# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 import logging import psycopg2.errors from odoo import models, fields, api, _ from odoo.exceptions import UserError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_BLOCKING_LEVEL = 'error' class AccountEdiDocument(models.Model): _name = 'account.edi.document' _description = 'Electronic Document for an account.move' # == Stored fields == move_id = fields.Many2one('account.move', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True) edi_format_id = fields.Many2one('account.edi.format', required=True) attachment_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name='ir.attachment', groups='base.group_system', help="The file generated by edi_format_id when the invoice is posted (and this document is processed).", ) state = fields.Selection([('to_send', 'To Send'), ('sent', 'Sent'), ('to_cancel', 'To Cancel'), ('cancelled', 'Cancelled')]) error = fields.Html(help='The text of the last error that happened during Electronic Invoice operation.') blocking_level = fields.Selection( selection=[('info', 'Info'), ('warning', 'Warning'), ('error', 'Error')], help="Blocks the current operation of the document depending on the error severity:\n" " * Info: the document is not blocked and everything is working as it should.\n" " * Warning: there is an error that doesn't prevent the current Electronic Invoicing operation to succeed.\n" " * Error: there is an error that blocks the current Electronic Invoicing operation.") # == Not stored fields == name = fields.Char(related='attachment_id.name') edi_format_name = fields.Char(string='Format Name', related='edi_format_id.name') edi_content = fields.Binary(compute='_compute_edi_content', compute_sudo=True) _sql_constraints = [ ( 'unique_edi_document_by_move_by_format', 'UNIQUE(edi_format_id, move_id)', 'Only one edi document by move by format', ), ] @api.depends('move_id', 'error', 'state') def _compute_edi_content(self): for doc in self: res = b'' if doc.state in ('to_send', 'to_cancel'): move = doc.move_id config_errors = doc.edi_format_id._check_move_configuration(move) if config_errors: res = base64.b64encode('\n'.join(config_errors).encode('UTF-8')) else: move_applicability = doc.edi_format_id._get_move_applicability(move) if move_applicability and move_applicability.get('edi_content'): res = base64.b64encode(move_applicability['edi_content'](move)) doc.edi_content = res def action_export_xml(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'url': '/web/content/account.edi.document/%s/edi_content' % self.id } def _prepare_jobs(self): """Creates a list of jobs to be performed by '_process_job' for the documents in self. Each document represent a job, BUT if multiple documents have the same state, edi_format_id, doc_type invoice and company_id AND the edi_format_id supports batching, they are grouped into a single job. :returns: [{ 'documents': account.edi.document, 'method_to_call': str, }] """ # Classify jobs by (edi_format, edi_doc.state, doc_type, move.company_id, custom_key) to_process = {} for state, edi_flow in (('to_send', 'post'), ('to_cancel', 'cancel')): documents = self.filtered(lambda d: d.state == state and d.blocking_level != 'error') for edi_doc in documents: edi_format = edi_doc.edi_format_id move = edi_doc.move_id move_applicability = edi_doc.edi_format_id._get_move_applicability(move) or {} batching_key = [edi_format, state, move.company_id] custom_batching_key = f'{edi_flow}_batching' if move_applicability.get(custom_batching_key): batching_key += list(move_applicability[custom_batching_key](move)) else: batching_key.append(move.id) batch = to_process.setdefault(tuple(batching_key), { 'documents': self.env['account.edi.document'], 'method_to_call': move_applicability.get(edi_flow), }) batch['documents'] |= edi_doc return list(to_process.values()) @api.model def _process_job(self, job): """Post or cancel move_id by calling the related methods on edi_format_id. :param job: { 'documents': account.edi.document, 'method_to_call': str, } """ def _postprocess_post_edi_results(documents, edi_result): attachments_to_unlink = self.env['ir.attachment'] for document in documents: move = document.move_id move_result = edi_result.get(move, {}) if move_result.get('attachment'): old_attachment = document.sudo().attachment_id document.sudo().attachment_id = move_result['attachment'] if not old_attachment.res_model or not old_attachment.res_id: attachments_to_unlink |= old_attachment if move_result.get('success') is True: document.write({ 'state': 'sent', 'error': False, 'blocking_level': False, }) else: document.write({ 'error': move_result.get('error', False), 'blocking_level': move_result.get('blocking_level', DEFAULT_BLOCKING_LEVEL) if 'error' in move_result else False, }) # Attachments that are not explicitly linked to a business model could be removed because they are not # supposed to have any traceability from the user. attachments_to_unlink.sudo().unlink() def _postprocess_cancel_edi_results(documents, edi_result): move_ids_to_cancel = set() # Avoid duplicates attachments_to_unlink = self.env['ir.attachment'] for document in documents: move = document.move_id move_result = edi_result.get(move, {}) if move_result.get('success') is True: old_attachment = document.sudo().attachment_id document.sudo().write({ 'state': 'cancelled', 'error': False, 'attachment_id': False, 'blocking_level': False, }) if move.state == 'posted' and all( doc.state == 'cancelled' or not doc.edi_format_id._needs_web_services() for doc in move.edi_document_ids ): # The user requested a cancellation of the EDI