import base64 from datetime import datetime from odoo import fields from odoo.tests import tagged from import file_open from odoo.addons.account.tests.common import AccountTestInvoicingCommon @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestAutoPostBills(AccountTestInvoicingCommon): def import_facturx(self, filename='facturx_out_invoice.xml'): = # reset transaction's NOW, otherwise all move will have the same create_date with file_open(f"account_edi_ubl_cii/tests/test_files/{filename}", 'rb', filter_ext=('.xml',)) as file: attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({ 'name': 'test_file.xml', 'datas': base64.encodebytes(, }) return self.company_data['default_journal_purchase'].with_context(disable_abnormal_invoice_detection=False)._create_document_from_attachment( def assert_wizard(self, post_result, expected_nb_bills): self.assertEqual(post_result.get('res_model'), 'account.autopost.bills.wizard') wizard = self.env[post_result.get('res_model')].browse(post_result.get('res_id')) self.assertEqual(wizard.nb_unmodified_bills, expected_nb_bills) return wizard def test_autopost_bills(self): """ When invoices from a same vendor are input thrice in a row without changing anything, so for invoice coming from OCR or e-Invoicing, we should show a banner to the user and allow him to automatically post future invoices from this vendor. - If there is a significant difference (see abnormal_amount), don't autopost and show the banner ! - Not applicable to hashed journals """ # Create 1st bill ever for this partner, should NOT show popup move = self.import_facturx() autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() self.assertFalse(autopost_bills_wizard) self.assertFalse(move.is_manually_modified) # Create 2nd bill without changes for this partner, should NOT show popup move = self.import_facturx() autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() self.assertFalse(autopost_bills_wizard) self.assertFalse(move.is_manually_modified) # Create 3rd bill without changes for this partner, should show popup on posting move = self.import_facturx() autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() self.assertFalse(move.is_manually_modified) wizard = self.assert_wizard(autopost_bills_wizard, 3) wizard.action_ask_later() # Nothing changes, we should still show the popup # Create 4th bill without changes for this partner, should show popup on posting move = self.import_facturx() autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() self.assertFalse(move.is_manually_modified) wizard = self.assert_wizard(autopost_bills_wizard, 4) wizard.action_ask_later() # Nothing changes, we should still show the popup # Create 5th bill with changes, should NOT show popup on posting move = self.import_facturx() move.invoice_date_due = autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() self.assertFalse(autopost_bills_wizard) self.assertTrue(move.is_manually_modified) # Create again 3 bills without any changes for _ in range(3): move = self.import_facturx() autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() wizard = self.assert_wizard(autopost_bills_wizard, 3) wizard.action_automate_partner() # Create 4th bill without changes with automation enabled => should automatically post, no popup move = self.import_facturx() self.assertEqual(move.state, 'posted') # Reset move.partner_id.autopost_bills = 'ask' # Create 5th bill without changes, should show popup on posting move = self.import_facturx() autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() wizard = self.assert_wizard(autopost_bills_wizard, 5) wizard.action_never_automate_partner() # Create 6th bill without changes, should not show popup, and move should stay in draft move = self.import_facturx() self.assertEqual(move.state, 'draft') autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() self.assertFalse(autopost_bills_wizard) # Reset move.partner_id.autopost_bills = 'ask' # Create 7th bill without changes, should show popup on posting move = self.import_facturx() autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() wizard = self.assert_wizard(autopost_bills_wizard, 7) wizard.action_ask_later() # Deactivate the feature fully from the settings # => Should never show popup, nor autopost (even if partner is on 'always') move.company_id.autopost_bills = False move.partner_id.autopost_bills = 'always' move = self.import_facturx() self.assertEqual(move.state, 'draft') autopost_bills_wizard = move.action_post() self.assertFalse(autopost_bills_wizard) # Reset move.company_id.autopost_bills = True move.partner_id.autopost_bills = 'always' # If there is a significant difference (see abnormal_amount), don't autopost even if 'always' is set for _ in range(10): # See test_unexpected_invoice move = self.import_facturx() # automatically posted self.assertEqual(move.state, "posted") move = self.import_facturx(filename='facturx_out_invoice_abnormal.xml') # amounts * 100 here, a bit abnormal... self.assertEqual(move.state, "draft") # even if partner's autopost is always res = move.action_post() self.assertEqual(res.get('res_model'), 'validate.account.move') wizard = self.env[res.get('res_model')].browse(res.get('res_id')) self.assertEqual(wizard.move_ids, move) # Not applicable to hashed journals self.company_data['default_journal_purchase'].restrict_mode_hash_table = True move = self.import_facturx() self.assertEqual(move.state, "draft") res = move.action_post() self.assertFalse(res)