from odoo import api, Command, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError from xmlrpc.client import MAXINT from import create_index, SQL class AccountBankStatementLine(models.Model): _name = "" _inherits = {'account.move': 'move_id'} _description = "Bank Statement Line" _order = "internal_index desc" _check_company_auto = True # FIXME: Field having the same name in both tables are confusing (partner_id). We don't change it because: # - It's a mess to track/fix. # - Some fields here could be simplified when the onchanges will be gone in account.move. # Should be improved in the future. # - there should be a better way for syncing account_moves with bank transactions, payments, invoices, etc. # == Business fields == move_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.move', auto_join=True, string='Journal Entry', required=True, readonly=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True, check_company=True) journal_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='account.journal', inherited=True, related='move_id.journal_id', store=True, readonly=False, precompute=True, index=False, # covered by account_bank_statement_line_main_idx required=True, ) company_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='', inherited=True, related='move_id.company_id', store=True, readonly=False, precompute=True, index=False, # covered by account_bank_statement_line_main_idx required=True, ) statement_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='', string='Statement', ) # Payments generated during the reconciliation of this bank statement lines. payment_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name='account.payment', relation='account_payment_account_bank_statement_line_rel', string='Auto-generated Payments', ) # This sequence is working reversed because the default order is reversed, more info in compute_internal_index sequence = fields.Integer(default=1) partner_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.partner', string='Partner', ondelete='restrict', domain="['|', ('parent_id','=', False), ('is_company','=',True)]", check_company=True) # Technical field used to store the bank account number before its creation, upon the line's processing account_number = fields.Char(string='Bank Account Number') # This field is used to record the third party name when importing bank statement in electronic format, # when the partner doesn't exist yet in the database (or cannot be found). partner_name = fields.Char() # Transaction type is used in electronic format, when the type of transaction is available in the imported file. transaction_type = fields.Char() payment_ref = fields.Char(string='Label') currency_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.currency', string='Journal Currency', compute='_compute_currency_id', store=True, ) amount = fields.Monetary() # Note the values of this field does not necessarily correspond to the cumulated balance in the account move line. # here these values correspond to occurrence order (the reality) and they should match the bank report but in # the move lines, it corresponds to the recognition order. Also, the statements act as checkpoints on this field running_balance = fields.Monetary( compute='_compute_running_balance' ) foreign_currency_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='res.currency', string="Foreign Currency", help="The optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry.", ) amount_currency = fields.Monetary( compute='_compute_amount_currency', store=True, readonly=False, string="Amount in Currency", currency_field='foreign_currency_id', help="The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry.", ) # == Technical fields == # The amount left to be reconciled on this statement line (signed according to its move lines' balance), # expressed in its currency. This is a technical field use to speed up the application of reconciliation models. amount_residual = fields.Float( string="Residual Amount", compute="_compute_is_reconciled", store=True, ) country_code = fields.Char( related='company_id.account_fiscal_country_id.code' ) # Technical field used to store the internal reference of the statement line for fast indexing and easier comparing # of statement lines. It holds the combination of the date, sequence and id of each line. Without this field, # the search/sorting lines would be very slow. The date field is related and stored in the account.move model, # so it is not possible to have an index