(_( "The loyalty program's currency must be the same as all it's pricelists ones." )) @api.constrains('date_from', 'date_to') def _check_date_from_date_to(self): if any(p.date_to and p.date_from and p.date_from > p.date_to for p in self): raise UserError(_( "The validity period's start date must be anterior or equal to its end date." )) @api.constrains('reward_ids') def _constrains_reward_ids(self): if self.env.context.get('loyalty_skip_reward_check'): return if any(not program.reward_ids for program in self): raise ValidationError(_('A program must have at least one reward.')) def _compute_total_order_count(self): self.total_order_count = 0 @api.depends('coupon_count', 'program_type') def _compute_coupon_count_display(self): program_items_name = self._program_items_name() for program in self: program.coupon_count_display = "%i %s" % (program.coupon_count or 0, program_items_name[program.program_type] or '') @api.depends("communication_plan_ids.mail_template_id") def _compute_mail_template_id(self): for program in self: program.mail_template_id = program.communication_plan_ids.mail_template_id[:1] def _inverse_mail_template_id(self): for program in self: if program.program_type not in ("gift_card", "ewallet"): continue if not program.mail_template_id: program.communication_plan_ids = [(5, 0, 0)] elif not program.communication_plan_ids: program.communication_plan_ids = self.env['loyalty.mail'].create({ 'program_id': program.id, 'trigger': 'create', 'mail_template_id': program.mail_template_id.id, }) else: program.communication_plan_ids.write({ 'trigger': 'create', 'mail_template_id': program.mail_template_id.id, }) @api.depends('company_id') def _compute_currency_id(self): for program in self: program.currency_id = program.company_id.currency_id or program.currency_id @api.depends('coupon_ids') def _compute_coupon_count(self): read_group_data = self.env['loyalty.card']._read_group([('program_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['program_id'], ['__count']) count_per_program = {program.id: count for program, count in read_group_data} for program in self: program.coupon_count = count_per_program.get(program.id, 0) @api.depends('program_type', 'applies_on') def _compute_is_nominative(self): for program in self: program.is_nominative = program.applies_on == 'both' or\ (program.program_type == 'ewallet' and program.applies_on == 'future') @api.depends('program_type') def _compute_is_payment_program(self): for program in self: program.is_payment_program = program.program_type in ('gift_card', 'ewallet') @api.depends('reward_ids.discount_line_product_id') def _compute_payment_program_discount_product_id(self): for program in self: if program.is_payment_program: program.payment_program_discount_product_id = program.reward_ids[:1].discount_line_product_id else: program.payment_program_discount_product_id = False @api.model def _program_items_name(self): return { 'coupons': _('Coupons'), 'promotion': _('Promos'), 'gift_card': _('Gift Cards'), 'loyalty': _('Loyalty Cards'), 'ewallet': _('eWallets'), 'promo_code': _('Discounts'), 'buy_x_get_y': _('Promos'), 'next_order_coupons': _('Coupons'), } @api.model def _program_type_default_values(self): # All values to change when program_type changes # NOTE: any field used in `rule_ids`, `reward_ids` and `communication_plan_ids` MUST be present in the kanban view for it to work properly. first_sale_product = self.env['product.product'].search([('company_id', 'in', [False, self.env.company.id]), ('sale_ok', '=', True)], limit=1) return { 'coupons': { 'applies_on': 'current', 'trigger': 'with_code', 'portal_visible': False, 'portal_point_name': _('Coupon point(s)'), 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0)], 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'required_points': 1, 'discount': 10, })], 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'trigger': 'create', 'mail_template_id': (self.env.ref('loyalty.mail_template_loyalty_card', raise_if_not_found=False) or self.env['mail.template']).id, })], }, 'promotion': { 'applies_on': 'current', 'trigger': 'auto', 'portal_visible': False, 'portal_point_name': _('Promo point(s)'), 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_point_amount': 1, 'reward_point_mode': 'order', 'minimum_amount': 50, 'minimum_qty': 0, })], 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'required_points': 1, 'discount': 10, })], 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0)], }, 'gift_card': { 'applies_on': 'future', 'trigger': 'auto', 'portal_visible': True, 'portal_point_name': self.env.company.currency_id.symbol, 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_point_amount': 1, 'reward_point_mode': 'money', 'reward_point_split': True, 'product_ids': self.env.ref('loyalty.gift_card_product_50', raise_if_not_found=False), 'minimum_qty': 0, })], 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'discount', 'discount_mode': 'per_point', 'discount': 1, 'discount_applicability': 'order', 'required_points': 1, 'description': _('Gift Card'), })], 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'trigger': 'create', 