import { addToBoardItem } from "@board/add_to_board/add_to_board"; import { defineMailModels } from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers"; import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { hover, press, queryOne } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { animationFrame, mockDate } from "@odoo/hoot-mock"; import * as dsHelpers from "@web/../tests/core/domain_selector/domain_selector_helpers"; import { contains, defineModels, fields, getDropdownMenu, getService, models, mountWithCleanup, onRpc, openAddCustomFilterDialog, removeFacet, selectGroup, serverState, switchView, toggleMenuItem, toggleMenuItemOption, toggleSearchBarMenu, } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; import { WebClient } from "@web/webclient/webclient"; describe.current.tags("desktop"); class Board extends models.Model {} class Partner extends models.Model { name = fields.Char(); foo = fields.Char({ string: "Foo", default: "My little Foo Value", searchable: true, }); bar = fields.Boolean({ string: "Bar" }); int_field = fields.Integer({ string: "Integer field", aggregator: "sum", }); _records = [ { id: 1, name: "first record", foo: "yop", int_field: 3, }, { id: 2, name: "second record", foo: "lalala", int_field: 5, }, { id: 4, name: "aaa", foo: "abc", int_field: 2, }, ]; } defineModels([Board, Partner]); defineMailModels(); const favoriteMenuRegistry = registry.category("favoriteMenu"); function getAddToDashboardMenu() { return getDropdownMenu(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); } beforeEach(() => { favoriteMenuRegistry.add("add-to-board", addToBoardItem, { sequence: 10 }); }); test("save actions to dashboard", async () => { expect.assertions(6); Partner._views = { list: '', search: "", }; onRpc("/board/add_to_dashboard", async (request) => { const { params: args } = await request.json(); expect(args.context_to_save.group_by).toEqual(["foo"], { message: "The group_by should have been saved", }); expect(args.context_to_save.orderedBy).toEqual( [ { name: "foo", asc: true, }, ], { message: "The orderedBy should have been saved" } ); expect("on the bayou", { message: "The context of a controller should be passed and flattened", }); expect(args.action_id).toBe(1, { message: "should save the correct action" }); expect(args.view_mode).toBe("list", { message: "should save the correct view type" }); return true; }); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", context: { fire: "on the bayou" }, views: [[false, "list"]], }); expect(".o_list_view").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should display the list view" }); // Sort the list await contains(".o_column_sortable").click(); // Group It await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await selectGroup("foo"); // add this action to dashboard await hover(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); await contains(queryOne("input", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).edit("a name", { confirm: false, }); await contains(queryOne("button", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).click(); }); test("save two searches to dashboard", async () => { // the second search saved should not be influenced by the first expect.assertions(2); Partner._views = { list: '', search: ` `, }; onRpc("/board/add_to_dashboard", async (request) => { const { params: args } = await request.json(); if (filter_count === 0) { expect(args.domain).toEqual([["name", "ilike", "a"]], { message: "the correct domain should be sent", }); } if (filter_count === 1) { expect(args.domain).toEqual([["name", "ilike", "b"]], { message: "the correct domain should be sent", }); } filter_count += 1; return true; }); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[false, "list"]], }); var filter_count = 0; // Add a first filter await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Filter on a"); // Add it to dashboard await hover(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); await contains(queryOne("button", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).click(); // Remove it await removeFacet("Filter on a"); // Add the second filter await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Filter on b"); // Add it to dashboard await hover(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); await contains(queryOne("button", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).click(); }); test("save an action domain to dashboard", async () => { // View domains are to be added to the dashboard domain expect.assertions(1); var view_domain = ["name", "ilike", "a"]; var filter_domain = ["name", "ilike", "b"]; var expected_domain = ["&", view_domain, filter_domain]; Partner._views = { list: '', search: ` `, }; onRpc("/board/add_to_dashboard", async (request) => { const { params: args } = await request.json(); expect(args.domain).toEqual(expected_domain, { message: "the correct domain should be sent", }); return true; }); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[false, "list"]], domain: [view_domain], }); // Add a filter await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Filter"); // Add it to dashboard await hover(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); // add await contains(queryOne("button", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).click(); }); test("add to dashboard with no action