on it (unless we use a sql view which is too complicated). # Using this prevents us having a compound index, and extensive `where` clauses. # Without this finding lines before current line (which we need e.g. for calculating the running balance) # would need a query like this: # date < current date OR (date = current date AND sequence > current date) or ( # date = current date AND sequence = current sequence AND id < current id) # which needs to be repeated all over the code. # This would be simply "internal index < current internal index" using this field. internal_index = fields.Char( string='Internal Reference', compute='_compute_internal_index', store=True, ) # Technical field indicating if the statement line is already reconciled. is_reconciled = fields.Boolean( string='Is Reconciled', compute='_compute_is_reconciled', store=True, ) statement_complete = fields.Boolean( related='statement_id.is_complete', ) statement_valid = fields.Boolean( related='statement_id.is_valid', ) statement_balance_end_real = fields.Monetary( related='statement_id.balance_end_real', ) statement_name = fields.Char( string="Statement Name", related='', ) # Technical field to store details about the bank statement line transaction_details = fields.Json(readonly=True) def init(self): super().init() create_index( # used for default filters, indexname='account_bank_statement_line_unreconciled_idx', tablename='account_bank_statement_line', expressions=['journal_id', 'company_id', 'internal_index'], where='NOT is_reconciled OR is_reconciled IS NULL', ) create_index( # used for the dashboard, indexname='account_bank_statement_line_orphan_idx', tablename='account_bank_statement_line', expressions=['journal_id', 'company_id', 'internal_index'], where='statement_id IS NULL', ) create_index( # used in other cases, indexname='account_bank_statement_line_main_idx', tablename='account_bank_statement_line', expressions=['journal_id', 'company_id', 'internal_index'], ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPUTE METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.depends('foreign_currency_id', 'date', 'amount', 'company_id') def _compute_amount_currency(self): for st_line in self: if not st_line.foreign_currency_id: st_line.amount_currency = False elif and not st_line.amount_currency: # only convert if it hasn't been set already st_line.amount_currency = st_line.currency_id._convert( from_amount=st_line.amount, to_currency=st_line.foreign_currency_id, company=st_line.company_id,, ) @api.depends('journal_id.currency_id') def _compute_currency_id(self): for st_line in self: st_line.currency_id = st_line.journal_id.currency_id or st_line.company_id.currency_id def _compute_running_balance(self): # It looks back to find the latest statement and uses its balance_start as an anchor point for calculation, so # that the running balance is always relative to the latest statement. In this way we do not need to calculate # the running balance for all statement lines every time. # If there are statements inside the computed range, their balance_start has priority over calculated balance. # we have to compute running balance for draft lines because they are visible and also # the user can split on that lines, but their balance should be the same as previous posted line # we do the same for the canceled lines, in order to keep using them as anchor points record_by_id = { x for x in self} company2children = { company: self.env[''].search([('id', 'child_of',]) for company in self.journal_id.company_id } for journal in self.journal_id: journal_lines_indexes = self.filtered(lambda line: line.journal_id == journal)\ .sorted('internal_index')\ .mapped('internal_index') min_index, max_index = journal_lines_indexes[0], journal_lines_indexes[-1] # Find the oldest index for each journal. self.env[''].flush_model(['first_line_index', 'journal_id', 'balance_start']) self._cr.execute( """ SELECT first_line_index, COALESCE(balance_start, 0.0) FROM account_bank_statement WHERE first_line_index < %s AND journal_id = %s ORDER BY first_line_index DESC LIMIT 1 """, [min_index,], ) current_running_balance = 0.0 extra_clause = SQL() row = self._cr.fetchone() if row: starting_index, current_running_balance = row extra_clause = SQL("AND st_line.internal_index >= %s", starting_index) self.flush_model(['amount', 'move_id', 'statement_id', 'journal_id', 'internal_index']) self.env[''].flush_model(['first_line_index', 'balance_start']) self.env['account.move'].flush_model(['state']) self._cr.execute(SQL( """ SELECT, st_line.amount, st.first_line_index = st_line.internal_index AS is_anchor, COALESCE(st.balance_start, 0.0), move.state FROM account_bank_statement_line st_line JOIN account_move move ON = st_line.move_id LEFT JOIN account_bank_statement st ON = st_line.statement_id WHERE st_line.internal_index <= %s AND st_line.journal_id = %s AND st_line.company_id = ANY(%s) %s ORDER BY st_line.internal_index """, max_index,, company2children[journal.company_id].ids, extra_clause, )) pending_items = self for st_line_id, amount, is_anchor, balance_start, state in self._cr.fetchall(): if is_anchor: current_running_balance = balance_start if state == 'posted': current_running_balance += amount if record_by_id.get(st_line_id): record_by_id[st_line_id].running_balance = current_running_balance pending_items -= record_by_id[st_line_id] # Lines manually deleted from the form view still require to have a value set here, as the field is computed and non-stored. for item in pending_items: item.running_balance = item.running_balance @api.depends('date', 'sequence') def _compute_internal_index(self): """ Internal index is a field that holds the combination of the date, compliment of sequence and id of each line. Using this prevents us having a compound index, and extensive where clauses. Without this finding lines before current line (which we need for calculating the running balance) would need a query like this: date < current date OR (date = current date AND sequence > current date) or ( date = current date AND sequence = current sequence AND id < current id) which needs to be repeated all over the code. This would be simply "internal index < current internal index" using this field. Also, we would need a compound index of date + sequence + id on the table which is not possible because date is not in this table (it is in the account move table) unless we use a sql view which is more complicated. """ # ensure we are using correct value for reversing sequence in the index (2147483647) # NOTE: assert self._fields['sequence'].column_type[1] == 'int4' # if for any reason it changes (how unlikely), we need to update this code for st_line in self.filtered(lambda line: st_line.internal_index = f'{"%Y%m%d")}' \ f'{MAXINT - st_line.sequence:0>10}' \ f'{>10}' @api.depends('journal_id', 'currency_id', 'amount', 'foreign_currency_id', 'amount_currency', 'move_id.checked', 'move_id.line_ids.account_id', 'move_id.line_ids.amount_currency', 'move_id.line_ids.amount_residual_currency', 'move_id.line_ids.currency_id', 'move_id.line_ids.matched_debit_ids', 'move_id.line_ids.matched_credit_ids') def _compute_is_reconciled(self): """ Compute the field indicating if the statement lines are already reconciled with something. This field is used for display purpose (e.g. display the 'cancel' button on the statement lines). Also computes the residual amount of the statement line. """ for st_line in self: _liquidity_lines, suspense_lines, _other_lines = st_line._seek_for_lines() # Compute residual amount if not st_line.checked: st_line.amount_residual = -st_line.amount_currency if st_line.foreign_currency_id else -st_line.amount elif suspense_lines.account_id.reconcile: st_line.amount_residual = sum(suspense_lines.mapped('amount_residual_currency')) else: st_line.amount_residual = sum(suspense_lines.mapped('amount_currency')) # Compute is_reconciled if not # New record: The journal items are not yet there. st_line.is_reconciled = False elif suspense_lines: # In case of the statement line comes from an older version, it could have a residual amount of zero. st_line.is_reconciled = suspense_lines.currency_id.is_zero(st_line.amount_residual) elif st_line.currency_id.is_zero(st_line.amount): st_line.is_reconciled = True else: # The journal entry seems reconciled. st_line.is_reconciled = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRAINT METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @api.constrains('amount', 'amount_currency', 'currency_id', 'foreign_currency_id', 'journal_id') def _check_amounts_currencies(self): """ Ensure the consistency the specified amounts and the currencies. """ for st_line in self: if st_line.foreign_currency_id == st_line.currency_id: raise ValidationError(_("The foreign currency must be different than the journal one: %s", if not st_line.foreign_currency_id and st_line.amount_currency: raise ValidationError(_("You can't provide an amount in foreign currency without " "specifying a foreign currency.")) if not st_line.amount_currency and st_line.foreign_currency_id: raise ValidationError(_("You can't provide a foreign currency without specifying an amount in " "'Amount in Currency' field.")