import logging import werkzeug.http from datetime import datetime from mimetypes import guess_extension from odoo import models from odoo.exceptions import MissingError, UserError from odoo.http import Stream, request from import file_open, replace_exceptions from import image_process, image_guess_size_from_field_name from import guess_mimetype, get_extension DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_PATH = 'web/static/img/placeholder.png' _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IrBinary(models.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.binary' _description = "File streaming helper model for controllers" def _find_record( self, xmlid=None, res_model='ir.attachment', res_id=None, access_token=None, ): """ Find and return a record either using an xmlid either a model+id pair. This method is an helper for the ``/web/content`` and ``/web/image`` controllers and should not be used in other contextes. :param Optional[str] xmlid: xmlid of the record :param Optional[str] res_model: model of the record, ir.attachment by default. :param Optional[id] res_id: id of the record :param Optional[str] access_token: access token to use instead of the access rights and access rules. :returns: single record :raises MissingError: when no record was found. """ record = None if xmlid: record = self.env.ref(xmlid, False) elif res_id is not None and res_model in self.env: record = self.env[res_model].browse(res_id).exists() if not record: raise MissingError(f"No record found for xmlid={xmlid}, res_model={res_model}, id={res_id}") record = self._find_record_check_access(record, access_token) return record def _find_record_check_access(self, record, access_token): if record._name == 'ir.attachment': return record.validate_access(access_token) record.check_access_rights('read') record.check_access_rule('read') return record def _record_to_stream(self, record, field_name): """ Low level method responsible for the actual conversion from a model record to a stream. This method is an extensible hook for other modules. It is not meant to be directly called from outside or the ir.binary model. :param record: the record where to load the data from. :param str field_name: the binary field where to load the data from. :rtype: odoo.http.Stream """ if record._name == 'ir.attachment' and field_name in ('raw', 'datas', 'db_datas'): return Stream.from_attachment(record) record.check_field_access_rights('read', [field_name]) if record._fields[field_name].attachment: field_attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().search( domain=[('res_model', '=', record._name), ('res_id', '=',, ('res_field', '=', field_name)], limit=1) if not field_attachment: raise MissingError("The related attachment does not exist.") return Stream.from_attachment(field_attachment) return Stream.from_binary_field(record, field_name) def _get_stream_from( self, record, field_name='raw', filename=None, filename_field='name', mimetype=None, default_mimetype='application/octet-stream', ): """ Create a :class:odoo.http.Stream: from a record's binary field. :param record: the record where to load the data from. :param str field_name: the binary field where to load the data from. :param Optional[str] filename: when the stream is downloaded by a browser, what filename it should have on disk. By default it is ``{model}-{id}-{field}.{extension}``, the extension is determined thanks to mimetype. :param Optional[str] filename_field: like ``filename`` but use one of the record's char field as filename. :param Optional[str] mimetype: the data mimetype to use instead of the stored one (attachment) or the one determined by magic. :param str default_mimetype: the mimetype to use when the mimetype couldn't be determined. By default it is ``application/octet-stream``. :rtype: odoo.http.Stream """ with replace_exceptions(ValueError, by=UserError(f'Expected singleton: {record}')): record.ensure_one() try: field_def = record._fields[field_name] except KeyError: raise UserError(f"Record has no field {field_name!r}.") if field_def.type != 'binary': raise UserError( f"Field {field_def!r} is type {field_def.type!r} but " f"it is only possible to stream Binary or Image fields." ) stream = self._record_to_stream(record, field_name) if stream.type in ('data', 'path'): if mimetype: stream.mimetype = mimetype elif not stream.mimetype: if stream.type == 'data': head =[:1024] else: with open(stream.path, 'rb') as file: head = stream.mimetype = guess_mimetype(head, default=default_mimetype) if filename: stream.download_name = filename elif filename_field in record: stream.download_name = record[filename_field] if not stream.download_name: stream.download_name = f'{record._table}-{}-{field_name}' stream.download_name = stream.download_name.replace('\n', '_').replace('\r', '_') if (not get_extension(stream.download_name) and stream.mimetype != 'application/octet-stream'): stream.download_name += guess_extension(stream.mimetype) or '' return stream def _get_image_stream_from( self, record, field_name='raw', filename=None, filename_field='name', mimetype=None, default_mimetype='image/png', placeholder=None, width=0, height=0, crop=False, quality=0, ): """ Create a :class:odoo.http.Stream: from a record's binary field, equivalent of :meth:`~get_stream_from` but for images. In case the record does not exist or is not accessible, the alternative ``placeholder`` path is used instead. If not set, a path is determined via :meth:`~odoo.models.BaseModel._get_placeholder_filename` which ultimately fallbacks on ``web/static/img/placeholder.png``. In case the arguments ``width``, ``height``, ``crop`` or ``quality`` are given, the image will be post-processed and the ETags (the unique cache http header) will be updated accordingly. See also :func:``. :param record: the record where to load the data from. :param str field_name: the binary field where to load the data from. :param Optional[str] filename: when the stream is downloaded by a browser, what filename it should have on disk. By default it is ``{table}-{id}-{field}.{extension}``, the extension is determined thanks to mimetype. :param Optional[str] filename_field: like ``filename`` but use one of the record's char field as filename. :param Optional[str] mimetype: the data mimetype to use instead of the stored one (attachment) or the one determined by magic. :param str default_mimetype: the mimetype to use when the mimetype couldn't be determined. By default it is ``image/png``. :param Optional[pathlike] placeholder: in case the image is not found or unaccessible, the path of an image to use instead. By default the record ``_get_placeholder_filename`` on the requested field or ``web/static/img/placeholder.png``. :param int width: if not zero, the width of the resized image. :param int height: if not zero, the height of the resized image. :param bool crop: if true, crop the image instead of rezising it. :param int quality: if not zero, the quality of the resized image. """ stream = None try: stream = self._get_stream_from( record, field_name, filename, filename_field, mimetype, default_mimetype ) except UserError: if request.params.get('download'): raise if not stream or stream.size == 0: if not placeholder: placeholder = record._get_placeholder_filename(field_name) stream = self._get_placeholder_stream(placeholder) if stream.type == 'url': return stream # Rezising an external URL is not supported if not stream.mimetype.startswith('image/'): stream.mimetype = 'application/octet-stream' if (width, height) == (0, 0): width, height = image_guess_size_from_field_name(field_name) if isinstance(stream.etag, str): stream.etag += f'-{width}x{height}-crop={crop}-quality={quality}' if isinstance(stream.last_modified, (int, float)): stream.last_modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(stream.last_modified, tz=None) modified = werkzeug.http.is_resource_modified( request.httprequest.environ, etag=stream.etag if isinstance(stream.etag, str) else None, last_modified=stream.last_modified ) if modified and (width or height or crop): if stream.type == 'path': with open(stream.path, 'rb') as file: stream.type = 'data' stream.path = None = = image_process(, size=(width, height), crop=crop, quality=quality, ) stream.size = len( return stream def _get_placeholder_stream(self, path=None): if not path: path = DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_PATH return Stream.from_path(path, filter_ext=('.png', '.jpg')) def _placeholder(self, path=False): if not path: path = DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_PATH with file_open(path, 'rb', filter_ext=('.png', '.jpg')) as file: return