/** @odoo-module */ import wTourUtils from '@website/js/tours/tour_utils'; wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('edit_menus', { test: true, url: '/', }, () => [ // Add a megamenu item from the menu. { content: "open site menu", extra_trigger: "iframe #wrapwrap", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "Click on Edit Menu", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_edit_menu"]', }, { content: "Trigger the link dialog (click 'Add Mega Menu Item')", extra_trigger: '.o_website_dialog:visible', trigger: '.modal-body a:eq(1)', }, { content: "Write a label for the new menu item", trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input', run: 'text Megaaaaa!' }, { content: "Confirm the mega menu label", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "Save the new menu", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', extra_trigger: '.oe_menu_editor [data-is-mega-menu="true"] .js_menu_label:contains("Megaaaaa!")', }, wTourUtils.clickOnExtraMenuItem({extra_trigger: 'body:not(:has(.oe_menu_editor))'}, true), { content: "There should be a new megamenu item.", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a.o_mega_menu_toggle:contains("Megaaaaa!")', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, // Add a menu item in edit mode. ...wTourUtils.clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode(), { content: "Click on a menu item", trigger: "iframe .top_menu .nav-item a", }, { content: "Click on Edit Menu", trigger: 'iframe .o_edit_menu_popover a.js_edit_menu', }, { content: "Trigger the link dialog (click 'Add Menu Item')", extra_trigger: '.o_website_dialog:visible', trigger: '.modal-body a:eq(0)', }, { content: "Confirm the new menu entry without a label", extra_trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(0)', trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "It didn't save without a label. Fill label input.", extra_trigger: '.o_website_dialog:eq(1):visible', trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(0)', run: 'text Random!', }, { content: "Confirm the new menu entry without a url", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "It didn't save without a url. Fill url input.", trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(1)', extra_trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input.is-invalid', run: 'text #', }, { content: "Confirm the new menu entry", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "Save the website menu with the new entry", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', extra_trigger: '.oe_menu_editor .js_menu_label:contains("Random!")', }, // Edit the new menu item from the "edit link" popover button wTourUtils.clickOnExtraMenuItem({extra_trigger: '#oe_snippets.o_loaded'}, true), { content: "Menu should have a new link item", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a:contains("Random!")', // Don't click the new menu when the editor is still blocked. extra_trigger: ".o_website_preview.editor_enable.editor_has_snippets:not(.o_is_blocked)", }, { content: "navbar shouldn't have any zwnbsp and no o_link_in_selection class", trigger: 'iframe nav.navbar:not(:has(.o_link_in_selection)):not(:contains("\ufeff"))', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Click on Edit Link", trigger: 'iframe .o_edit_menu_popover a.o_we_edit_link', }, { content: "Change the label", trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(0)', run: 'text Modnar', }, { content: "Confirm the new label", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnSave(), wTourUtils.clickOnExtraMenuItem({}, true), { content: "Label should have changed", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a:contains("Modnar")', run: () => {}, // it's a check }, // Edit the menu item from the "edit menu" popover button ...wTourUtils.clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode(), wTourUtils.clickOnExtraMenuItem({}, true), { content: "Click on the 'Modnar' link", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a:contains("Modnar")', }, { content: "Click on the popover Edit Menu button", trigger: 'iframe .o_edit_menu_popover a.js_edit_menu', }, { content: "Click on the dialog Edit Menu button", trigger: '.oe_menu_editor .js_menu_label:contains("Modnar")', run: function () { const liEl = this.$anchor[0].closest('[data-menu-id]'); liEl.querySelector('button.js_edit_menu').click(); }, }, { content: "Change the label", trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(0)', run: 'text Modnar !!', }, { content: "Confirm the new menu label", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "Save the website menu with the new menu label", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', extra_trigger: '.oe_menu_editor .js_menu_label:contains("Modnar !!")', }, // Drag a block to be able to scroll later. wTourUtils.dragNDrop({id: 's_media_list', name: 'Media List'}), ...wTourUtils.clickOnSave(), wTourUtils.clickOnExtraMenuItem({}, true), { content: "Label should have changed", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a:contains("Modnar !!")', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, // Nest menu item from the menu. { content: "open site menu", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "Click on Edit Menu", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_edit_menu"]', }, { content: "Avoid flickering during DnD", trigger: ".modal-dialog", run: () => { const modalDialog = document.querySelector(".modal .modal-dialog"); modalDialog.classList.remove("modal-dialog-centered"); }, debugHelp: "This is a hack/workaround for the next step", }, { content: "Drag 'Contact Us' item below the 'Home' item", trigger: '.oe_menu_editor li:contains("Contact us") .fa-bars', run: "drag_and_drop_native .oe_menu_editor li:contains('Home') + li .fa-bars", }, { content: "Drag 'Contact Us' item as a child of the 'Home' item", trigger: '.oe_menu_editor li:contains("Contact us") .fa-bars', run: "drag_and_drop_native .oe_menu_editor li:contains('Home') + li .form-control", }, { content: "Wait for drop", trigger: '.oe_menu_editor li:contains("Home") ul li:contains("Contact us")', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, // Drag the Mega menu to the first position. { content: "Drag Mega at the top", trigger: '.oe_menu_editor li:contains("Megaaaaa!") .fa-bars', run: "drag_and_drop_native .oe_menu_editor li:contains('Home') .fa-bars", }, { content: "Wait for drop", trigger: '.oe_menu_editor:first-child:contains("Megaaaaa!")', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Save the website menu with new nested menus", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "Menu item should have a child", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a.dropdown-toggle:contains("Home")', }, // Check that with the auto close of dropdown menus, the dropdowns remain // openable. { content: "When menu item is opened, child item must appear in the shown menu", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:contains("Home") ul.show li a.dropdown-item:contains("Contact us")[href="/contactus"]', run: function () { // Scroll down. this.