/* @odoo-module */ import { getPyEnv } from "@bus/../tests/helpers/mock_python_environment"; import { timings } from "@bus/misc"; import { loadEmoji } from "@web/core/emoji_picker/emoji_picker"; import { unpatchImStatusService } from "@mail/core/common/im_status_service_patch"; import { loadLamejs } from "@mail/discuss/voice_message/common/voice_message_service"; import { patchBrowserNotification } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/patch_notifications"; import { getAdvanceTime } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/time_control"; import { getWebClientReady } from "@mail/../tests/helpers/webclient_setup"; import { EventBus } from "@odoo/owl"; import { browser } from "@web/core/browser/browser"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; import { session as sessionInfo } from "@web/session"; import { registerCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/cleanup"; import { clearRegistryWithCleanup, registryNamesToCloneWithCleanup, prepareRegistriesWithCleanup, } from "@web/../tests/helpers/mock_env"; import { getFixture, patchWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils"; import { doAction, getActionManagerServerData } from "@web/../tests/webclient/helpers"; // load emoji data and lamejs once, when the test suite starts. QUnit.begin(loadEmoji); QUnit.begin(loadLamejs); registryNamesToCloneWithCleanup.push("mock_server_callbacks", "discuss.model"); unpatchImStatusService(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: test lifecycle //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function getOpenDiscuss(webClient, { context = {}, params = {}, ...props } = {}) { return async function openDiscuss(pActiveId) { const actionOpenDiscuss = { context: { ...context, active_id: pActiveId }, id: "mail.action_discuss", params, tag: "mail.action_discuss", type: "ir.actions.client", }; await doAction(webClient, actionOpenDiscuss, { props }); }; } function getOpenFormView(openView) { return async function openFormView(res_model, res_id, { props } = {}) { const action = { res_model, res_id, views: [[false, "form"]], }; await openView(action, props); }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: start function helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Reset registries used by the messaging environment. Useful to create multiple * web clients. */ function resetRegistries() { const categories = ["actions", "main_components", "services", "systray"]; for (const name of categories) { clearRegistryWithCleanup(registry.category(name)); } prepareRegistriesWithCleanup(); } let tabs = []; registerCleanup(() => (tabs = [])); /** * Add an item to the "Switch Tab" dropdown. If it doesn't exist, create the * dropdown and add the item afterwards. * * @param {HTMLElement} rootTarget Where to mount the dropdown menu. * @param {HTMLElement} tabTarget Tab to switch to when clicking on the dropdown * item. */ async function addSwitchTabDropdownItem(rootTarget, tabTarget) { tabs.push(tabTarget); const zIndexMainTab = 100000; let dropdownDiv = rootTarget.querySelector(".o-mail-multi-tab-dropdown"); if (!dropdownDiv) { tabTarget.style.zIndex = zIndexMainTab; dropdownDiv = document.createElement("div"); dropdownDiv.style.zIndex = zIndexMainTab + 1; dropdownDiv.style.top = "10%"; dropdownDiv.style.right = "5%"; dropdownDiv.style.position = "absolute"; dropdownDiv.classList.add("dropdown"); dropdownDiv.classList.add("o-mail-multi-tab-dropdown"); dropdownDiv.innerHTML = `
`; rootTarget.appendChild(dropdownDiv); } const tabIndex = tabs.length; const li = document.createElement("li"); const a = document.createElement("a"); li.appendChild(a); a.classList.add("dropdown-item"); a.innerText = `Tab ${tabIndex}`; browser.addEventListener("click", (ev) => { const link = ev.target.closest(".dropdown-item"); if (a.isEqualNode(link)) { tabs.forEach((tab) => (tab.style.zIndex = 0)); tabTarget.style.zIndex = zIndexMainTab; dropdownDiv.querySelector(".dropdown-toggle").innerText = `Switch Tab (${tabIndex})`; } }); dropdownDiv.querySelector(".dropdown-menu").appendChild(li); } /** * Main function used to make a mocked environment with mocked messaging env. * * @param {Object} [param0={}] * @param {boolean} [param0.asTab] Whether or not the resulting WebClient should * be considered as