# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # See https://epayments-support.ingenico.com/en/integration-solutions/integrations/directlink#directlink_integration_guides_request_a_new_order # See https://epayments-support.ingenico.com/en/integration-solutions/integrations/directlink#directlink_integration_guides_order_response VALID_KEYS = [ 'AAVADDRESS', 'AAVCHECK', 'AAVMAIL', 'AAVNAME', 'AAVPHONE', 'AAVZIP', 'ACCEPTANCE', 'ALIAS', 'AMOUNT', 'BIC', 'BIN', 'BRAND', 'CARDNO', 'CCCTY', 'CN', 'COLLECTOR_BIC', 'COLLECTOR_IBAN', 'COMPLUS', 'CREATION_STATUS', 'CREDITDEBIT', 'CURRENCY', 'CVCCHECK', 'DCC_COMMPERCENTAGE', 'DCC_CONVAMOUNT', 'DCC_CONVCCY', 'DCC_EXCHRATE', 'DCC_EXCHRATESOURCE', 'DCC_EXCHRATETS', 'DCC_INDICATOR', 'DCC_MARGINPERCENTAGE', 'DCC_VALIDHOURS', 'DEVICEID', 'DIGESTCARDNO', 'ECI', 'ED', 'EMAIL', 'ENCCARDNO', 'FXAMOUNT', 'FXCURRENCY', 'IP', 'IPCTY', 'MANDATEID', 'MOBILEMODE', 'NBREMAILUSAGE', 'NBRIPUSAGE', 'NBRIPUSAGE_ALLTX', 'NBRUSAGE', 'NCERROR', 'ORDERID', 'PAYID', 'PAYIDSUB', 'PAYMENT_REFERENCE', 'PM', 'SCO_CATEGORY', 'SCORING', 'SEQUENCETYPE', 'SIGNDATE', 'STATUS', 'SUBBRAND', 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID', 'TICKET', 'TRXDATE', 'VC', ] # See https://epayments-support.ingenico.com/en/get-started/transaction-status-full/ PAYMENT_STATUS_MAPPING = { 'pending': (41, 46, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 81, 82, 91, 92, 99), # 46 = 3DS 'done': (5, 8, 9), 'cancel': (1,), 'declined': (2,), } # The codes of the payment methods to activate when Ogone is activated. DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHODS_CODES = [ # Primary payment methods. 'card', # Brand payment methods. 'visa', 'mastercard', 'amex', 'discover', ] # Mapping of payment method codes to Ogone codes. PAYMENT_METHODS_MAPPING = { 'card': 'CreditCard', 'paylib': 'Paylib', 'p24': 'Przelewy24', 'bancontact': 'BCMC', 'paypal': 'PAYPAL', 'ideal': 'IDEAL', 'eps': 'EPS', 'visa': 'VISA', 'mastercard': 'MasterCard', 'jcb': 'JCB', 'klarna_paynow': 'KLARNA_PAYNOW', 'klarna_pay_over_time': 'KLARNA_PAYLATER', 'sofort': 'DirectEbanking', }