project.task.kanban project.task 800 Delete
    project.task.todo.tree project.task project.task.view.todo.form project.task
    project.task.view.todo.quick.create.todo project.task 1000
    project.task project.task.view.todo.conversion.form 999
    project.task.view.todo.activity project.task 1000 project.task 1000 To-dos project.task [('user_ids', 'in', [uid]), ('project_id', '=', False), ('parent_id', '=', False)] kanban,form,tree,activity {'search_default_open_tasks': 1, 'tree_view_ref': 'project_todo.project_task_view_todo_tree', 'default_project_id': False}

    No to-do found. Let's create one!

    Keep your work organized by using memos and to-do lists. Your to-do items are private by default, but you can choose to share them with others by adding them as assignees.

    kanban form tree activity menu load To-dos code model._ensure_onboarding_todo(); action = env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("project_todo.project_task_action_todo") Convert to Task project.task form new form