# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. """ ================ IrQWeb / ir.qweb ================ Preamble ======== Technical documentation of the python operation of the rendering QWeb engine. Templating ========== QWeb is the primary templating engine used by Odoo. It is an XML templating engine and used mostly to generate XML, HTML fragments and pages. Template directives are specified as XML attributes prefixed with ``t-``, for instance ``t-if`` for :ref:`reference/qweb/conditionals`, with elements and other attributes being rendered directly. To avoid element rendering, a placeholder element ```` is also available, which executes its directive but doesn't generate any output in and of itself. To create new XML template, please see :doc:`QWeb Templates documentation ` Rendering process ================= In **input** you have an XML template giving the corresponding input etree. Each etree input nodes are used to generate a python function. This fonction is called and will give the XML **output**. The ``_compile`` method is responsible to generate the function from the etree, that function is a python generator that yield one output line at a time. This generator is consumed by ``_render``. The generated function is orm cached. For performance, the **compile time** (when input, XML template or template id, is compiled into a function) is less important than the **rendering time** (when the function is called with the different values). The generation of the function is only done once (for a set of options, language, branding ...) because it is cached orm The output is in ``MarkupSafe`` format. ``MarkupSafe`` escapes characters so text is safe to use in HTML and XML. Characters that have special meanings are replaced so that they display as the actual characters. This mitigates injection attacks, meaning untrusted user input can safely be displayed on a page. At **compile time**, each dynamic attribute ``t-*`` will be compiled into specific python code. (For example ```` will insert the template "10" inside the output) At **compile time**, each directive removes the dynamic attribute it uses from the input node attributes. At the end of the compilation each input node, no dynamic attributes must remain. How the code works ================== In the graphic below you can see theresume of the call of the methods performed in the IrQweb class. .. code-block:: rst Odoo ┗━► _render (returns MarkupSafe) ┗━► _compile (returns function) ◄━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━► _compile_node (returns code string array) ◄━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ (skip the current node if found t-qweb-skip) ┃ ┃ ┃ (add technical directives: t-tag-open, t-tag-close, t-inner-content) ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣━► _directives_eval_order (defined directive order) ┃ ┃ ┣━► _compile_directives (loop) Consume all remaining directives ◄━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ (e.g.: to change the indentation) ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣━► _compile_directive ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-nocache ━━► _compile_directive_nocache ━┫ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-cache ━━► _compile_directive_cache ━┫ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-groups ━━► _compile_directive_groups ━┫ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-foreach ━━► _compile_directive_foreach ━┫ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-if ━━► _compile_directive_if ━┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-inner-content ━━► _compile_directive_inner_content ◄━━━━━┓ ━┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-options ━━► _compile_directive_options ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-set ━━► _compile_directive_set ◄━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-call ━━► _compile_directive_call ━┛ ━┫ ━━━┛ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-att ━━► _compile_directive_att ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-tag-open ━━► _compile_directive_open ◄━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-tag-close ━━► _compile_directive_close ◄━━┫ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-out ━━► _compile_directive_out ━┛ ━┫ ◄━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-field ━━► _compile_directive_field ┃ ━┫ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-esc ━━► _compile_directive_esc ┃ ━┛ ┃ ┃ ┗━► t-* ━━► ... ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━━┻━► _compile_static_node ━┛ The QWeb ``_render`` uses the function generated by the ``_compile`` method. Each XML node will go through the ``_compile_node`` method. If the node does not have dynamic directives or attributes (``_is_static_node``). A ``static`` is a node without ``t-*`` attributes, does not require dynamic rendering for its attributes. If it's a ``static`` node, the ``_compile_static_node`` method is called, otherwise it is the ``_compile_directives`` method after having prepared the order for calling the directives using the ``_directives_eval_order`` method. In the defined order, for each directive the method ``_compile_directive`` is called which itself dispatches to the methods corresponding to the directives ``_compile_directive_[name of the directive]`` (for example: ``t-if`` => ``_compile_directive_if``). After all ordered directives, the directives attributes still present on the element are compiled. The ``_post_processing_att`` method is used for the generation of rendering attributes. If the attributes come from static XML template nodes then the method is called only once when generating the render function. Otherwise the method is called during each rendering. Each expression is compiled by the method ``_compile_expr`` into a python expression whose values are namespaced. Directives ---------- ``t-debug`` ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: `''` (empty string), ``pdb``, ``ipdb``, ``pudb``, ``wdb`` Triggers a debugger breakpoint at that location. With an empty value, calls the ``breakpoint`` builtin invoking whichever breakpoint hook has been set up, otherwise triggers a breakpoint uses the corresponding debugger. When dev mode is enabled this allows python developers to have access to the state of variables being rendered. The code generated by the QWeb engine is not accessible, only the variables (values, self) can be analyzed or the methods that called the QWeb rendering. .. warning:: using a non-empty string is deprecated since 17.0, configure your preferred debugger via ``PYTHONBREAKPOINT`` or ``sys.setbreakpointhook``. ``t-if`` ~~~~~~~~ **Values**: python expression Add an python ``if`` condition to the code string array, and call ``_compile_directives`` to level and add the code string array corresponding to the other directives and content. The structure of the dom is checked to possibly find a ``t-else`` or ``t-elif``. If these directives exist then the compilation is performed and the nodes are marked not to be rendered twice. At **rendering time** the other directives code and content will used only if the expression is evaluated as truely. The ``t-else``, ``t-elif`` and ``t-if`` are not compiled at the same time like defined in ``_directives_eval_order`` method. ```
Result: 0 1 2
``` ``t-else`` ~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: nothing Only validate the **input**, the compilation if inside the ``t-if`` directive. ``t-elif`` ~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: python expression Only validate the **input**, the compilation if inside the ``t-if`` directive. ``t-groups`` (``groups`` is an alias) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: name of the allowed odoo user group, or preceded by ``!`` for prohibited groups The generated code uses ``user_has_groups`` Odoo method. ``t-foreach`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: an expression returning the collection to iterate on This directive is used with ``t-as`` directive to defined the key name. The directive will be converted into a ``for`` loop. In this loop, different values are added to the dict (``values`` in the generated method) in addition to the key defined by ``t-name``, these are (``*_value``, ``*_index``, ``*_size``, ``*_first``, ``*_last``). ``t-as`` ~~~~~~~~ **Values**: key name The compilation method only validates if ``t-as`` and ``t-foreach`` are on the same node. ``t-options`` and ``t-options-*`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: python expression It's use on the same node of another directive, it's used to configure the other directive. Used on the same ``input node`` of the directives ``t-call``, ``t-field`` or ``t-out``. Create a ``values['__qweb_options__']`` dict from the optional ``t-options`` expression and add each key-value ``t-options-key="expression value"`` to this dict. (for example: ``t-options="{'widget': 'float'}"`` is equal to ``t-options-widget="'float'"``) ``t-att``, ``t-att-*`` and ``t-attf-*`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: python expression (or format string expression for ``t-attf-``) Compile the attributes to create ``values['__qweb_attrs__']`` dictionary code in the compiled function. Use the ``t-att`` expression and add each key-value ``t-att-key="expression value"`` to this dict. (for example: ``t-att="{'class': f'float_{1}'}"`` is equal to ``t-att-class="f'float_{1}'"`` and is equal to ``t-attf-class="float_{{1}}") The attributes come from new namespaces, static elements (not preceded by ``t-``) and dynamic attributes ``t-att``, attributes prefixed by ``t-att-`` (python expression) or ``t-attf`` (format string expression). ``t-call`` ~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: format string expression for template name Serves the called template in place of the current ``t-call`` node. Here are the different steps performed by the generated python code: #. copy the ``values`` dictionary; #. render the content (``_compile_directive_inner_content``) of the tag in a separate method called with the previous copied values. This values can be updated via t-set. The visible content of the rendering of the sub-content is added as a magical value ``0`` (can be rendered with ``t-out="0"``); #. copy the ``compile_context`` dictionary; #. compile the directive ``t-options`` and update the ``compile_context`` are, in added to the calling template and the ``nsmap`` values; #. get