import copy from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.tests import common, tagged, Form class TestConsumeComponentCommon(common.TransactionCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ The following variables are used in each test to define the number of MO to generate. They're also used as a verification in the executeConsumptionTriggers() to see if enough MO were passed to it in order to test all the triggers. SERIAL : MO's product_tracking is 'serial' DEFAULT : MO's product_tracking is 'none' or 'lot' AVAILABLE : MO'S raw components are fully available """ super().setUpClass() cls.SERIAL_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT = 3 cls.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT = 2 cls.SERIAL_TRIGGERS_COUNT = 2 cls.DEFAULT_TRIGGERS_COUNT = 1 cls.manufacture_route = cls.env.ref('mrp.route_warehouse0_manufacture') cls.stock_id = cls.env.ref('stock.stock_location_stock').id cls.picking_type = cls.env['stock.picking.type'].search([('code', '=', 'mrp_operation')])[0] cls.picking_type.use_create_components_lots = True cls.picking_type.use_auto_consume_components_lots = True # Create Products & Components cls.produced_lot = cls.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'Produced Lot', 'type': 'product', 'categ_id': cls.env.ref('product.product_category_all').id, 'tracking': 'lot', 'route_ids': [(4,, 0)], }) cls.produced_serial = cls.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'Produced Serial', 'type': 'product', 'categ_id': cls.env.ref('product.product_category_all').id, 'tracking': 'serial', 'route_ids': [(4,, 0)], }) cls.produced_none = cls.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'Produced None', 'type': 'product', 'categ_id': cls.env.ref('product.product_category_all').id, 'tracking': 'none', 'route_ids': [(4,, 0)], }) cls.raw_lot = cls.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'Raw Lot', 'type': 'product', 'categ_id': cls.env.ref('product.product_category_all').id, 'tracking': 'lot', }) cls.raw_serial = cls.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'Raw Serial', 'type': 'product', 'categ_id': cls.env.ref('product.product_category_all').id, 'tracking': 'serial', }) cls.raw_none = cls.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': 'Raw None', 'type': 'product', 'categ_id': cls.env.ref('product.product_category_all').id, 'tracking': 'none', }) cls.raws = [cls.raw_none, cls.raw_lot, cls.raw_serial] # Workcenter cls.workcenter = cls.env['mrp.workcenter'].create({ 'name': 'Assembly Line', }) # BoMs cls.bom_none = cls.env[''].create({ 'product_tmpl_id':, 'product_uom_id':, 'consumption': 'flexible', 'sequence': 1 }) cls.bom_none_lines = cls.create_bom_lines(cls.bom_none, cls.raws, [3, 2, 1]) cls.bom_lot = cls.env[''].create({ 'product_tmpl_id':, 'product_uom_id':, 'consumption': 'flexible', 'sequence': 2 }) cls.bom_lot_lines = cls.create_bom_lines(cls.bom_lot, cls.raws, [3, 2, 1]) cls.bom_serial = cls.env[''].create({ 'product_tmpl_id':, 'product_uom_id':, 'consumption': 'flexible', 'sequence': 1 }) cls.bom_serial_lines = cls.create_bom_lines(cls.bom_serial, cls.raws, [3, 2, 1]) # Manufacturing Orders cls.mo_none_tmpl = { 'product_id':, 'product_uom_id':, 'product_qty': 1, 'bom_id': } cls.mo_lot_tmpl = { 'product_id':, 'product_uom_id':, 'product_qty': 1, 'bom_id': } cls.mo_serial_tmpl = { 'product_id':, 'product_uom_id':, 'product_qty': 1, 'bom_id': } @classmethod def create_quant(cls, product, qty, offset=0, name="L"): i = 1 if product.tracking == 'serial': i, qty = qty, 1 if name == "L": name = "S" vals = [] for x in range(1, i + 1): qDict = { 'location_id': cls.stock_id, 'product_id':, 'inventory_quantity': qty, } if product.tracking != 'none': qDict['lot_id'] = cls.env['stock.lot'].create({ 'name': name + str(offset + x), 'product_id':, 'company_id': }).id vals.append(qDict) return cls.env['stock.quant'].create(vals) @classmethod def create_bom_lines(cls, bom, products, quantities=None): if quantities is None: quantities = [1 for i in range(len(products))] vals = [] for product, seq in zip(products, range(len(products))): vals.append({ 'product_id':, 'product_qty': quantities[seq], 'product_uom_id':, 'sequence': seq, 'bom_id':, }) return cls.env[''].create(vals) @classmethod def create_mo(cls, template, count): vals = [] for _ in range(count): vals.append(copy.deepcopy(template)) mos = cls.env['mrp.production'].create(vals) mos.move_raw_ids.mapped('manual_consumption') return mos def executeConsumptionTriggers(self, mrp_productions): """There's 3 different triggers to test : _onchange_producing(), action_generate_serial(), button_mark_done(). Depending on the tracking of the final product and the availability of the components, only a part of these 3 triggers is available or intended to work. This function automatically call and process the appropriate triggers. """ tracking = mrp_productions[0].product_tracking sameTracking = True for mo in mrp_productions: sameTracking = sameTracking and mo.product_tracking == tracking self.assertTrue(sameTracking, "MOs passed to the executeConsumptionTriggers method shall have the same product_tracking") isSerial = tracking == 'serial' isAvailable = all(move.state == 'assigned' for move in mrp_productions.move_raw_ids) isComponentTracking = any(move.has_tracking != 'none' for move in mrp_productions.move_raw_ids) countOk = True length = len(mrp_productions) if isSerial: if isAvailable: countOk = length == self.SERIAL_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT else: countOk = length == self.SERIAL_TRIGGERS_COUNT else: if isAvailable: countOk = length == self.