# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import json import lxml.html from urllib.parse import urlparse from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import url_lang from odoo.addons.website.tools import MockRequest from odoo.tests import HttpCase, tagged @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestLangUrl(HttpCase): def setUp(self): super(TestLangUrl, self).setUp() # Simulate multi lang without loading translations self.website = self.env.ref('website.default_website') self.lang_fr = self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('fr_FR') self.lang_fr.write({'url_code': 'fr'}) self.website.language_ids = self.env.ref('base.lang_en') + self.lang_fr self.website.default_lang_id = self.env.ref('base.lang_en') def test_01_url_lang(self): with MockRequest(self.env, website=self.website): self.assertEqual(url_lang('', '[lang]'), '/[lang]/mockrequest', "`[lang]` is used to be replaced in the url_return after installing a language, it should not be replaced or removed.") def test_02_url_redirect(self): url = '/fr_WHATEVER/contactus' r = self.url_open(url) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(r.url.endswith('/fr/contactus'), f"fr_WHATEVER should be forwarded to 'fr_FR' lang as closest match, url: {r.url}") url = '/fr_FR/contactus' r = self.url_open(url) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) self.assertTrue(r.url.endswith('/fr/contactus'), f"lang in url should use url_code ('fr' in this case), url: {r.url}") def test_03_url_cook_lang_not_available(self): """ An activated res.lang should not be displayed in the frontend if not a website lang. """ self.website.language_ids = self.env.ref('base.lang_en') r = self.url_open('/fr/contactus') if 'lang="en-US"' not in r.text: doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(r.text) self.assertEqual(doc.get('lang'), 'en-US', "french should not be displayed as not a frontend lang") def test_04_url_cook_lang_not_available(self): """ `nearest_lang` should filter out lang not available in frontend. Eg: 1. go in backend in english -> request.context['lang'] = `en_US` 2. go in frontend, the request.context['lang'] is passed through `nearest_lang` which should not return english. More then a misbehavior it will crash in website language selector template. """ # 1. Load backend self.authenticate('admin', 'admin') r = self.url_open('/web') self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) for line in r.text.splitlines(): _, match, session_info_str = line.partition('odoo.__session_info__ = ') if match: session_info = json.loads(session_info_str[:-1]) self.assertEqual(session_info['user_context']['lang'], 'en_US', "ensure english was loaded") break else: raise ValueError('Session info not found in web page') # 2. Remove en_US from frontend self.website.language_ids = self.lang_fr self.website.default_lang_id = self.lang_fr # 3. Ensure visiting /contactus do not crash url = '/contactus' r = self.url_open(url) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) if 'lang="fr-FR"' not in r.text: doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(r.text) self.assertEqual(doc.get('lang'), 'fr-FR', "Ensure contactus did not soft crash + loaded in correct lang") def test_05_invalid_ipv6_url(self): view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].create({ 'name': 'Base', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': 'Invalid IP V6', 'key': 'test.invalid_ipv6_view', }) self.env['website.page'].create({ 'view_id': view.id, 'url': '/page_invalid_ipv6_url', 'is_published': True, }) r = self.url_open('/page_invalid_ipv6_url') self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200, 'The page must still load despite the invalid link') doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(r.text) [anchor] = doc.xpath('//a[@id="foo"]') self.assertEqual(anchor.get('href'), 'http://]', 'The invalid IP URL must be left untouched') def test_06_reroute_unicode(self): res = self.url_open('/fr/привет') self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 404, "Rerouting didn't crash because of unicode path") res = self.url_open('/fr/path?привет=1') self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 404, "Rerouting didn't crash because of unicode query-string") def test_07_nolang_prefix_underscore(self): res = self.url_open('/_not_a_lang', allow_redirects=False) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 404, "Should not consider /_not_a_lang as a lang") self.assertURLEqual(res.url, '/_not_a_lang', "Should use /_not_a_lang as the path and not a lang") @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestControllerRedirect(TestLangUrl): def setUp(self): self.page = self.env['website.page'].create({ 'name': 'Test View', 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': '''Test View Page''', 'key': 'test.test_view', 'url': '/page_1', 'is_published': True, }) super().setUp() def test_01_controller_redirect(self): """ Trailing slash URLs should be redirected to non-slash URLs (unless the controller explicitly specifies a trailing slash in the route). """ def assertUrlRedirect(url, expected_url, msg="", code=301): if not msg: msg = 'Url <%s> differ from <%s>.' % (url, expected_url) r = self.url_open(url, head=True) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, code) parsed_location = urlparse(r.headers.get('Location', '')) parsed_expected_url = urlparse(expected_url) self.assertEqual(parsed_location.path, parsed_expected_url.path, msg) self.assertEqual(parsed_location.query, parsed_expected_url.query, msg) self.authenticate('admin', 'admin') # Controllers assertUrlRedirect('/my/', '/my', "Check for basic controller.") assertUrlRedirect('/my/?a=b', '/my?a=b', "Check for basic controller + URL params.") # website.page assertUrlRedirect('/page_1/', '/page_1', "Check for website.page.") assertUrlRedirect('/page_1/?a=b', '/page_1?a=b', "Check for website.page + URL params.") # == Same with language == # Controllers assertUrlRedirect('/fr/my/', '/fr/my', "Check for basic controller with language in URL.") assertUrlRedirect('/fr/my/?a=b', '/fr/my?a=b', "Check for basic controller with language in URL + URL params.") # Homepage (which is a controller) assertUrlRedirect('/fr/', '/fr', "Check for homepage + language.") assertUrlRedirect('/fr/?a=b', '/fr?a=b', "Check for homepage + language + URL params") # website.page assertUrlRedirect('/fr/page_1/', '/fr/page_1', "Check for website.page with language in URL.") assertUrlRedirect('/fr/page_1/?a=b', '/fr/page_1?a=b', "Check for website.page with language in URL + URL params.")