a separate tab. * @param {Object} [param0.serverData] The data to pass to the webClient * @param {Object} [param0.discuss={}] provide data that is passed to the * discuss action. * @param {Object} [param0.legacyServices] * @param {Object} [param0.services] * @param {function} [param0.mockRPC] * @param {boolean} [param0.hasTimeControl=false] if set, all flow of time with * `messaging.browser.setTimeout` are fully controlled by test itself. * @param {integer} [param0.loadingBaseDelayDuration=0] * @returns {Object} */ export async function start(param0 = {}) { const { discuss = {}, hasTimeControl } = param0; patchWithCleanup(timings, { // make throttle instantaneous during tests throttle: (func) => func, }); const advanceTime = hasTimeControl ? getAdvanceTime() : undefined; let target = param0["target"] || getFixture(); if (param0.asTab) { resetRegistries(); const rootTarget = target; target = document.createElement("div"); target.style.width = "100%"; rootTarget.appendChild(target); addSwitchTabDropdownItem(rootTarget, target); } // make qunit fixture in visible range, // so that features like IntersectionObserver work as expected target.style.position = "absolute"; target.style.top = "0"; target.style.left = "0"; target.style.height = "100%"; target.style.opacity = QUnit.config.debug ? "" : "0"; registerCleanup(async () => { target.style.position = ""; target.style.top = ""; target.style.left = ""; target.style.height = ""; target.style.opacity = ""; }); param0["target"] = target; const messagingBus = new EventBus(); const pyEnv = await getPyEnv(); patchWithCleanup(sessionInfo, { user_context: { ...sessionInfo.user_context, uid: pyEnv.currentUserId, }, uid: pyEnv.currentUserId, name: pyEnv.currentUser?.name, partner_id: pyEnv.currentPartnerId, }); if (browser.Notification && !browser.Notification.isPatched) { patchBrowserNotification("denied"); } param0.serverData = param0.serverData || getActionManagerServerData(); param0.serverData.models = { ...pyEnv.getData(), ...param0.serverData.models }; param0.serverData.views = { ...pyEnv.getViews(), ...param0.serverData.views }; const webClient = await getWebClientReady({ ...param0, messagingBus }); if (webClient.env.services.ui.isSmall) { target.style.width = "100%"; } const openView = async (action, options) => { action["type"] = action["type"] || "ir.actions.act_window"; await doAction(webClient, action, { props: options }); }; return { advanceTime, env: webClient.env, openDiscuss: getOpenDiscuss(webClient, discuss), openView, openFormView: getOpenFormView(openView), pyEnv, target, webClient, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public: web API utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Mocks the browser's `navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia` and `navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia` */ export function mockGetMedia() { class MockMediaStreamTrack extends EventTarget { enabled = true; readyState = "live"; constructor(kind) { super(); this.kind = kind; } stop() { this.readyState = "ended"; } } /** * The audio streams are mocked as there is no way to create a MediaStream * with an audio track without really requesting it from the device. */ class MockAudioMediaStream extends MediaStream { mockTracks = [new MockMediaStreamTrack("audio")]; getTracks() { return this.mockTracks; } getAudioTracks() { return this.mockTracks; } getVideoTracks() { return []; } } const streams = []; /** * The video streams are real MediaStreams created from a 1x1 canvas at 1fps. */ const createVideoStream = (constraints) => { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = 1; canvas.height = 1; const stream = canvas.captureStream(1); return stream; }; patchWithCleanup(browser.navigator.mediaDevices, { getUserMedia(constraints) { let stream; if (constraints.audio) { stream = new MockAudioMediaStream(); } else { // The video streams are real MediaStreams stream = createVideoStream(); } streams.push(stream); return stream; }, getDisplayMedia() { const stream = createVideoStream(); streams.push(stream); return stream; }, }); registerCleanup(() => { // stop all streams as some tests may not do actions that lead to the ending of tracks streams.forEach((stream) => { stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop()); }); }); }