# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. { 'name': "Coupons, Promotions, Gift Card and Loyalty for eCommerce", 'summary': """Use coupon, promotion, gift cards and loyalty programs in your eCommerce store""", 'description': """ Create coupon, promotion codes, gift cards and loyalty programs to boost your sales (free products, discounts, etc.). Shoppers can use them in the eCommerce checkout. Coupon & promotion programs can be edited in the Catalog menu of the Website app. """, 'category': 'Website/Website', 'version': '1.0', 'depends': ['website_sale', 'website_links', 'sale_loyalty'], 'data': [ 'security/ir.model.access.csv', 'views/loyalty_card_views.xml', 'views/loyalty_program_views.xml', 'views/snippets.xml', 'views/website_sale_templates.xml', 'views/website_sale_loyalty_menus.xml', 'wizard/coupon_share_views.xml', 'wizard/res_config_settings_views.xml', ], 'demo': [ 'data/product_demo.xml', ], 'auto_install': ['website_sale', 'sale_loyalty'], 'assets': { 'web.assets_frontend': [ 'website_sale_loyalty/static/src/js/coupon_toaster_widget.js', 'website_sale_loyalty/static/src/js/website_sale_gift_card.js', 'website_sale_loyalty/static/src/js/website_sale_loyalty_delivery.js', ], 'web.assets_tests': [ 'website_sale_loyalty/static/tests/**/*', ], }, 'license': 'LGPL-3', }