the compiled function from the ``_compile`` method; #. use the compiled function to serves the called template. ``t-lang`` ~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: python expression Used to serve the called template (``t-call``) in another language. Used together with ``t-call``. This directive will be evaluate like ``t-options-lang``. Allows you to change the language in which the called template is rendered. It's in the ``t-call`` directive that the language of the context of the ``ir.qweb`` recordset on which the ``_compile`` function is called is updated. ``t-call-assets`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: format string for template name The generated code call the ``_get_asset_nodes`` method to get the list of (tagName, attrs and content). From each tuple a tag is created into the rendering. ``t-out`` ~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: python expression Output the given value or if falsy, display the content as default value. (for example: ``Default content``) The generated code add the value into the ``MarkupSafe`` rendering. If a widget is defined (``t-options-widget``), the generated code call the ``_get_widget`` method to have the formatted field value and attributes. It's the ``ir.qweb.field.*`` models that format the value. ``t-field`` ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: String representing the path to the field. (for example: ``t-field="record.name"``) Output the field value or if falsy, display the content as default value. (for example: ``Default content``) Use ``t-out`` compile method but the generated code call ``_get_field`` instead of ``_get_widget``. It's the ``ir.qweb.field.*`` models that format the value. The rendering model is chosen according to the type of field. The rendering model can be modified via the ``t-options-widget``. ``t-esc`` ~~~~~~~~~ Deprecated, please use ``t-out`` ``t-raw`` ~~~~~~~~~ Deprecated, please use ``t-out`` ``t-set`` ~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: key name The generated code update the key ``values`` dictionary equal to the value defined by ``t-value`` expression, ``t-valuef`` format string expression or to the ``MarkupSafe`` rendering come from the content of the node. ``t-value`` ~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: python expression The compilation method only validates if ``t-value`` and ``t-set`` are on the same node. ``t-valuef`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Values**: format string expression The compilation method only validates if ``t-valuef`` and ``t-set`` are on the same node. Technical directives -------------------- Directive added automatically by IrQweb in order to go through the compilation methods. ``t-tag-open`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Used to generate the opening HTML/XML tags. ``t-tag-close`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Used to generate the closing HTML/XML tags. ``t-inner-content`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Used to add the content of the node (text, tail and children nodes). If namespaces are declared on the current element then a copy of the options is made. ``t-consumed-options`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raise an exception if the ``t-options`` is not consumed. ``t-qweb-skip`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ignore rendering and directives for the curent **input** node. ``t-else-valid`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark a node with ``t-else`` or ``t-elif`` having a valid **input** dom structure. """ import base64 import contextlib import fnmatch import io import logging import math import re import textwrap import time import token import tokenize import traceback import warnings import werkzeug from markupsafe import Markup, escape from collections.abc import Sized, Mapping from itertools import count, chain from lxml import etree from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from psycopg2.extensions import TransactionRollbackError from odoo import api, models, tools from odoo.modules import registry from odoo.tools import config, safe_eval, pycompat from odoo.tools.constants import SUPPORTED_DEBUGGER, EXTERNAL_ASSET from odoo.tools.safe_eval import assert_valid_codeobj, _BUILTINS, to_opcodes, _EXPR_OPCODES, _BLACKLIST from odoo.tools.json import scriptsafe from odoo.tools.lru import LRU from odoo.tools.misc import str2bool from odoo.tools.image import image_data_uri, FILETYPE_BASE64_MAGICWORD from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools.profiler import QwebTracker from odoo.exceptions import UserError, AccessDenied, AccessError, MissingError, ValidationError from odoo.addons.base.models.assetsbundle import AssetsBundle from odoo.tools.constants import SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS, STYLE_EXTENSIONS, TEMPLATE_EXTENSIONS _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # QWeb token usefull for generate expression used in `_compile_expr_tokens` method token.QWEB = token.NT_OFFSET - 1 token.tok_name[token.QWEB] = 'QWEB' # security safe eval opcodes for generated expression validation, used in `_compile_expr` _SAFE_QWEB_OPCODES = _EXPR_OPCODES.union(to_opcodes([ 