# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from collections import defaultdict from odoo import _, models from odoo.tools import float_compare import base64 class PosOrder(models.Model): _inherit = 'pos.order' def validate_coupon_programs(self, point_changes, new_codes): """ This is called upon validating the order in the pos. This will check the balance for any pre-existing coupon to make sure that the rewards are in fact all claimable. This will also check that any set code for coupons do not exist in the database. """ point_changes = {int(k): v for k, v in point_changes.items()} coupon_ids_from_pos = set(point_changes.keys()) coupons = self.env['loyalty.card'].browse(coupon_ids_from_pos).exists().filtered('program_id.active') coupon_difference = set(coupons.ids) ^ coupon_ids_from_pos if coupon_difference: return { 'successful': False, 'payload': { 'message': _('Some coupons are invalid. The applied coupons have been updated. Please check the order.'), 'removed_coupons': list(coupon_difference), } } for coupon in coupons: if float_compare(coupon.points, -point_changes[coupon.id], 2) == -1: return { 'successful': False, 'payload': { 'message': _('There are not enough points for the coupon: %s.', coupon.code), 'updated_points': {c.id: c.points for c in coupons} } } # Check existing coupons coupons = self.env['loyalty.card'].search([('code', 'in', new_codes)]) if coupons: return { 'successful': False, 'payload': { 'message': _('The following codes already exist in the database, perhaps they were already sold?\n%s', ', '.join(coupons.mapped('code'))), } } return { 'successful': True, 'payload': {}, } def confirm_coupon_programs(self, coupon_data): """ This is called after the order is created. This will create all necessary coupons and link them to their line orders etc.. It will also return the points of all concerned coupons to be updated in the cache. """ get_partner_id = lambda partner_id: partner_id and self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id).exists() and partner_id or False # Keys are stringified when using rpc coupon_data = {int(k): v for k, v in coupon_data.items()} self._check_existing_loyalty_cards(coupon_data) # Map negative id to newly created ids. coupon_new_id_map = {k: k for k in coupon_data.keys() if k > 0} # Create the coupons that were awarded by the order. coupons_to_create = {k: v for k, v in coupon_data.items() if k < 0 and not v.get('giftCardId')} coupon_create_vals = [{ 'program_id': p['program_id'], 'partner_id': get_partner_id(p.get('partner_id', False)), 'code': p.get('barcode') or self.env['loyalty.card']._generate_code(), 'points': 0, 'expiration_date': p.get('date_to', False), 'source_pos_order_id': self.id, } for p in coupons_to_create.values()] # Pos users don't have the create permission new_coupons = self.env['loyalty.card'].with_context(action_no_send_mail=True).sudo().create(coupon_create_vals) # We update the gift card that we sold when the gift_card_settings = 'scan_use'. gift_cards_to_update = [v for v in coupon_data.values() if v.get('giftCardId')] updated_gift_cards = self.env['loyalty.card'] for coupon_vals in gift_cards_to_update: gift_card = self.env['loyalty.card'].browse(coupon_vals.get('giftCardId')) gift_card.write({ 'points': coupon_vals['points'], 'source_pos_order_id': self.id, 'partner_id': get_partner_id(coupon_vals.get('partner_id', False)), }) updated_gift_cards |= gift_card # Map the newly created coupons for old_id, new_id in zip(coupons_to_create.keys(), new_coupons): coupon_new_id_map[new_id.id] = old_id # We need a sudo here because this can trigger `_compute_order_count` that require access to `sale.order.line` all_coupons = self.env['loyalty.card'].sudo().browse(coupon_new_id_map.keys()).exists() lines_per_reward_code = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['pos.order.line']) for line in self.lines: if not line.reward_identifier_code: continue lines_per_reward_code[line.reward_identifier_code] |= line for coupon in all_coupons: if coupon.id in coupon_new_id_map: # Coupon existed previously, update amount of points. coupon.points += coupon_data[coupon_new_id_map[coupon.id]]['points'] for reward_code in coupon_data[coupon_new_id_map[coupon.id]].get('line_codes', []): lines_per_reward_code[reward_code].coupon_id = coupon # Send creation email new_coupons.with_context(action_no_send_mail=False)._send_creation_communication() # Reports per program report_per_program = {} coupon_per_report = defaultdict(list) # Important to include the updated gift cards so that it can be printed. Check coupon_report. for coupon in new_coupons | updated_gift_cards: if coupon.program_id not in report_per_program: report_per_program[coupon.program_id] = coupon.program_id.communication_plan_ids.\ filtered(lambda c: c.trigger == 'create').pos_report_print_id for report in report_per_program[coupon.program_id]: coupon_per_report[report.id].append(coupon.id) return { 'coupon_updates': [{ 'old_id': coupon_new_id_map[coupon.id], 'id': coupon.id, 'points': coupon.points, 'code': coupon.code, 'program_id': coupon.program_id.id, 'partner_id': coupon.partner_id.id, } for coupon in all_coupons if coupon.program_id.is_nominative], 'program_updates': [{ 'program_id': program.id, 'usages': program.total_order_count, } for program in all_coupons.program_id], 'new_coupon_info': [{ 'program_name': coupon.program_id.name, 'expiration_date': coupon.expiration_date, 'code': coupon.code, } for coupon in new_coupons if ( coupon.program_id.applies_on == 'future' # Don't send the coupon code for the gift card and ewallet programs. # It should not be printed in the ticket. and coupon.program_id.program_type not in ['gift_card', 'ewallet'] )], 'coupon_report': coupon_per_report, } def _check_existing_loyalty_cards(self, coupon_data): coupon_key_to_modify = [] for coupon_id, coupon_vals in coupon_data.items(): partner_id = coupon_vals.get('partner_id', False) if partner_id: partner_coupons = self.env['loyalty.card'].search( [('partner_id', '=', partner_id), ('program_type', '=', 'loyalty')]) existing_coupon_for_program = partner_coupons.filtered(lambda c: c.program_id.id == coupon_vals['program_id']) if existing_coupon_for_program: coupon_vals['coupon_id'] = existing_coupon_for_program[0].id coupon_key_to_modify.append([coupon_id, existing_coupon_for_program[0].id]) for old_key, new_key in coupon_key_to_modify: coupon_data[new_key] = coupon_data.pop(old_key) def _get_fields_for_order_line(self): fields = super(PosOrder, self)._get_fields_for_order_line() fields.extend(['is_reward_line', 'reward_id', 'coupon_id', 'reward_identifier_code', 'points_cost']) return fields def _add_mail_attachment(self, name, ticket): attachment = super()._add_mail_attachment(name, ticket) gift_card_programs = self.config_id._get_program_ids().filtered(lambda p: p.program_type == 'gift_card' and p.pos_report_print_id) if gift_card_programs: gift_cards = self.env['loyalty.card'].search([('source_pos_order_id', '=', self.id), ('program_id', 'in', gift_card_programs.mapped('id'))]) if gift_cards: for program in gift_card_programs: filtered_gift_cards = gift_cards.filtered(lambda gc: gc.program_id == program) if filtered_gift_cards: action_report = program.pos_report_print_id report = action_report._render_qweb_pdf(action_report.report_name, filtered_gift_cards.mapped('id')) filename = name + '.pdf' gift_card_pdf = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({ 'name': filename, 'type': 'binary', 'datas': base64.b64encode(report[0]), 'store_fname': filename, 'res_model': 'pos.order', 'res_id': self.ids[0], 'mimetype': 'application/x-pdf' }) attachment += [(4, gift_card_pdf.id)] return attachment