/** @odoo-module */ import wTourUtils from '@website/js/tours/tour_utils'; import { boundariesIn, setSelection, nodeSize } from '@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/src/utils/utils'; const clickOnImgStep = { content: "Click somewhere else to save.", trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image img', }; wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('link_tools', { test: true, url: '/', edition: true, }, () => [ // 1. Create a new link from scratch. wTourUtils.dragNDrop({ id: 's_text_image', name: 'Text - Image', }), { content: "Replace first paragraph, to insert a new link", trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p', run: 'text Go to odoo: ' }, { content: "Open link tools", trigger: "#toolbar:not(.oe-floating) #create-link", }, { content: "Type the link URL odoo.com", trigger: '#toolbar:not(.oe-floating) #o_link_dialog_url_input', run: 'text odoo.com' }, clickOnImgStep, { content: "Select the newly created link", trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo.com")', run() { setSelection(this.$anchor[0], 0, this.$anchor[0], nodeSize(this.$anchor[0])); } }, // Remove the link. { content: "Click on the newly created link", trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo.com")', }, { content: "Remove the link.", trigger: 'iframe .popover:contains("http://odoo.com") a .fa-chain-broken', }, { content: "Check that the link was removed", trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p:contains("Go to odoo:"):not(:has(a))', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, // Recreate the link. { content: "Select first paragraph, to insert a new link", trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p', }, { content: "Open link tools", trigger: "#toolbar #create-link", }, { content: "Type the link URL odoo.com", trigger: '#o_link_dialog_url_input', run: 'text odoo.com' }, clickOnImgStep, // 2. Edit the link with the link tools. { content: "Click on the newly created link", trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo.com")', }, { content: "Change content (editing the label input) to odoo website_2", trigger: '#o_link_dialog_label_input:propValue(odoo.com)', run: 'text odoo website_2', }, { content: "Click again on the link", trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo website_2")', }, { content: "Change content (editing the DOM) to odoo website", trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo website_2")', run: 'text odoo website', }, clickOnImgStep, { content: "Click again on the link", trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.com"]:contains("odoo website")', }, { content: "Check that the label input contains the new content", trigger: '#o_link_dialog_label_input:propValue(odoo website)', isCheck: true, }, { content: "Link tools, should be open, change the url", trigger: '#o_link_dialog_url_input', run: 'text_blur odoo.be' }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnSave(), // 3. Edit a link after saving the page. ...wTourUtils.clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode(), { content: "The new link content should be odoo website and url odoo.be", trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a[href="http://odoo.be"]:contains("odoo website")', }, { content: "The new link content should be odoo website and url odoo.be", trigger: '#toolbar:not(.oe-floating) .dropdown:has([name="link_style_color"]) > button', }, { content: "Click on the secondary style button.", trigger: '#toolbar:not(.oe-floating) we-button[data-value="secondary"]', }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnSave(), { content: "The link should have the secondary button style.", trigger: 'iframe .s_text_image a.btn.btn-secondary[href="http://odoo.be"]:contains("odoo website")', isCheck: true, }, // 4. Add link on image. ...wTourUtils.clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode(), wTourUtils.dragNDrop({ id: 's_three_columns', name: 'Columns', }), { content: "Click on the first image.", trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) img', }, { content: "Activate link.", trigger: '.o_we_customize_panel we-row:contains("Media") we-button.fa-link', }, { content: "Set URL.", trigger: '.o_we_customize_panel we-input:contains("Your URL") input', run: 'text odoo.com', }, { content: "Deselect image.", trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(2) img', }, { content: "Re-select image.", trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) img', }, { content: "Check that the second image is not within a link.", trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(2) div > img', isCheck: true, }, { content: "Check that link tools appear.", trigger: 'iframe .popover div a:contains("http://odoo.com")', isCheck: true, }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnSave(), { content: "Check that the first image was saved.", trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) div > a > img', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Check that the second image was saved.", trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(2) div > img', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, // 5. Remove link from image. ...wTourUtils.clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode(), { content: "Reselect the first image.", trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) div > a > img', }, { content: "Check that link tools appear.", trigger: 'iframe .popover div a:contains("http://odoo.com")', run: () => {}, // It's a check. }, { content: "Remove link.", trigger: 'iframe .popover:contains("http://odoo.com") a .fa-chain-broken', }, { content: "Check that image is not within a link anymore.", trigger: 'iframe .s_three_columns .row > :nth-child(1) div > img', isCheck: true, }, // 6. Add mega menu with Cards template and edit URL on text-selected card. wTourUtils.clickOnElement("menu link", "iframe header .nav-item a"), wTourUtils.clickOnElement("'Edit menu' icon", "iframe .o_edit_menu_popover .fa-sitemap"), { content: "Click on 'Add Mega Menu Item' link", extra_trigger: '.o_website_dialog:visible', trigger: ".modal-body a:contains('Add Mega Menu Item')", }, { content: "Enter mega menu name", trigger: ".modal-body input", run: "text Mega", }, wTourUtils.clickOnElement("OK button", ".btn-primary"), { content: "Drag Mega at the top", trigger: '.oe_menu_editor li:contains("Mega") .fa-bars', run: "drag_and_drop_native .oe_menu_editor li:contains('Home') .fa-bars", }, { content: "Wait for drop", trigger: '.oe_menu_editor:first-child:contains("Mega")', isCheck: true, }, wTourUtils.clickOnElement("Save button", ".btn-primary:contains('Save')"), wTourUtils.clickOnElement("mega menu", "iframe header .o_mega_menu_toggle"), wTourUtils.changeOption("MegaMenuLayout", "we-toggler"), wTourUtils.changeOption("MegaMenuLayout", '[data-select-label="Cards"]'), wTourUtils.clickOnElement("card's text", "iframe header .s_mega_menu_cards span"), { content: "Enter an URL", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input", run: "text https://www.odoo.com", }, { content: "Check nothing is lost", trigger: "iframe header .s_mega_menu_cards a[href='https://www.odoo.com']:has(img):has(h4):has(span)", isCheck: true, }, // 7. Create new a link from a URL-like text. { content: "Replace first paragraph, write a URL", trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p', run: 'text odoo.com' }, { content: "Select text", trigger: 'iframe #wrap .s_text_image p:contains(odoo.com)', run() { setSelection(...boundariesIn(this.