from importlib import import_module from inspect import getmembers, ismodule, isclass, isfunction from odoo import api, models, fields from import get_flag def templ(env, code, name=None, country='', **kwargs): country_code = country or code.split('_')[0] if country is not None else None country = country_code and env.ref(f"base.{country_code}", raise_if_not_found=False) country_name = f"{get_flag(country.code)} {}" if country else '' return { 'name': country_name and (f"{country_name} - {name}" if name else country_name) or name, 'country_id': country and, 'country_code': country and country.code, **kwargs, } template_module = lambda m: ismodule(m) and m.__name__.split('.')[-1].startswith('template_') template_class = isclass template_function = lambda f: isfunction(f) and hasattr(f, '_l10n_template') and f._l10n_template[1] == 'template_data' class IrModule(models.Model): _inherit = "ir.module.module" account_templates = fields.Binary(compute='_compute_account_templates', exportable=False) @api.depends('state') def _compute_account_templates(self): chart_category = self.env.ref('base.module_category_accounting_localizations_account_charts') ChartTemplate = self.env['account.chart.template'] for module in self: templates = {} if module.category_id == chart_category or == 'account': try: python_module = import_module(f"odoo.addons.{}.models") except ModuleNotFoundError: templates = {} else: templates = { fct._l10n_template[0]: { 'name': template_values.get('name'), 'parent': template_values.get('parent'), 'sequence': template_values.get('sequence', 1), 'country': template_values.get('country', ''), 'visible': template_values.get('visible', True), 'installed': module.state == "installed", 'module':, } for _name, mdl in getmembers(python_module, template_module) for _name, cls in getmembers(mdl, template_class) for _name, fct in getmembers(cls, template_function) if (template_values := fct(ChartTemplate)) } module.account_templates = { code: templ(self.env, code, **vals) for code, vals in sorted(templates.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]['sequence']) } def write(self, vals): # Instanciate the first template of the module on the current company upon installing the module was_installed = len(self) == 1 and self.state in ('installed', 'to upgrade', 'to remove') res = super().write(vals) is_installed = len(self) == 1 and self.state == 'installed' if ( not was_installed and is_installed and not and self.account_templates and (guessed := next(( tname for tname, tvals in self.account_templates.items() if ( and tvals['country_id'] == or tname == 'generic_coa' ), None)) ): def try_loading(env): env['account.chart.template'].try_loading( guessed,, ) self.env.registry._auto_install_template = try_loading return res def _load_module_terms(self, modules, langs, overwrite=False, imported_module=False): super()._load_module_terms(modules, langs, overwrite=overwrite, imported_module=imported_module) if 'account' in modules: def load_account_translations(env): env['account.chart.template']._load_translations(langs=langs) if self.env.registry.loaded: load_account_translations(self.env) else: self.env.registry._delayed_account_translator = load_account_translations def _register_hook(self): super()._register_hook() if hasattr(self.env.registry, '_delayed_account_translator'): self.env.registry._delayed_account_translator(self.env) del self.env.registry._delayed_account_translator if hasattr(self.env.registry, '_auto_install_template'): self.env.registry._auto_install_template(self.env) del self.env.registry._auto_install_template def module_uninstall(self): unlinked_templates = [code for template in self.mapped('account_templates') for code in template] self.env[''].search([ ('chart_template', 'in', unlinked_templates), ]).chart_template = False return super().module_uninstall()