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOW-LEVEL METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def default_get(self, fields_list): self_ctx = self.with_context(is_statement_line=True) defaults = super(AccountBankStatementLine, self_ctx).default_get(fields_list) if 'journal_id' in fields_list and not defaults.get('journal_id'): defaults['journal_id'] = self_ctx.env['account.move']._search_default_journal().id if 'date' in fields_list and not defaults.get('date') and 'journal_id' in defaults: # copy the date and statement from the latest transaction of the same journal to help the user # to enter the next transaction, they do not have to enter the date and the statement every time until the # statement is completed. It is only possible if we know the journal that is used, so it can only be done # in a view in which the journal is already set and so is single journal view. last_line =[ ('journal_id', '=', defaults['journal_id']), ('state', '=', 'posted'), ], limit=1) statement = last_line.statement_id if statement: defaults.setdefault('date', elif last_line: defaults.setdefault('date', return defaults def new(self, values=None, origin=None, ref=None): return super(AccountBankStatementLine, self.with_context(is_statement_line=True)).new(values, origin, ref) @api.model_create_multi def create(self, vals_list): # OVERRIDE counterpart_account_ids = [] for vals in vals_list: if 'statement_id' in vals and 'journal_id' not in vals: statement = self.env[''].browse(vals['statement_id']) # Ensure the journal is the same as the statement one. # journal_id is a required field in the view, so it should be always available if the user # is creating the record, however, if a sync/import modules tries to add a line to an existing # statement they can omit the journal field because it can be obtained from the statement if statement.journal_id: vals['journal_id'] = # Avoid having the same foreign_currency_id as currency_id. if vals.get('journal_id') and vals.get('foreign_currency_id'): journal = self.env['account.journal'].browse(vals['journal_id']) journal_currency = journal.currency_id or journal.company_id.currency_id if vals['foreign_currency_id'] == vals['foreign_currency_id'] = None vals['amount_currency'] = 0.0 # Force the move_type to avoid inconsistency with residual 'default_move_type' inside the context. vals['move_type'] = 'entry' # Hack to force different account instead of the suspense account. counterpart_account_ids.append(vals.pop('counterpart_account_id', None)) #Set the amount to 0 if it's not specified. if 'amount' not in vals: vals['amount'] = 0 st_lines = super(AccountBankStatementLine, self.with_context(is_statement_line=True)).create([{ 'name': False, **vals, } for vals in vals_list]) for i, (st_line, vals) in enumerate(zip(st_lines, vals_list)): counterpart_account_id = counterpart_account_ids[i] to_write = {'statement_line_id':, 'narration': st_line.narration, 'name': False} if 'line_ids' not in vals_list[i]: to_write['line_ids'] = [(0, 0, line_vals) for line_vals in st_line._prepare_move_line_default_vals( counterpart_account_id=counterpart_account_id)] with self.env.protecting(self.env['account.move']._get_protected_vals(vals, st_line)): st_line.move_id.write(to_write) self.env.add_to_compute(self.env['account.move']._fields['name'], st_line.move_id) # Otherwise field narration will be recomputed silently (at next flush) when writing on partner_id self.env.remove_to_compute(st_line.move_id._fields['narration'], st_line.move_id) # No need for the user to manage their status (from 'Draft' to 'Posted') st_lines.move_id.action_post() return st_lines.with_env(self.env) # clear the context def write(self, vals): # OVERRIDE res = super(AccountBankStatementLine, self.with_context(skip_readonly_check=True)).write(vals) self._synchronize_to_moves(set(vals.keys())) return res def unlink(self): # OVERRIDE to unlink the inherited account.move (move_id field) as well. tracked_lines = self.filtered(lambda stl: stl.company_id.check_account_audit_trail) tracked_lines.move_id.button_cancel() moves_to_delete = (self - tracked_lines).move_id res = super().unlink() moves_to_delete.with_context(force_delete=True).unlink() return res @api.model def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True): # Add latest running_balance