# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import _ from odoo.exceptions import AccessError, MissingError, ValidationError from odoo.fields import Command from odoo.http import request, route from odoo.addons.payment import utils as payment_utils from odoo.addons.payment.controllers import portal as payment_portal class PaymentPortal(payment_portal.PaymentPortal): @route('/invoice/transaction/', type='json', auth='public') def invoice_transaction(self, invoice_id, access_token, **kwargs): """ Create a draft transaction and return its processing values. :param int invoice_id: The invoice to pay, as an `account.move` id :param str access_token: The access token used to authenticate the request :param dict kwargs: Locally unused data passed to `_create_transaction` :return: The mandatory values for the processing of the transaction :rtype: dict :raise: ValidationError if the invoice id or the access token is invalid """ # Check the invoice id and the access token try: invoice_sudo = self._document_check_access('account.move', invoice_id, access_token) except MissingError as error: raise error except AccessError: raise ValidationError(_("The access token is invalid.")) logged_in = not request.env.user._is_public() partner_sudo = request.env.user.partner_id if logged_in else invoice_sudo.partner_id self._validate_transaction_kwargs(kwargs, additional_allowed_keys={'name_next_installment'}) return self._process_transaction(partner_sudo.id, invoice_sudo.currency_id.id, [invoice_id], False, **kwargs) @route('/invoice/transaction/overdue', type='json', auth='public') def overdue_invoices_transaction(self, payment_reference, **kwargs): """ Create a draft transaction for overdue invoices and return its processing values. :param str payment_reference: The reference to the current payment :param dict kwargs: Locally unused data passed to `_create_transaction` :return: The mandatory values for the processing of the transaction :rtype: dict :raise: ValidationError if the user is not logged in, or all the overdue invoices don't share the same currency. """ logged_in = not request.env.user._is_public() if not logged_in: raise ValidationError(_("Please log in to pay your overdue invoices")) partner = request.env.user.partner_id overdue_invoices = request.env['account.move'].search(self._get_overdue_invoices_domain()) currencies = overdue_invoices.mapped('currency_id') if not all(currency == currencies[0] for currency in currencies): raise ValidationError(_("Impossible to pay all the overdue invoices if they don't share the same currency.")) self._validate_transaction_kwargs(kwargs) return self._process_transaction(partner.id, currencies[0].id, overdue_invoices.ids, payment_reference, **kwargs) def _process_transaction(self, partner_id, currency_id, invoice_ids, payment_reference, **kwargs): kwargs.update({ 'currency_id': currency_id, 'partner_id': partner_id, }) # Inject the create values taken from the invoice into the kwargs. tx_sudo = self._create_transaction( custom_create_values={ 'invoice_ids': [Command.set(invoice_ids)], 'reference': payment_reference, }, **kwargs, ) return tx_sudo._get_processing_values() # Payment overrides @route() def payment_pay(self, *args, amount=None, invoice_id=None, access_token=None, **kwargs): """ Override of `payment` to replace the missing transaction values by that of the invoice. :param str amount: The (possibly partial) amount to pay used to check the access token. :param str invoice_id: The invoice for which a payment id made, as an `account.move` id. :param str access_token: The access token used to authenticate the partner. :return: The result of the parent method. :rtype: str :raise ValidationError: If the invoice id is invalid. """ # Cast numeric parameters as int or float and void them if their str value is malformed. amount = self._cast_as_float(amount) invoice_id = self._cast_as_int(invoice_id) if invoice_id: invoice_sudo = request.env['account.move'].sudo().browse(invoice_id).exists() if not invoice_sudo: raise ValidationError(_("The provided parameters are invalid.")) # Check the access token against the invoice values. Done after fetching the invoice # as we need the invoice fields to check the access token. if not payment_utils.check_access_token( access_token, invoice_sudo.partner_id.id, amount, invoice_sudo.currency_id.id ): raise ValidationError(_("The provided parameters are invalid.")) kwargs.update({ # To display on the payment form; will be later overwritten when creating the tx. 'reference': invoice_sudo.name, # To fix the currency if incorrect and avoid mismatches when creating the tx. 'currency_id': invoice_sudo.currency_id.id, # To fix the partner if incorrect and avoid mismatches when creating the tx. 'partner_id': invoice_sudo.partner_id.id, 'company_id': invoice_sudo.company_id.id, 'invoice_id': invoice_id, }) return super().payment_pay(*args, amount=amount, access_token=access_token, **kwargs) def _get_extra_payment_form_values(self, invoice_id=None, access_token=None, **kwargs): """ Override of `payment` to reroute the payment flow to the portal view of the invoice. :param str invoice_id: The invoice for which a payment id made, as an `account.move` id. :param str access_token: The portal or payment access token, respectively if we are in a portal or payment link flow. :return: The extended rendering context values. :rtype: dict """ form_values = super()._get_extra_payment_form_values( invoice_id=invoice_id, access_token=access_token, **kwargs ) if invoice_id: invoice_id = self._cast_as_int(invoice_id) try: # Check document access against what could be a portal access token. invoice_sudo = self._document_check_access('account.move', invoice_id, access_token) except AccessError: # It is a payment access token computed on the payment context. if not payment_utils.check_access_token( access_token, kwargs.get('partner_id'), kwargs.get('amount'), kwargs.get('currency_id'), ): raise invoice_sudo = request.env['account.move'].sudo().browse(invoice_id) # Interrupt the payment flow if the invoice has been canceled. if invoice_sudo.state == 'cancel': form_values['amount'] = 0.0 # Reroute the next steps of the payment flow to the portal view of the invoice. form_values.update({ 'transaction_route': f'/invoice/transaction/{invoice_id}', 'landing_route': f'{invoice_sudo.access_url}' f'?access_token={invoice_sudo._portal_ensure_token()}', 'access_token': invoice_sudo.access_token, }) return form_values