'MAKE_FUNCTION', 'CALL_FUNCTION', 'CALL_FUNCTION_KW', 'CALL_FUNCTION_EX', 'CALL_METHOD', 'LOAD_METHOD', 'GET_ITER', 'FOR_ITER', 'YIELD_VALUE', 'JUMP_FORWARD', 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE', 'JUMP_BACKWARD', 'JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP', 'JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP', 'POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE', 'POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', 'LOAD_NAME', 'LOAD_ATTR', 'LOAD_FAST', 'STORE_FAST', 'UNPACK_SEQUENCE', 'STORE_SUBSCR', 'LOAD_GLOBAL', # Following opcodes were added in 3.11 https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.11.html#new-opcodes 'RESUME', 'CALL', 'PRECALL', 'PUSH_NULL', 'KW_NAMES', 'FORMAT_VALUE', 'BUILD_STRING', 'RETURN_GENERATOR', 'SWAP', 'POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_FALSE', 'POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_TRUE', 'POP_JUMP_BACKWARD_IF_FALSE', 'POP_JUMP_BACKWARD_IF_TRUE', 'POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_NONE', 'POP_JUMP_FORWARD_IF_NOT_NONE', 'POP_JUMP_BACKWARD_IF_NONE', 'POP_JUMP_BACKWARD_IF_NOT_NONE', # 3.12 https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.12.html#new-opcodes 'END_FOR', 'LOAD_FAST_AND_CLEAR', 'POP_JUMP_IF_NOT_NONE', 'POP_JUMP_IF_NONE', 'RERAISE', 'CALL_INTRINSIC_1', 'STORE_SLICE', # 3.13 'CALL_KW', 'LOAD_FAST_LOAD_FAST', 'STORE_FAST_STORE_FAST', 'STORE_FAST_LOAD_FAST', 'CONVERT_VALUE', 'FORMAT_SIMPLE', 'FORMAT_WITH_SPEC', 'SET_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE', ])) - _BLACKLIST # eval to compile generated string python code into binary code, used in `_compile` unsafe_eval = eval VOID_ELEMENTS = frozenset([ 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr']) # Terms allowed in addition to AVAILABLE_OBJECTS when compiling python expressions ALLOWED_KEYWORD = frozenset(['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'elif', 'else', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'not', 'or'] + list(_BUILTINS)) # regexpr for string formatting and extract ( ruby-style )|( jinja-style ) used in `_compile_format` FORMAT_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:#\{(.+?)\})|(?:\{\{(.+?)\}\})') RSTRIP_REGEXP = re.compile(r'\n[ \t]*$') LSTRIP_REGEXP = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*\n') FIRST_RSTRIP_REGEXP = re.compile(r'^(\n[ \t]*)+(\n[ \t])') VARNAME_REGEXP = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$') TO_VARNAME_REGEXP = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]+') # Attribute name used outside the context of the QWeb. SPECIAL_DIRECTIVES = {'t-translation', 't-ignore', 't-title'} # Name of the variable to insert the content in t-call in the template. # The slot will be replaced by the `t-call` tag content of the caller. T_CALL_SLOT = '0' def indent_code(code, level): """Indent the code to respect the python syntax.""" return textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(code).strip(), ' ' * 4 * level) def keep_query(*keep_params, **additional_params): """ Generate a query string keeping the current request querystring's parameters specified in ``keep_params`` and also adds the parameters specified in ``additional_params``. Multiple values query string params will be merged into a single one with comma seperated values. The ``keep_params`` arguments can use wildcards too, eg: keep_query('search', 'shop_*', page=4) """ if not keep_params and not additional_params: keep_params = ('*',) params = additional_params.copy() qs_keys = list(request.httprequest.args) if request else [] for keep_param in keep_params: for param in fnmatch.filter(qs_keys, keep_param): if param not in additional_params and param in qs_keys: params[param] = request.httprequest.args.getlist(param) return werkzeug.urls.url_encode(params) #################################### ### QWebException ### #################################### class QWebException(Exception): """ Management of errors that raised when rendering a QWeb template. """ def __init__(self, message, qweb, template=None, ref=None, path_xml=None, code=None): self.stack = traceback.format_exc() self.name = template self.ref = ref self.path, self.html = path_xml or (None, None) self.code = None if code: self.code = '\n'.join(code.split('\n')[:-1]) if qweb.env.context.get('dev_mode') else None line_nb = 0 for error_line in reversed(self.stack.split('\n')): if f'File "<{self.ref}>"' in error_line: line_function = error_line.split(', line ')[1] line_nb = int(line_function.split(',')[0]) break for code_line in reversed(code.split('\n')[:line_nb]): match = re.match(r'\s*# element: (.*) , (.*)', code_line) if match: self.path = match[1][1:-1] self.html = match[2][1:-1] break self.title = message super().__init__(message) def __str__(self): parts = [self.title] if self.__cause__ and str(self.__cause__) != '': parts.append(f"{self.__cause__.__class__.__name__}: {self.__cause__}") elif self.__context__ and str(self.__context__) != '': parts.append(f"{self.__context__.__class__.__name__}: {self.