id", async () => { expect.assertions(2); Partner._views = { pivot: '', search: "", }; await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: false, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[false, "pivot"]], }); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); expect(".o_add_to_board").toHaveCount(0); // Sanity check await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[false, "pivot"]], }); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); expect(".o_add_to_board").toHaveCount(1); }); test("correctly save the time ranges of a reporting view in comparison mode", async () => { expect.assertions(1); mockDate("2020-07-01 11:00:00"); = fields.Date(); Partner._views = { pivot: '', search: '', }; onRpc("/board/add_to_dashboard", async (request) => { const { params: args } = await request.json(); expect(args.context_to_save.comparison).toEqual({ domains: [ { arrayRepr: ["&", ["date", ">=", "2020-07-01"], ["date", "<=", "2020-07-31"]], description: "July 2020", }, { arrayRepr: ["&", ["date", ">=", "2020-06-01"], ["date", "<=", "2020-06-30"]], description: "June 2020", }, ], fieldName: "date", }); return true; }); // makes mouseEnter work await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[false, "pivot"]], }); // filter on July 2020 await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await toggleMenuItem("Date"); await toggleMenuItemOption("Date", "July"); // compare July 2020 to June 2020 await toggleMenuItem("Date: Previous Period"); // add the view to the dashboard await hover(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); await contains(queryOne("input", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).edit("Pipeline", { confirm: false, }); await contains(queryOne("button", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).click(); }); test("Add a view to dashboard (keynav)", async () => { Partner._views = { pivot: '', search: "", }; // makes mouseEnter work onRpc("/board/add_to_dashboard", () => { expect.step("add to board"); return true; }); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[false, "pivot"]], }); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await hover(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); await contains(queryOne("input", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).edit("Pipeline", { confirm: false, }); await press("Enter"); expect.verifySteps(["add to board"]); }); test("Add a view with dynamic domain", async () => { expect.assertions(1); Partner._views = { pivot: '', search: ` `, }; // makes mouseEnter work onRpc("/board/add_to_dashboard", async (request) => { const { params: args } = await request.json(); expect(args.domain).toEqual(["&", ["int_field", "<=", 3], ["user_id", "=", 7]]); return true; }); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[false, "pivot"]], domain: [["int_field", "<=", 3]], context: { search_default_filter: 1 }, }); await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await hover(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); await contains(queryOne("input", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).edit("Pipeline"); }); test("Add a view to dashboard doesn't save default filters", async () => { expect.assertions(2); Partner._views = { pivot: '', list: '', search: ` `, }; // makes mouseEnter work serverState.debug = true; onRpc("/board/add_to_dashboard", async (request) => { const { params: args } = await request.json(); expect(args.domain).toEqual([["foo", "=", "yop"]]); expect(args.context_to_save).toEqual({ pivot_measures: ["__count"], pivot_column_groupby: [], pivot_row_groupby: [], orderedBy: [], group_by: [], dashboard_merge_domains_contexts: false, }); return true; }); onRpc("/web/domain/validate", () => { return true; }); await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [ [false, "list"], [false, "pivot"], ], context: { search_default_filter: 1 }, }); await switchView("pivot"); // Remove default filter ['foo', '!=', 'yop'] await removeFacet("filter"); // Add a filter ['foo', '=', 'yop'] await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await openAddCustomFilterDialog(); await contains(dsHelpers.SELECTORS.debugArea).edit(`[("foo", "=", "yop")]`); await contains(".modal footer button").click(); // Add to dashboard await toggleSearchBarMenu(); await hover(".o_add_to_board button.dropdown-toggle"); await animationFrame(); await contains(queryOne("input", { root: getAddToDashboardMenu() })).edit("Pipeline"); }); test("Add to my dashboard is not available in form views", async () => { Partner._views = { list: '', form: '
', search: "", }; await mountWithCleanup(WebClient); await getService("action").doAction({ id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", context: { fire: "on the bayou" }, views: [ [false, "list"], [false, "form"], ], }); expect(".o_list_view").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should display the list view" }); // sanity check await contains(".o_cp_action_menus .dropdown-toggle").click(); expect(".o-dropdown--menu .o_add_to_board").toHaveCount(1); // open form view await contains(".o_data_cell").click(); expect(".o_form_view").toHaveCount(1); await contains(".o_cp_action_menus .dropdown-toggle").click(); expect(".o-dropdown--menu").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o-dropdown--menu .o_add_to_board").toHaveCount(0); });