in the read_group result = super(AccountBankStatementLine, self).read_group( domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy) show_running_balance = False # We loop over the content of groupby because the groupby date is in the form of "date:granularity" for el in groupby: if (el == 'statement_id' or el == 'journal_id' or el.startswith('date')) and self.env.context.get('show_running_balance_latest'): show_running_balance = True break if show_running_balance: for group_line in result: group_line['running_balance'] ='__domain'), limit=1).running_balance or 0.0 return result # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ACTION METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_undo_reconciliation(self): """ Undo the reconciliation made on the statement line and reset their journal items to their original states. """ self.line_ids.remove_move_reconcile() self.payment_ids.unlink() for st_line in self: st_line.with_context(force_delete=True, skip_readonly_check=True).write({ 'checked': True, 'line_ids': [Command.clear()] + [ Command.create(line_vals) for line_vals in st_line._prepare_move_line_default_vals()], }) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HELPERS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _find_or_create_bank_account(self): self.ensure_one() # There is a sql constraint on ensuring an unique pair . # Since it's not dependent of the company, we need to search on others company too to avoid the creation # of an extra raising an error coming from this constraint. # However, at the end, we need to filter out the results to not trigger the check_company when trying to # assign a owned by another company. bank_account = self.env[''].sudo().with_context(active_test=False).search([ ('acc_number', '=', self.account_number), ('partner_id', '=',, ]) if not bank_account: bank_account = self.env[''].create({ 'acc_number': self.account_number, 'partner_id':, 'journal_id': None, }) return bank_account.filtered(lambda x: in (False, def _get_default_amls_matching_domain(self): self.ensure_one() all_reconcilable_account_ids = self.env['account.account'].search([ ("company_ids", "child_of",, ('reconcile', '=', True), ]).ids return [ # Base domain. ('display_type', 'not in', ('line_section', 'line_note')), ('parent_state', '=', 'posted'), ('company_id', 'child_of',, # Reconciliation domain. ('reconciled', '=', False), # Domain to use the account_move_line__unreconciled_index ('account_id', 'in', all_reconcilable_account_ids), # Special domain for payments. '|', ('account_id.account_type', 'not in', ('asset_receivable', 'liability_payable')), ('payment_id', '=', False), # Special domain for statement lines. ('statement_line_id', '!=',, ] @api.model def _get_default_journal(self): journal_type = self.env.context.get('journal_type', 'bank') return self.env['account.journal'].search([ *self.env['account.journal']._check_company_domain(, ('type', '=', journal_type), ], limit=1) @api.model def _get_default_statement(self, journal_id=None, date=None): statement = domain=[ ('journal_id', '=', journal_id or self._get_default_journal().id), ('date', '<=', date or, ], limit=1 ).statement_id if not statement.is_complete: return statement def _get_accounting_amounts_and_currencies(self): """ Retrieve the transaction amount, journal amount and the company amount with their corresponding currencies from the journal entry linked to the statement line. All returned amounts will be positive for an inbound transaction, negative for an outbound one. :return: ( transaction_amount, transaction_currency, journal_amount, journal_currency, company_amount, company_currency, ) """ self.ensure_one() liquidity_line, suspense_line, other_lines = self._seek_for_lines() if suspense_line and not other_lines: transaction_amount = -suspense_line.amount_currency transaction_currency = suspense_line.currency_id else: # In case of to_check or partial reconciliation, we can't trust the suspense line. transaction_amount = self.amount_currency if self.foreign_currency_id else self.amount transaction_currency = self.foreign_currency_id or liquidity_line.currency_id return ( transaction_amount, transaction_currency, sum(liquidity_line.mapped('amount_currency')), liquidity_line.currency_id, sum(liquidity_line.mapped('balance')), liquidity_line.company_currency_id, ) def _prepare_counterpart_amounts_using_st_line_rate(self, currency, balance, amount_currency): """ Convert the amounts passed as parameters to the statement line