$anchor[0]), false); } }, { content: "Open link tools", trigger: "#toolbar #create-link", }, clickOnImgStep, { // URL transformation into link should persist, without the need for // input at input[name=url] content: "Check that link was created", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='http://odoo.com']:contains('odoo.com')", isCheck: true, }, { content: "Click on link to open the link tools", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a", }, // 8. Check that http links are not coerced to https and vice-versa. { content: "Change URL to https", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input", run: 'text https://odoo.com', }, { content: "Check that link was updated", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='https://odoo.com']:contains('odoo.com')", isCheck: true, }, { content: "Change it back http", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input", run: 'text http://odoo.com', }, { content: "Check that link was updated", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='http://odoo.com']:contains('odoo.com')", isCheck: true, }, // 9. Test conversion between http and mailto links. { content: "Change URL into an email address", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input", run: "text callme@maybe.com", }, { content: "Check that link was updated and link content is synced with URL", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='mailto:callme@maybe.com']:contains('callme@maybe.com')", isCheck: true, }, { content: "Change URL back into a http one", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input", run: "text_blur callmemaybe.com", }, { content: "Check that link was updated and link content is synced with URL", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='http://callmemaybe.com']:contains('callmemaybe.com')", }, // 10. Test that UI stays up-to-date. // TODO this step which was added by https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/9fc283b514d420fdfd66123845d9ec3563572692 // for no apparent reason (the X-original-commit of that one does not add // this step) is not required for the test to work (it passes more often // without this step than with it). It is a cause of race condition (last // check: 31 over 162 tries failed on this). It however makes sense: the // popover should indeed be shown and stay shown at this point. To be // reenabled once the related feature is robust. /* { content: "Popover should be shown", trigger: "iframe .o_edit_menu_popover .o_we_url_link:contains('http://callmemaybe.com')", isCheck: true, }, */ { content: "Edit link label", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a", run(actions) { // See SHOPS_STEP_DISABLED. TODO. These steps do not consistently // update the link for some reason... to investigate. /* // Simulating text input. const link = this.$anchor[0]; actions.text("callmemaybe.com/shops"); // Trick the editor into keyboardType === 'PHYSICAL' and delete the // last character "s" and end with "callmemaybe.com/shop" link.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "Backspace", bubbles: true })); // Trigger editor's '_onInput' handler, which leads to a history step. link.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('input', {inputType: 'insertText', bubbles: true})); */ }, }, // See SHOPS_STEP_DISABLED. TODO. /* { content: "Check that links's href was updated", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='http://callmemaybe.com/shop']:contains('callmemaybe.com/shop')", isCheck: true, }, */ // TODO this step is disabled for now because it is a cause of race // condition (last check: 57 over 162 tries failed on this). The popover // seems to sometimes unexpectedly close. Probably why the "Popover should // be shown" step above had to be disabled as well. /* { content: "Check popover content is up-to-date", trigger: "iframe .popover div a:contains('http://callmemaybe.com/shop')", isCheck: true, }, */ // TODO this step is disabled for now because writing "/shop" in above steps // currently is not considered most of the time all of a sudden... to // investigate (it was not needed in 16.4). See SHOPS_STEP_DISABLED. /* { content: "Check Link tools URL input content is up-to-date", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input", run() { // FIXME this was changed with 69a27360c98aee3d97eb42e9a27a751311791e15 // to omit the http:// part... but this part is removed // inconsistently. Trying to fix the test actually made it so // http:// is still there at this point... make it consistent and // then remove http:// here again. if (this.$anchor[0].value !== 'http://callmemaybe.com/shop') { throw new Error("Tour step failed"); } } }, */ // 11. Pick a URL with auto-complete { content: "Enter partial URL", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input", run: 'text /contact' }, { content: "Pick '/contactus", trigger: "ul.ui-autocomplete li div:contains('/contactus (Contact Us)')", }, { content: "Check that links's href and label were updated", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='/contactus']:contains('/contactus')", isCheck: true, }, // 12. Add a link leading to a 404 page { content: "Enter a non-existent URL", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_url_input", run: "text /this-address-does-not-exist", }, { content: "Check that the link's href was updated and click on it", trigger: "iframe .s_text_image p a[href='/this-address-does-not-exist']", }, // TODO this step is disabled for now because it is a cause of race // condition (last check: 3 times over 95). The popover seems to sometimes // unexpectedly close. /* { content: "Check popover content is up-to-date (2)", trigger: "iframe .popover div a:contains('/this-address-does-not-exist')", isCheck: true, }, */ // 13. Check that ZWS is not added in the link label input. clickOnImgStep, { content: "Click on contact us button", trigger: "iframe a.btn[href='/contactus']", }, { content: "Verify that the link label input does not contain ZWS", trigger: "#o_link_dialog_label_input:propValue('Contact Us')", isCheck: true, }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnSave(), ]);