and it has been approved. Then, the invoice # can be safely cancelled. move_ids_to_cancel.add(move.id) if not old_attachment.res_model or not old_attachment.res_id: attachments_to_unlink |= old_attachment else: document.write({ 'error': move_result.get('error', False), 'blocking_level': move_result.get('blocking_level', DEFAULT_BLOCKING_LEVEL) if move_result.get('error') else False, }) if move_ids_to_cancel: invoices = self.env['account.move'].browse(list(move_ids_to_cancel)) invoices.button_draft() invoices.button_cancel() # Attachments that are not explicitly linked to a business model could be removed because they are not # supposed to have any traceability from the user. attachments_to_unlink.sudo().unlink() documents = job['documents'] if job['method_to_call']: method_to_call = job['method_to_call'] else: method_to_call = lambda moves: {move: {'success': True} for move in moves} documents.edi_format_id.ensure_one() # All account.edi.document of a job should have the same edi_format_id documents.move_id.company_id.ensure_one() # All account.edi.document of a job should be from the same company if len(set(doc.state for doc in documents)) != 1: raise ValueError('All account.edi.document of a job should have the same state') state = documents[0].state documents.move_id.line_ids.flush_recordset() # manual flush for tax details moves = documents.move_id if state == 'to_send': with moves._send_only_when_ready(): edi_result = method_to_call(moves) _postprocess_post_edi_results(documents, edi_result) elif state == 'to_cancel': edi_result = method_to_call(moves) _postprocess_cancel_edi_results(documents, edi_result) def _process_documents_no_web_services(self): """ Post and cancel all the documents that don't need a web service. """ jobs = self.filtered(lambda d: not d.edi_format_id._needs_web_services())._prepare_jobs() for job in jobs: self._process_job(job) def _process_documents_web_services(self, job_count=None, with_commit=True): ''' Post and cancel all the documents that need a web service. :param job_count: The maximum number of jobs to process if specified. :param with_commit: Flag indicating a commit should be made between each job. :return: The number of remaining jobs to process. ''' all_jobs = self.filtered(lambda d: d.edi_format_id._needs_web_services())._prepare_jobs() jobs_to_process = all_jobs[0:job_count] if job_count else all_jobs for job in jobs_to_process: documents = job['documents'] move_to_lock = documents.move_id attachments_potential_unlink = documents.sudo().attachment_id.filtered(lambda a: not a.res_model and not a.res_id) try: with self.env.cr.savepoint(flush=False): self._cr.execute('SELECT * FROM account_edi_document WHERE id IN %s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT', [tuple(documents.ids)]) self._cr.execute('SELECT * FROM account_move WHERE id IN %s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT', [tuple(move_to_lock.ids)]) # Locks the attachments that might be unlinked if attachments_potential_unlink: self._cr.execute('SELECT * FROM ir_attachment WHERE id IN %s FOR UPDATE NOWAIT', [tuple(attachments_potential_unlink.ids)]) except psycopg2.errors.LockNotAvailable: _logger.debug('Another transaction already locked documents rows. Cannot process documents.') if not with_commit: raise UserError(_('This document is being sent by another process already. ')) from None continue self._process_job(job) if with_commit and len(jobs_to_process) > 1: self.env.cr.commit() return len(all_jobs) - len(jobs_to_process) @api.model def _cron_process_documents_web_services(self, job_count=None): ''' Method called by the EDI cron processing all web-services. :param job_count: Limit explicitely the number of web service calls. If not provided, process all. ''' edi_documents = self.search([('state', 'in', ('to_send', 'to_cancel')), ('move_id.state', '=', 'posted')]) nb_remaining_jobs = edi_documents._process_documents_web_services(job_count=job_count) # Mark the CRON to be triggered again asap since there is some remaining jobs to process. if nb_remaining_jobs > 0: self.env.ref('account_edi.ir_cron_edi_network')._trigger() def _filter_edi_attachments_for_mailing(self): """ Will either return the information about the attachment of the edi document for adding the attachment in the mail, or the attachment id to be linked to the 'send & print' wizard. Can be overridden where e.g. a zip-file needs to be sent with the individual files instead of the entire zip IMPORTANT: * If the attachment's id is returned, no new attachment will be created, the existing one on the move is linked to the wizard (see computed attachment_ids field in mail.compose.message). * If the attachment's content is returned, a new one is created and linked to the wizard. Thus, when sending the mail (clicking on 'send & print' in the wizard), a new attachment is added to the move (see _action_send_mail in mail.compose.message). :param document: an edi document :return: dict { 'attachments': tuple with the name and base64 content of the attachment} 'attachment_ids': list containing the id of the attachment } """ self.ensure_one() attachment_sudo = self.sudo().attachment_id if not attachment_sudo: return {} if not (attachment_sudo.res_model and attachment_sudo.res_id): # do not return system attachment not linked to a record return {} if len(self._context.get('active_ids', [])) > 1: # In mass mail mode 'attachments_ids' is removed from template values # as they should not be rendered return {'attachments': [(attachment_sudo.name, attachment_sudo.datas)]} return {'attachment_ids': attachment_sudo.ids}