currency using the rates provided by the bank. The computed amounts are the one that could be set on the statement line as a counterpart journal item to fully paid the provided amounts as parameters. :param currency: The currency in which is expressed 'amount_currency'. :param balance: The amount expressed in company currency. Only needed when the currency passed as parameter is neither the statement line's foreign currency, neither the journal's currency. :param amount_currency: The amount expressed in the 'currency' passed as parameter. :return: A python dictionary containing: * balance: The amount to consider expressed in company's currency. * amount_currency: The amount to consider expressed in statement line's foreign currency. """ self.ensure_one() transaction_amount, transaction_currency, journal_amount, journal_currency, company_amount, company_currency \ = self._get_accounting_amounts_and_currencies() rate_journal2foreign_curr = journal_amount and abs(transaction_amount) / abs(journal_amount) rate_comp2journal_curr = company_amount and abs(journal_amount) / abs(company_amount) if currency == transaction_currency: trans_amount_currency = amount_currency if rate_journal2foreign_curr: journ_amount_currency = journal_currency.round(trans_amount_currency / rate_journal2foreign_curr) else: journ_amount_currency = 0.0 if rate_comp2journal_curr: new_balance = company_currency.round(journ_amount_currency / rate_comp2journal_curr) else: new_balance = 0.0 elif currency == journal_currency: trans_amount_currency = transaction_currency.round(amount_currency * rate_journal2foreign_curr) if rate_comp2journal_curr: new_balance = company_currency.round(amount_currency / rate_comp2journal_curr) else: new_balance = 0.0 else: journ_amount_currency = journal_currency.round(balance * rate_comp2journal_curr) trans_amount_currency = transaction_currency.round(journ_amount_currency * rate_journal2foreign_curr) new_balance = balance return { 'amount_currency': trans_amount_currency, 'balance': new_balance, } def _prepare_move_line_default_vals(self, counterpart_account_id=None): """ Prepare the dictionary to create the default account.move.lines for the current record. :return: A list of python dictionary to be passed to the account.move.line's 'create' method. """ self.ensure_one() if not counterpart_account_id: counterpart_account_id = if not counterpart_account_id: raise UserError(_( "You can't create a new statement line without a suspense account set on the %s journal.", self.journal_id.display_name, )) company_currency = self.journal_id.company_id.sudo().currency_id journal_currency = self.journal_id.currency_id or company_currency foreign_currency = self.foreign_currency_id or journal_currency or company_currency journal_amount = self.amount if foreign_currency == journal_currency: transaction_amount = journal_amount else: transaction_amount = self.amount_currency if journal_currency == company_currency: company_amount = journal_amount elif foreign_currency == company_currency: company_amount = transaction_amount else: company_amount = journal_currency\ ._convert(journal_amount, company_currency, self.journal_id.company_id, liquidity_line_vals = { 'name': self.payment_ref, 'move_id':, 'partner_id':, 'account_id':, 'currency_id':, 'amount_currency': journal_amount, 'debit': company_amount > 0 and company_amount or 0.0, 'credit': company_amount < 0 and -company_amount or 0.0, } # Create the counterpart line values. counterpart_line_vals = { 'name': self.payment_ref, 'account_id': counterpart_account_id, 'move_id':, 'partner_id':, 'currency_id':, 'amount_currency': -transaction_amount, 'debit': -company_amount if company_amount < 0.0 else 0.0, 'credit': company_amount if company_amount > 0.0 else 0.0, } return [liquidity_line_vals, counterpart_line_vals] def _seek_for_lines(self): """ Helper used to dispatch the journal items between: - The lines using the liquidity account. - The lines using the transfer account. - The lines being not in one of the two previous categories. :return: (liquidity_lines, suspense_lines, other_lines) """ liquidity_lines = self.env['account.move.line'] suspense_lines = self.env['account.move.line'] other_lines = self.env['account.move.line'] for line in self.move_id.line_ids: if line.account_id == self.journal_id.default_account_id: liquidity_lines += line elif line.account_id == self.journal_id.suspense_account_id: suspense_lines += line else: other_lines += line if not liquidity_lines: liquidity_lines = self.move_id.line_ids.filtered(lambda l: l.account_id.account_type in ('asset_cash', 'liability_credit_card')) other_lines -= liquidity_lines return liquidity_lines, suspense_lines, other_lines # SYNCHRONIZATION <-> account.move # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _synchronize_from_moves(self, changed_fields): """ Update the regarding its related account.move. Also, check both models are still consistent. :param changed_fields: A set containing all modified fields on account.move. """ if self._context.get('skip_account_move_synchronization'): return for st_line in self.with_context(skip_account_move_synchronization=True): move = st_line.move_id move_vals_to_write = {} st_line_vals_to_write = {} if 'line_ids' in changed_fields: liquidity_lines, suspense_lines, other_lines = st_line._seek_for_lines() company_currency = st_line.journal_id.company_id.currency_id journal_currency = st_line.journal_id.currency_id if st_line.journal_id.currency_id != company_currency\ else False if len(liquidity_lines) != 1: raise UserError(_( "The journal entry %s reached an invalid state regarding its related statement line.\n" "To be consistent, the journal entry must always have exactly one journal item involving the " "bank/cash account.", st_line.move_id.display_name)) st_line_vals_to_write.update({ 'payment_ref':, 'partner_id':, }) # Update 'amount' according to the liquidity line. if journal_currency: st_line_vals_to_write.update({ 'amount': liquidity_lines.amount_currency, }) else: st_line_vals_to_write.update({ 'amount': liquidity_lines.balance, }) if len(suspense_lines) > 1: raise UserError(_( "%(move)s reached an invalid state regarding its related statement line.\n" "To be consistent, the journal entry must always have exactly one suspense line.", move=st_line.move_id.display_name, )) elif len(suspense_lines) == 1: if journal_currency and suspense_lines.currency_id == journal_currency: # The suspense line is expressed in the journal's currency meaning the foreign currency # set on the statement line is no longer needed. st_line_vals_to_write.update({ 'amount_currency': 0.0, 'foreign_currency_id': False, }) elif not journal_currency and suspense_lines.currency_id == company_currency: # Don't set a specific foreign currency on the statement line. st_line_vals_to_write.update({ 'amount_currency': 0.0, 'foreign_currency_id': False, }) elif not other_lines: # Update the statement line regarding the foreign currency of the suspense line. st_line_vals_to_write.update({ 'amount_currency': -suspense_lines.amount_currency, 'foreign_currency_id':, }) move_vals_to_write.update({ 'partner_id':, 'currency_id': (st_line.foreign_currency_id or journal_currency or company_currency).id, }) move.write(move._cleanup_write_orm_values(move, move_vals_to_write)) st_line.write(move._cleanup_write_orm_values(st_line, st_line_vals_to_write)) def _synchronize_to_moves(self, changed_fields): """ Update the account.move regarding the modified :param changed_fields: A list containing all modified fields on """ if self._context.get('skip_account_move_synchronization'): return if not any(field_name in changed_fields for field_name in ( 'payment_ref', 'amount', 'amount_currency', 'foreign_currency_id', 'currency_id', 'partner_id', )): return for st_line in self.with_context(skip_account_move_synchronization=True): liquidity_lines, suspense_lines, other_lines = st_line._seek_for_lines() journal = st_line.journal_id company_currency = journal.company_id.currency_id journal_currency = journal.currency_id if journal.currency_id != company_currency else False line_vals_list = st_line._prepare_move_line_default_vals() line_ids_commands = [(1,, line_vals_list[0])] if suspense_lines: line_ids_commands.append((1,, line_vals_list[1])) else: line_ids_commands.append((0, 0, line_vals_list[1])) for line in other_lines: line_ids_commands.append((2, st_line_vals = { 'currency_id': (st_line.foreign_currency_id or journal_currency or company_currency).id, 'line_ids': line_ids_commands, } if st_line.move_id.journal_id != journal: st_line_vals['journal_id'] = if st_line.move_id.partner_id != st_line.partner_id: st_line_vals['partner_id'] = st_line.move_id.with_context(skip_readonly_check=True).write(st_line_vals) # For optimization purpose, creating the reverse relation of m2o in _inherits saves # a lot of SQL queries class AccountMove(models.Model): _name = "account.move" _inherit = ['account.move'] statement_line_ids = fields.One2many('', 'move_id', string='Statements')