'mail_template_id': (self.env.ref('loyalty.mail_template_gift_card', raise_if_not_found=False) or self.env['mail.template']).id, })], }, 'loyalty': { 'applies_on': 'both', 'trigger': 'auto', 'portal_visible': True, 'portal_point_name': _('Loyalty point(s)'), 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_point_mode': 'money', })], 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'discount': 5, 'required_points': 200, })], 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0)], }, 'ewallet': { 'trigger': 'auto', 'applies_on': 'future', 'portal_visible': True, 'portal_point_name': self.env.company.currency_id.symbol, 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_point_amount': '1', 'reward_point_mode': 'money', 'reward_point_split': False, 'product_ids': self.env.ref('loyalty.ewallet_product_50', raise_if_not_found=False), })], 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'discount', 'discount_mode': 'per_point', 'discount': 1, 'discount_applicability': 'order', 'required_points': 1, 'description': _('eWallet'), })], 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0)], }, 'promo_code': { 'applies_on': 'current', 'trigger': 'with_code', 'portal_visible': False, 'portal_point_name': _('Discount point(s)'), 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'mode': 'with_code', 'code': 'PROMO_CODE_' + str(uuid4())[:4], # We should try not to trigger any unicity constraint 'minimum_qty': 0, })], 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'discount_applicability': 'specific', 'discount_product_ids': first_sale_product, 'discount_mode': 'percent', 'discount': 10, })], 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0)], }, 'buy_x_get_y': { 'applies_on': 'current', 'trigger': 'auto', 'portal_visible': False, 'portal_point_name': _('Credit(s)'), 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_point_mode': 'unit', 'product_ids': first_sale_product, 'minimum_qty': 2, })], 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'product', 'reward_product_id': first_sale_product.id, 'required_points': 2, })], 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0)], }, 'next_order_coupons': { 'applies_on': 'future', 'trigger': 'auto', 'portal_visible': True, 'portal_point_name': _('Coupon point(s)'), 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'minimum_amount': 100, 'minimum_qty': 0, })], 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'reward_type': 'discount', 'discount_mode': 'percent', 'discount': 15, 'discount_applicability': 'order', })], 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, { 'trigger': 'create', 'mail_template_id': ( self.env.ref('loyalty.mail_template_loyalty_card', raise_if_not_found=False) or self.env['mail.template'] ).id, })], }, } @api.depends('program_type') def _compute_from_program_type(self): program_type_defaults = self._program_type_default_values() grouped_programs = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['loyalty.program']) for program in self: grouped_programs[program.program_type] |= program for program_type, programs in grouped_programs.items(): if program_type in program_type_defaults: programs.write(program_type_defaults[program_type]) @api.depends("currency_id", "program_type") def _compute_portal_point_name(self): for program in self: if program.program_type not in ('ewallet', 'gift_card'): continue program.portal_point_name = program.currency_id.symbol or '' def _get_valid_products(self, products): ''' Returns a dict containing the products that match per rule of the program ''' rule_products = dict() for rule in self.rule_ids: domain = rule._get_valid_product_domain() if domain: rule_products[rule] = products.filtered_domain(domain) elif not domain and rule.program_type != "gift_card": rule_products[rule] = products else: continue return rule_products def action_open_loyalty_cards(self): self.ensure_one() action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id("loyalty.loyalty_card_action") action['name'] = self._program_items_name()[self.program_type] action['display_name'] = action['name'] action['context'] = { 'program_type': self.program_type, 'program_item_name': self._program_items_name()[self.program_type], 'default_program_id': self.id, # For the wizard 'default_mode': self.program_type == 'ewallet' and 'selected' or 'anonymous', } return action @api.ondelete(at_uninstall=False) def _unlink_except_active(self): if any(program.active for program in self): raise UserError(_('You can not delete a program in an active state')) def toggle_active(self): res = super().toggle_active() # Propagate active state to children for program in self.with_context(active_test=False): program.rule_ids.active = program.active program.reward_ids.active = program.active program.communication_plan_ids.active = program.active program.reward_ids.with_context(active_test=True).discount_line_product_id.active = program.active return res def write(self, vals): # There is an issue when we change the program type, since we clear the rewards and create new ones. # The orm actually does it in this order upon writing, triggering the constraint before creating the new rewards. # However we can