__context__}") if self.name is not None: parts.append(f"Template: {self.name}") if self.path is not None: parts.append(f"Path: {self.path}") if self.html is not None: parts.append(f"Node: {self.html}") if self.code is not None: parts.append(f"Compiled code:\n{self.code}") return "\n".join(parts) def __repr__(self): return f"QWebException({self.title!r})" #################################### ### QWeb ### #################################### class IrQWeb(models.AbstractModel): """ Base QWeb rendering engine * to customize ``t-field`` rendering, subclass ``ir.qweb.field`` and create new models called :samp:`ir.qweb.field.{widget}` Beware that if you need extensions or alterations which could be incompatible with other subsystems, you should create a local object inheriting from ``ir.qweb`` and customize that. """ _name = 'ir.qweb' _description = 'Qweb' @QwebTracker.wrap_render @api.model def _render(self, template, values=None, **options): """ render(template, values, **options) Render the template specified by the given name. :param template: etree, xml_id, template name (see _get_template) * Call the method ``load`` is not an etree. :param dict values: template values to be used for rendering :param options: used to compile the template Options will be add into the IrQweb.env.context for the rendering. * ``lang`` (str) used language to render the template * ``inherit_branding`` (bool) add the tag node branding * ``inherit_branding_auto`` (bool) add the branding on fields * ``minimal_qcontext``(bool) To use the minimum context and options from ``_prepare_environment`` :returns: bytes marked as markup-safe (decode to :class:`markupsafe.Markup` instead of `str`) :rtype: MarkupSafe """ values = values.copy() if values else {} if T_CALL_SLOT in values: raise ValueError(f'values[{T_CALL_SLOT}] should be unset when call the _render method and only set into the template.') irQweb = self.with_context(**options)._prepare_environment(values) safe_eval.check_values(values) template_functions, def_name = irQweb._compile(template) render_template = template_functions[def_name] rendering = render_template(irQweb, values) result = ''.join(rendering) return Markup(result) # assume cache will be invalidated by third party on write to ir.ui.view def _get_template_cache_keys(self): """ Return the list of context keys to use for caching ``_compile``. """ return ['lang', 'inherit_branding', 'inherit_branding_auto', 'edit_translations', 'profile'] @tools.conditional( 'xml' not in tools.config['dev_mode'], tools.ormcache('template', 'tuple(self.env.context.get(k) for k in self._get_template_cache_keys())', cache='templates'), ) def _get_view_id(self, template): try: return self.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo().with_context(load_all_views=True)._get_view_id(template) except Exception: return None @QwebTracker.wrap_compile def _compile(self, template): if isinstance(template, etree._Element): self = self.with_context(is_t_cache_disabled=True) ref = None else: ref = self._get_view_id(template) # define the base key cache for code in cache and t-cache feature base_key_cache = None if ref: base_key_cache = self._get_cache_key(tuple([ref] + [self.env.context.get(k) for k in self._get_template_cache_keys()])) self = self.with_context(__qweb_base_key_cache=base_key_cache) # generate the template functions and the root function name def generate_functions(): code, options, def_name = self._generate_code(template) if self.env.context.get('profile'): ref_value = None with contextlib.suppress(ValueError, TypeError): ref_value = int(options.get('ref')) profile_options = { 'ref': ref_value, 'ref_xml': options.get('ref_xml') and str(options['ref_xml']) or None, } else: profile_options = None code = '\n'.join([ "def generate_functions():", " template_functions = {}", indent_code(code, 1), f" template_functions['options'] = {profile_options!r}", " return template_functions", ]) try: compiled = compile(code, f"<{ref}>", 'exec') globals_dict = self.__prepare_globals() globals_dict['__builtins__'] = globals_dict # So that unknown/unsafe builtins are never added. unsafe_eval(compiled, globals_dict) return globals_dict['generate_functions'](), def_name except QWebException: raise except Exception as e: raise QWebException("Error when compiling xml template", self, template, code=code, ref=ref) from e return self._load_values(base_key_cache, generate_functions) def _generate_code(self, template): """ Compile the given template into a rendering function (generator):: render_template(qweb, values) This method can be called only by the IrQweb `_render` method or by the compiled code of t-call from an other template. An `options` dictionary is created and attached to the function. It contains rendering options that are part of the cache key in addition to template references. where ``qweb`` is a QWeb instance and ``values`` are the values to render. :returns: tuple containing code, options and main method name """ if not isinstance(template, (int, str, etree._Element)): template = str(template) # The `compile_context`` dictionary includes the elements used for the # cache key to which are added the template references as well as # technical information useful for generating the function. This # dictionary is only used when compiling the template. compile_context = self.env.context.copy() try: element, document, ref = self._get_template(template) except (ValueError, UserError) as e: # return the error function if the template is not found or fail message = str(e) code = indent_code(f""" def not_found_template(self, values): if self.env.context.get('raise_if_not_found', True): raise {e.