/* @odoo-module */ import { DiscussClientAction } from "@mail/core/web/discuss_client_action"; import { fileUploadService } from "@web/core/file_upload/file_upload_service"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; import { patch } from "@web/core/utils/patch"; import { session } from "@web/session"; import { makeMockXHR, mocks } from "@web/../tests/helpers/mock_services"; import { patchWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils"; import { createWebClient } from "@web/../tests/webclient/helpers"; import { imStatusService } from "@bus/im_status_service"; import { imStatusServicePatch } from "@mail/core/common/im_status_service_patch"; const ROUTES_TO_IGNORE = [ "/web/webclient/load_menus", "/web/dataset/call_kw/res.users/load_views", "/web/dataset/call_kw/res.users/systray_get_activities", "/hr_attendance/attendance_user_data", ]; const WEBCLIENT_PARAMETER_NAMES = new Set(["mockRPC", "serverData", "target", "webClientClass"]); const SERVICES_PARAMETER_NAMES = new Set([ "legacyServices", "loadingBaseDelayDuration", "messagingBus", "services", ]); /** * @param {import("@web/core/registry").Registry} source * @param {import("@web/core/registry").Registry} target */ export function copyRegistry(source, target) { for (const [name, service] of source.getEntries()) { target.add(name, service); } } // Copy registries before they are cleared by the test setup in // order to restore them during `getWebClientReady`. const mailServicesRegistry = registry.category("mail.services"); const webServicesRegistry = registry.category("services"); const mailMainComponentsRegistry = registry.category("mail.main_components"); const webMainComponentsRegistry = registry.category("main_components"); const mailSystrayRegistry = registry.category("mail.systray"); const webSystrayRegistry = registry.category("systray"); QUnit.begin(() => { copyRegistry(webServicesRegistry, mailServicesRegistry); copyRegistry(webMainComponentsRegistry, mailMainComponentsRegistry); copyRegistry(webSystrayRegistry, mailSystrayRegistry); }); /** * @returns function that returns an `XMLHttpRequest`-like object whose response * is computed by the given mock server. */ function getCreateXHR() { const mockedXHR = makeMockXHR(); return function () { const xhr = mockedXHR(); let response = ""; let route = ""; const self = this; xhr.status = 200; patch(xhr, { open(method, dest) { route = dest; return super.open(method, dest); }, async send(data) { await new Promise(setTimeout); response = JSON.stringify( await self.env.services.rpc(route, { body: data, method: "POST" }) ); return super.send(data); }, upload: new EventTarget(), abort() { if (this._errorListener) { this._errorListener(); } }, get response() { return response; }, }); return xhr; }; } let imStatusServicePatched = false; export const setupManager = { /** * Add required components to the main component registry. */ setupMainComponentRegistry() { for (const [name, component] of mailMainComponentsRegistry.getEntries()) { webMainComponentsRegistry.add(name, component); } if (!registry.category("actions").contains("mail.action_discuss")) { registry.category("actions").add("mail.action_discuss", DiscussClientAction); } }, /** * Add required components to the systray registry. */ setupSystrayRegistry() { for (const [name, component] of mailSystrayRegistry.getEntries()) { if (!webSystrayRegistry.contains(name)) { webSystrayRegistry.add(name, component); } } }, /** * Setup both legacy and new service registries. * * @param {Object} param0 * @param {Object} [param0.services] * @param {number} [param0.loadingBaseDelayDuration=0] * @param {EventBus} [param0.messagingBus] * @param {Function} [param0.mockRPC] * @returns {LegacyRegistry} The registry containing all the legacy services that will be passed * to the webClient as a legacy parameter. */ setupServiceRegistries({ loadingBaseDelayDuration = 0, messagingBus, services = {} } = {}) { if (!imStatusServicePatched) { patch(imStatusService, imStatusServicePatch); imStatusServicePatched = true; } const OriginalAudio = window.Audio; patchWithCleanup(window, { Audio: function () { const audio = new OriginalAudio(); audio.preload = "none"; audio.play = () => {}; return audio; }, }); patchWithCleanup(session, { show_effect: true }); services["messagingValues"] = services["messagingValues"] ?? { start() { return { isInQUnitTest: true, disableAnimation: true, loadingBaseDelayDuration, messagingBus, userNotificationManager: { canPlayAudio: false }, }; }, }; if (!webServicesRegistry.contains("file_upload")) { webServicesRegistry.add("file_upload", { ...fileUploadService, start(env, ...args) { this.env = env; return fileUploadService.start.call(this, env, ...args); }, createXhr: getCreateXHR(), }); } for (const [name, service] of Object.entries(services)) { webServicesRegistry.add(name, service); } for (const [name, service] of mailServicesRegistry.getEntries()) { if (!mocks[name] && !name.includes("legacy_") && !webServicesRegistry.contains(name)) { webServicesRegistry.add(name, service); } } }, }; /** * Creates a properly configured instance of WebClient, with the messaging service and all it's * dependencies initialized. * * @param {Object} param0 * @param {Object} [param0.serverData] * @param {Object} [param0.services] * @param {Object} [param0.loadingBaseDelayDuration] * @param {EventBus} [param0.messagingBus] The event bus to be used by messaging. * @returns {WebClient} */ async function getWebClientReady(param0) { setupManager.setupMainComponentRegistry(); const servicesParameters = {}; const param0Entries = Object.entries(param0); for (const [parameterName, value] of param0Entries) { if (SERVICES_PARAMETER_NAMES.has(parameterName)) { servicesParameters[parameterName] = value; } } setupManager.setupServiceRegistries(servicesParameters); setupManager.setupSystrayRegistry(); const webClientParameters = {}; for (const [parameterName, value] of param0Entries) { if (WEBCLIENT_PARAMETER_NAMES.has(parameterName)) { webClientParameters[parameterName] = value; } } return createWebClient(webClientParameters); } export { getWebClientReady, ROUTES_TO_IGNORE };