check that the result of reward_ids would actually be empty or not, and if not, skip the constraint. if 'reward_ids' in vals and self._fields['reward_ids'].convert_to_cache(vals['reward_ids'], self): self = self.with_context(loyalty_skip_reward_check=True) # We need add the program type to the context to avoid getting the default value # ('discount') for reward type when calling the `default_get` method of #`loyalty.reward`. if 'program_type' in vals: self = self.with_context(program_type=vals['program_type']) return super().write(vals) else: for program in self: program = program.with_context(program_type=program.program_type) super(LoyaltyProgram, program).write(vals) return True else: return super().write(vals) @api.model def get_program_templates(self): ''' Returns the templates to be used for promotional programs. ''' ctx_menu_type = self.env.context.get('menu_type') if ctx_menu_type == 'gift_ewallet': return { 'gift_card': { 'title': _("Gift Card"), 'description': _("Sell Gift Cards, that allows to purchase products"), 'icon': 'gift_card', }, 'ewallet': { 'title': _("eWallet"), 'description': _("Fill in your eWallet, to pay future orders"), 'icon': 'ewallet', }, } return { 'promotion': { 'title': _("Promotional Program"), 'description': _("Automatic promo: 10% off on orders higher than $50"), 'icon': 'promotional_program', }, 'promo_code': { 'title': _("Promo Code"), 'description': _("Get 10% off on some products, with a code"), 'icon': 'promo_code', }, 'buy_x_get_y': { 'title': _("Buy X Get Y"), 'description': _("Buy 2 products and get a third one for free"), 'icon': '2_plus_1', }, 'next_order_coupons': { 'title': _("Next Order Coupon"), 'description': _("Send a coupon after an order, valid for next purchase"), 'icon': 'coupons', }, 'loyalty': { 'title': _("Loyalty Card"), 'description': _("Win points with each purchase, and claim gifts"), 'icon': 'loyalty_cards', }, 'coupons': { 'title': _("Coupon"), 'description': _("Generate and share unique coupons with your customers"), 'icon': 'coupons', }, 'fidelity': { 'title': _("Fidelity Card"), 'description': _("Buy 10 products to get 10$ off on the 11th one"), 'icon': 'fidelity_cards', }, } @api.model def create_from_template(self, template_id): ''' Creates the program from the template id defined in `get_program_templates`. Returns an action leading to that new record. ''' template_values = self._get_template_values() if template_id not in template_values: return False program = self.create(template_values[template_id]) action = {} if self.env.context.get('menu_type') == 'gift_ewallet': action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('loyalty.loyalty_program_gift_ewallet_action') action['views'] = [[False, 'form']] else: action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('loyalty.loyalty_program_discount_loyalty_action') view_id = self.env.ref('loyalty.loyalty_program_view_form').id action['views'] = [[view_id, 'form']] action['view_mode'] = 'form' action['res_id'] = program.id return action @api.model def _get_template_values(self): ''' Returns the values to create a program using the template keys defined above. ''' program_type_defaults = self._program_type_default_values() # For programs that require a product get the first sellable. product = self.env['product.product'].search([('sale_ok', '=', True)], limit=1) return { 'gift_card': { 'name': _('Gift Card'), 'program_type': 'gift_card', **program_type_defaults['gift_card'] }, 'ewallet': { 'name': _('eWallet'), 'program_type': 'ewallet', **program_type_defaults['ewallet'], }, 'loyalty': { 'name': _('Loyalty Cards'), 'program_type': 'loyalty', **program_type_defaults['loyalty'], }, 'coupons': { 'name': _('Coupons'), 'program_type': 'coupons', **program_type_defaults['coupons'], }, 'promotion': { 'name': _('Promotional Program'), 'program_type': 'promotion', **program_type_defaults['promotion'], }, 'promo_code': { 'name': _('Discount code'), 'program_type': 'promo_code', **program_type_defaults['promo_code'], }, 'buy_x_get_y': { 'name': _('2+1 Free'), 'program_type': 'buy_x_get_y', **program_type_defaults['buy_x_get_y'], }, 'next_order_coupons': { 'name': _('Next Order Coupons'), 'program_type': 'next_order_coupons', **program_type_defaults['next_order_coupons'], }, 'fidelity': { 'name': _('Fidelity Cards'), 'program_type': 'loyalty', 'applies_on': 'both', 'trigger': 'auto', 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, { 'reward_point_mode': 'unit', 'product_ids': product, })], 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, { 'discount_mode': 'per_order', 'required_points': 11, 'discount_applicability': 'specific', 'discount_product_ids': product, 'discount': 10, })] }, } @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): """ trigger_product_ids will overwrite product ids defined in a loyalty rule in certain instances. Thus, it should be explicitly removed from an incoming vals dict unless, of course, it was actually a visible field. """ for vals in vals_list: if 'trigger_product_ids' in vals and vals.get('program_type') not in ['gift_card', 'ewallet']: del vals['trigger_product_ids'] return super().create(vals_list)