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT else: countOk = length == self.DEFAULT_TRIGGERS_COUNT self.assertTrue(countOk, "The number of MOs passed to the executeConsumptionTriggers method does not match the associated TRIGGERS_COUNT") mrp_productions[0].qty_producing = mrp_productions[0].product_qty mrp_productions[0]._onchange_producing() i = 1 if isSerial: mrp_productions[i].action_generate_serial() i += 1 if isAvailable: error = False try: mrp_productions[i].button_mark_done() except UserError: error = True if isComponentTracking and not mrp_productions[i].picking_type_id.use_auto_consume_components_lots: self.assertTrue(error, "Immediate Production shall raise an error when tracked product are not provided.") else: self.assertFalse(error, "Immediate Production shall not raise an error.") @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestConsumeComponent(TestConsumeComponentCommon): def test_option_disabled_and_qty_available(self): """Option disabled, qty available -> Not Tracked components are fully consumed -> Tracked components are only consumed on button_mark_done trigger """ self.picking_type.use_auto_consume_components_lots = False mo_none = self.create_mo(self.mo_none_tmpl, self.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_serial = self.create_mo(self.mo_serial_tmpl, self.SERIAL_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_lot = self.create_mo(self.mo_lot_tmpl, self.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_all = mo_none + mo_serial + mo_lot mo_all.action_confirm() all_qty = 2 * self.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT + self.SERIAL_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT quant = self.create_quant(self.raw_none, 3 * all_qty) quant |= self.create_quant(self.raw_lot, 2 * all_qty) quant |= self.create_quant(self.raw_serial, 1 * all_qty) quant.action_apply_inventory() # Quantities are fully reserved (stock.move state is available) mo_all.action_assign() for mov in mo_all.move_raw_ids: self.assertEqual(mov.product_qty, mov.quantity, "Reserved quantity shall be equal to To Consume quantity.") # Test for Serial Product self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_serial) self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_none) self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_lot) for mov in mo_all.move_raw_ids: if mov.has_tracking == 'none' or mov.raw_material_production_id.state == 'done': self.assertTrue(mov.picked, "non tracked components should be picked") else: self.assertFalse(mov.picked, "tracked components should be picked") def test_option_enabled_and_qty_available(self): """Option enabled, qty available -> Not Tracked components are fully consumed -> Tracked components are fully consumed """ mo_none = self.create_mo(self.mo_none_tmpl, self.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_serial = self.create_mo(self.mo_serial_tmpl, self.SERIAL_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_lot = self.create_mo(self.mo_lot_tmpl, self.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_all = mo_none + mo_serial + mo_lot mo_all.action_confirm() all_qty = 2 * self.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT + self.SERIAL_AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS_COUNT quant = self.create_quant(self.raw_none, 3*all_qty) quant |= self.create_quant(self.raw_lot, 2*all_qty) quant |= self.create_quant(self.raw_serial, 1*all_qty) quant.action_apply_inventory() # Quantities are fully reserved (stock.move state is available) mo_all.action_assign() for mov in mo_all.move_raw_ids: self.assertEqual(mov.product_qty, mov.quantity, "Reserved quantity shall be equal to To Consume quantity.") self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_serial) self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_none) self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_lot) for mov in mo_all.move_raw_ids: self.assertTrue(mov.picked, "All components should be picked") def test_option_enabled_and_qty_not_available(self): """Option enabled, qty not available -> Not Tracked components are fully consumed -> Tracked components are not consumed """ mo_none = self.create_mo(self.mo_none_tmpl, self.DEFAULT_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_serial = self.create_mo(self.mo_serial_tmpl, self.SERIAL_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_lot = self.create_mo(self.mo_lot_tmpl, self.DEFAULT_TRIGGERS_COUNT) mo_all = mo_none + mo_serial + mo_lot mo_all.action_confirm() # Quantities are not reserved at all (stock.move state is confirmed) mo_all.action_assign() for mov in mo_all.move_raw_ids: self.assertEqual(0, mov.quantity, "Reserved quantity shall be equal to 0.") self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_serial) self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_none) self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo_lot) for mov in mo_all.move_raw_ids: if mov.has_tracking == 'none': self.assertTrue(mov.picked, "components should be picked even without no quantity reserved") else: self.assertEqual(mov.product_qty, mov.quantity, "Done quantity shall be equal to To Consume quantity.") def test_option_enabled_and_qty_partially_available(self): """Option enabled, qty partially available -> Not Tracked components are fully consumed -> Tracked components are partially consumed """ # Update BoM serial component qty self.bom_none_lines[2].product_qty = 2 self.bom_serial_lines[2].product_qty = 2 self.bom_lot_lines[2].product_qty = 2 raw_none_qty = 2 raw_tracked_qty = 1 quant = self.create_quant(self.raw_none, raw_none_qty) quant |= self.create_quant(self.raw_lot, raw_tracked_qty) quant |= self.create_quant(self.raw_serial, raw_tracked_qty) quant.action_apply_inventory() # We must create & process each MO at once as we must assign quants for each individually def testUnit(mo_tmpl, serialTrigger=None): mo = self.create_mo(mo_tmpl, 1) mo.action_confirm() # are partially reserved (stock.move state is partially_available) mo.action_assign() for mov in mo.move_raw_ids: if mov.has_tracking == "none": self.assertEqual(raw_none_qty, mov.quantity, "Reserved quantity shall be equal to " + str(raw_none_qty) + ".") else: self.assertEqual(raw_tracked_qty, mov.quantity, "Reserved quantity shall be equal to " + str(raw_tracked_qty) + ".") if serialTrigger is None: self.executeConsumptionTriggers(mo) elif serialTrigger == 1: mo_form = Form(mo) mo_form.qty_producing = mo_form.product_qty mo = elif serialTrigger == 2: mo.action_generate_serial() for mov in mo.move_raw_ids: if mov.has_tracking == "none": self.assertTrue(mov.picked, "non tracked components should be picked") else: self.assertEqual(mov.product_qty, mov.quantity, "Done quantity shall be equal to To Consume quantity.") mo.action_cancel() testUnit(self.mo_none_tmpl) testUnit(self.mo_lot_tmpl) testUnit(self.mo_serial_tmpl, 1) testUnit(self.mo_serial_tmpl, 2) def test_tracked_production_2_steps_manufacturing(self): """ Create an MO for a product tracked by SN in 2-steps manufacturing with tracked compoenents. Assign a SN to the final product using the auto generation, then validate the pbm picking. This test checks that the tracking of components is updated on the MO. """ warehouse = self.env.ref('stock.warehouse0') warehouse.manufacture_steps = 'pbm' bom = self.bom_serial bom.product_id = self.produced_serial components = self.bom_serial.bom_line_ids.mapped('product_id') lot_1 = self.env['stock.lot'].create({ 'name': 'lot_1', 'product_id': components[1].id, 'company_id':, }) lot_2 = self.env['stock.lot'].create({ 'name': 'SN01', 'product_id': components[2].id, 'company_id':, }) self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(components[0], self.env.ref('stock.warehouse0').lot_stock_id, 3) self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(components[1], self.env.ref('stock.warehouse0').lot_stock_id, 2, lot_id=lot_1) self.env['stock.quant']._update_available_quantity(components[2], self.env.ref('stock.warehouse0').lot_stock_id, 1, lot_id=lot_2) mo = self.env['mrp.production'].create({ 'product_id':, 'product_qty': 1, 'bom_id':, }) mo.action_confirm() self.assertRecordValues(mo.picking_ids.move_ids, [ {'quantity': 3.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': []}, {'quantity': 2.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': lot_1.ids}, {'quantity': 1.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': lot_2.ids}, ]) with Form(mo) as mo_form: mo_form.qty_producing = 1.0 self.assertRecordValues(mo.move_raw_ids, [ {'should_consume_qty': 3.0, 'quantity': 3.0, 'picked': True, 'lot_ids': []}, {'should_consume_qty': 2.0, 'quantity': 0.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': []}, {'should_consume_qty': 1.0, 'quantity': 0.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': []}, ]) mo.action_generate_serial() self.assertRecordValues(mo.move_raw_ids, [ {'should_consume_qty': 3.0, 'quantity': 3.0, 'picked': True, 'lot_ids': []}, {'should_consume_qty': 2.0, 'quantity': 0.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': []}, {'should_consume_qty': 1.0, 'quantity': 0.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': []}, ]) self.assertTrue(mo.lot_producing_id) mo.picking_ids.button_validate() self.assertRecordValues(mo.move_raw_ids, [ {'quantity': 3.0, 'picked': True, 'lot_ids': []}, {'quantity': 2.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': lot_1.ids}, {'quantity': 1.0, 'picked': False, 'lot_ids': lot_2.ids}, ]) mo.move_raw_ids.picked = True mo.button_mark_done()