$anchor[0].closest('body').querySelector('.o_footer_copyright_name') .scrollIntoView(true); }, }, { content: "The Home menu should be closed", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:contains("Home"):has(ul:not(.show))', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Open the Home menu after scroll", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a.dropdown-toggle:contains("Home")', }, { content: "Check that the Home menu is opened", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:contains("Home") ul.show li' + ' a.dropdown-item:contains("Contact us")[href="/contactus"]', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Close the Home menu", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:has(a.dropdown-toggle:contains("Home"))', }, { content: "Check that the Home menu is closed", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:contains("Home"):has(ul:not(.show))', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Open the mega menu", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a.o_mega_menu_toggle:contains("Megaaaaa!")', }, { content: "When the mega menu is opened, scroll up", trigger: "iframe .top_menu .o_mega_menu_toggle.show", run: function () { const marginTopOfMegaMenu = getComputedStyle( this.$anchor[0].closest('.dropdown').querySelector('.o_mega_menu'))['margin-top']; if (marginTopOfMegaMenu !== '0px') { console.error('The margin-top of the mega menu should be 0px'); } // Scroll up. this.$anchor[0].closest('body').querySelector('.s_media_list_item:nth-child(2)') .scrollIntoView(true); } }, { content: "Check that the mega menu is closed", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:contains("Megaaaaa!"):has(div[data-name="Mega Menu"]:not(.show))', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Open the mega menu after scroll", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item a.o_mega_menu_toggle:contains("Megaaaaa!")', }, { content: "Check that the mega menu is opened", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:has(a.o_mega_menu_toggle:contains("Megaaaaa!")) ' + '.s_mega_menu_odoo_menu', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode(), { content: "Open nested menu item", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:contains("Home"):nth(1) .dropdown-toggle', }, { // If this step fails, it means that a patch inside bootstrap was lost. content: "Press the 'down arrow' key.", trigger: 'iframe .top_menu .nav-item:contains("Home") li:contains("Contact us")', run: function (actions) { this.$anchor[0].dispatchEvent(new window.KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "ArrowDown" })); }, }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnSave(), // Nest and re-arrange menu items for a newly created menu { content: "Open site menu", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "Click on Edit Menu", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_edit_menu"]', }, { content: "Trigger link dialog (click 'Add Menu Item')", trigger: '.modal-body a:eq(0)', }, { content: "Write a label for the new menu item", trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(0)', run: 'text new_menu', }, { content: "Write a url for the new menu item", trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(1)', run: 'text #', }, { content: "Confirm the new menu entry", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "Check if new menu(new_menu) is added", trigger: ".oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_menu')", run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Trigger link dialog (click 'Add Menu Item')", trigger: '.modal-body a:eq(0)', }, { content: "Write a label for the new menu item", trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(0)', run: 'text new_nested_menu', }, { content: "Write a url for the new menu item", trigger: '.modal-dialog .o_website_dialog input:eq(1)', run: 'text #', }, { content: "Confirm the new menu entry", trigger: '.modal-footer .btn-primary', }, { content: "Check if new menu(new_nested_menu) is added", trigger: ".oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_nested_menu')", run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Nest 'new_nested_menu' under 'new_menu'", trigger: ".oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_nested_menu') .fa-bars", run: "drag_and_drop_native .oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_menu') .form-control", }, { content: "Drag 'new_menu' above 'Modnar !!'", trigger: ".oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_menu') .fa-bars", run: "drag_and_drop_native .oe_menu_editor li:contains('Modnar !!') .fa-bars", }, { content: "Nest 'Modnar !!' under 'new_menu'", trigger: ".oe_menu_editor li:contains('Modnar !!') .fa-bars", run: "drag_and_drop_native .oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_menu') .form-control", }, { content: "Check if 'nested_menu' and 'Modnar !!' is nested under 'new_menu'", trigger: ".oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_menu') > ul > li:contains('nested_menu') + li:contains('Modnar !!')", run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Move 'Modnar !!' above 'new_nested_menu' inside the 'new_menu'", trigger: ".oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_menu') > ul > li:contains('Modnar !!') .fa-bars", run: "drag_and_drop_native .oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_menu') > ul > li:contains('new_nested_menu') .fa-bars", }, { content: "Check if 'Modnar !!' is now above 'new_nested_menu' in 'new_menu'", trigger: ".oe_menu_editor li:contains('new_menu') > ul > li:first:contains('Modnar !!')", run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, ]); wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour( "edit_menus_delete_parent", { test: true, url: "/", }, () => [ { content: "Open site menu", extra_trigger: "iframe #wrapwrap", trigger: 'button[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_site"]', }, { content: "Click on Edit Menu", trigger: 'a[data-menu-xmlid="website.menu_edit_menu"]', }, { content: "Delete Home menu", trigger: ".modal-body ul li:nth-child(1) button.js_delete_menu", }, { content: "Save", trigger: ".modal-footer button:first-child", run: "click", }, ] );