__class__.__name__}({message!r}) warning('Cannot load template %s: %s', {template!r}, {message!r}) return '' template_functions = {{'not_found_template': not_found_template}} """, 0) return (code, {}, 'not_found_template') compile_context.pop('raise_if_not_found', None) # reference to get xml and etree (usually the template ID) compile_context['ref'] = ref # reference name or key to get xml and etree (usually the template XML ID) compile_context['ref_name'] = element.attrib.pop('t-name', template if isinstance(template, str) and '<' not in template else None) # str xml of the reference template used for compilation. Useful for debugging, dev mode and profiling. compile_context['ref_xml'] = document # Identifier used to call `_compile` compile_context['template'] = template # Root of the etree which will be processed during compilation. compile_context['root'] = element.getroottree() # Reference to the last node being compiled. It is mainly used for debugging and displaying error messages. compile_context['_qweb_error_path_xml'] = None compile_context['nsmap'] = { ns_prefix: str(ns_definition) for ns_prefix, ns_definition in compile_context.get('nsmap', {}).items() } # The options dictionary includes cache key elements and template # references. It will be attached to the generated function. This # dictionary is only there for logs, performance or test information. # The values of these `options` cannot be changed and must always be # identical in `context` and `self.env.context`. options = {k: compile_context.get(k) for k in self._get_template_cache_keys() + ['ref', 'ref_name', 'ref_xml']} # generate code def_name = TO_VARNAME_REGEXP.sub(r'_', f'template_{ref}') name_gen = count() compile_context['make_name'] = lambda prefix: f"{def_name}_{prefix}_{next(name_gen)}" try: if element.text: element.text = FIRST_RSTRIP_REGEXP.sub(r'\2', element.text) compile_context['template_functions'] = {} compile_context['_text_concat'] = [] self._append_text("", compile_context) # To ensure the template function is a generator and doesn't become a regular function compile_context['template_functions'][f'{def_name}_content'] = ( [f"def {def_name}_content(self, values):"] + self._compile_node(element, compile_context, 2) + self._flush_text(compile_context, 2, rstrip=True)) compile_context['template_functions'][def_name] = [indent_code(f""" def {def_name}(self, values): try: if '__qweb_loaded_values' not in values: values['__qweb_loaded_values'] = {{}} values['__qweb_root_values'] = values.copy() values['xmlid'] = {options['ref_name']!r} values['viewid'] = {options['ref']!r} values['__qweb_loaded_values'].update(template_functions) yield from {def_name}_content(self, values) except QWebException: raise except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, TransactionRollbackError): raise raise QWebException("Error while render the template", self, template, ref={compile_context['ref']!r}, code=code) from e """, 0)] except QWebException: raise except Exception as e: raise QWebException("Error when compiling xml template", self, template, ref=compile_context['ref'], path_xml=compile_context['_qweb_error_path_xml']) from e code_lines = ['code = None'] code_lines.append(f'template = {(document if isinstance(template, etree._Element) else template)!r}') code_lines.append('template_functions = {}') for lines in compile_context['template_functions'].values(): code_lines.extend(lines) for name in compile_context['template_functions']: code_lines.append(f'template_functions[{name!r}] = {name}') code = '\n'.join(code_lines) code += f'\n\ncode = {code!r}' return (code, options, def_name) # read and load input template def _get_template(self, template): """ Retrieve the given template, and return it as a tuple ``(etree, xml, ref)``, where ``element`` is an etree, ``document`` is the string document that contains ``element``, and ``ref`` if the uniq reference of the template (id, t-name or template). :param template: template identifier or etree """ assert template not in (False, None, ""), "template is required" # template is an xml etree already if isinstance(template, etree._Element): element = template document = etree.tostring(template, encoding='unicode') ref = None # template is xml as string elif isinstance(template, str) and '<' in template: raise ValueError('Inline templates must be passed as `etree` documents') # template is (id or ref) to a database stored template else: try: ref_alias = int(template) # e.g. except ValueError: ref_alias = template # e.g. web.layout doc_or_elem, ref = self._load(ref_alias) or (None, None) if doc_or_elem is None: raise ValueError(f"Can not load template: {ref_alias!r}") if isinstance(doc_or_elem, etree._Element): element = doc_or_elem document = etree.tostring(doc_or_elem, encoding='unicode') elif isinstance(doc_or_elem, str): element = etree.fromstring(doc_or_elem) document = doc_or_elem else: raise TypeError(f"Loaded template {ref!r} should be a string.") # return etree, document and ref, or try to find the ref if ref: return (element, document, ref) # #