/** @odoo-module **/ import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('sale_catalog', { test: true, checkDelay: 50, steps: () => [ { content: "Create a new SO", trigger: '.o_list_button_add', run: 'click', }, { content: "Select the customer field", trigger: ".o_field_res_partner_many2one input.o_input", run: 'click', }, { content: "Wait for the field to be active", trigger: "input[id*='partner_id']", }, { content: "Select a customer from the dropdown", trigger: ".dropdown-item", run: 'click', }, { content: "Open product catalog", trigger: '.o_form_view button:contains("Catalog")', run: 'click', }, { content: "Type 'Restricted' into the search bar", trigger: 'input.o_searchview_input', run: "text Restricted", }, { content: "Search for the product", trigger: '.o_searchview_autocomplete .o_menu_item', }, { content: "Add the product to the SO", trigger: '.o_kanban_record:contains("Restricted Product") .fa-shopping-cart', run: 'click', }, { content: "Input a custom quantity", trigger: '.o_kanban_record:contains("Restricted Product") .o_input', run: "text 6", }, { content: "Increase the quantity", trigger: '.o_kanban_record:contains("Restricted Product") .fa-plus', run: 'click', }, { content: "Close the catalog", trigger: '.o-kanban-button-back', run: 'click', }, { content: "Confirm the SO", trigger: '.o_form_view button:contains("Confirm")', run: 'click', }, ] });