<odoo> <record id="view_pos_printer_form" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name">Preparation Printer</field> <field name="model">pos.printer</field> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <form string="POS Printer"> <sheet> <group> <field name="name" /> <field name="printer_type" widget="radio"/> <field name="proxy_ip" invisible="printer_type != 'iot'"/> <field name="product_categories_ids" /> </group> </sheet> </form> </field> </record> <record id="action_pos_printer_form" model="ir.actions.act_window"> <field name="name">Preparation Printers</field> <field name="res_model">pos.printer</field> <field name="view_mode">tree,kanban,form</field> <field name="help" type="html"> <p class="o_view_nocontent_smiling_face"> Add a new restaurant order printer </p><p> Order Printers are used by restaurants and bars to print the order updates in the kitchen/bar when the waiter updates the order. </p><p> Each Order Printer has an IP Address that defines the IoT Box/Hardware Proxy where the printer can be found, and a list of product categories. An Order Printer will only print updates for products belonging to one of its categories. </p> </field> </record> <record id="view_pos_printer" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name">Preparation Printers</field> <field name="model">pos.printer</field> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <tree string="Preparation Printers"> <field name="name" /> <field name="proxy_ip" /> <field name="product_categories_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/> </tree> </field> </record> <menuitem name="Preparation Printers" id="point_of_sale.menu_pos_preparation_printer" parent="point_of_sale.menu_point_of_sale" action="action_pos_printer_form" sequence="99" /> </odoo>