import { defineMailModels } from "@mail/../tests/mail_test_helpers"; import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from "@odoo/hoot"; import { queryAllTexts, queryOne } from "@odoo/hoot-dom"; import { contains, defineModels, fields, mockService, models, mountView, onRpc, serverState, } from "@web/../tests/web_test_helpers"; import { BoardAction } from "@board/board_action"; class Board extends models.Model {} class Partner extends models.Model { name = fields.Char({ string: "Displayed name", searchable: true }); foo = fields.Char({ string: "Foo", default: "My little Foo Value", searchable: true, }); bar = fields.Boolean({ string: "Bar" }); int_field = fields.Integer({ string: "Integer field", aggregator: "sum", }); _records = [ { id: 1, name: "first record", foo: "yop", int_field: 3, }, { id: 2, name: "second record", foo: "lalala", int_field: 5, }, { id: 4, name: "aaa", foo: "abc", int_field: 2, }, ]; _views = { "form,100000001": "
", "search,100000002": "", "list,4": '', }; } defineModels([Board, Partner]); defineMailModels(); beforeEach(() => { BoardAction.cache = {}; }); describe.tags("desktop"); describe("board_desktop", () => { test("display the no content helper", async () => { await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: ` `, }); expect(".o_view_nocontent").toHaveCount(1); }); test("basic functionality, with one sub action", async () => { expect.assertions(19); onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { expect.step("load action"); return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); onRpc("web_search_read", (args) => { expect(args.kwargs.domain).toEqual([["foo", "!=", "False"]], { message: "the domain should be passed", }); expect(args.kwargs.context.orderedBy).toEqual( [ { name: "foo", asc: true, }, ], { message: "orderedBy is present in the search read when specified on the custom action", } ); }); onRpc("/web/view/edit_custom", () => { expect.step("edit custom"); return true; }); onRpc("partner", "get_views", (args) => { expect(args.kwargs.views.find((v) => v[1] === "list")).toEqual([4, "list"]); }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o-dashboard-header").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have rendered a header" }); expect("div.o-dashboard-layout-2-1").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have rendered a div with layout", }); expect("td.o_list_record_selector").toHaveCount(0, { message: "td should not have a list selector", }); expect("h3 span:contains(ABC)").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have rendered a header with action string", }); expect("tr.o_data_row").toHaveCount(3, { message: "should have rendered 3 data rows" }); expect(".o-dashboard-action .o_list_view").toHaveCount(1); await contains("h3 i.fa-window-minimize").click(); expect(".o-dashboard-action .o_list_view").toHaveCount(0); await contains("h3 i.fa-window-maximize").click(); // content is visible again expect(".o-dashboard-action .o_list_view").toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps(["load action", "edit custom", "edit custom"]); // header should have dropdown with correct image expect( ".o-dashboard-header .dropdown img[data-src='/board/static/img/layout_2-1.png']" ).toHaveCount(1); // change layout to 1-1 await contains(".o-dashboard-header .dropdown img").click(); await contains(".dropdown-item:nth-child(2)").click(); expect( ".o-dashboard-header .dropdown img[data-src='/board/static/img/layout_1-1.png']" ).toHaveCount(1); expect("div.o-dashboard-layout-1-1").toHaveCount(1, { message: "should have rendered a div with layout", }); expect.verifySteps(["edit custom"]); }); test("views in the dashboard do not have a control panel", async () => { onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [ [4, "list"], [5, "form"], ], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o-dashboard-action .o_list_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o-dashboard-action .o_control_panel").toHaveCount(0); }); test("can render an action without view_mode attribute", async () => { // The view_mode attribute is automatically set to the 'action' nodes when // the action is added to the dashboard using the 'Add to dashboard' button // in the searchview. However, other dashboard views can be written by hand // (see openacademy tutorial), and in this case, we don't want hardcode // action's params (like context or domain), as the dashboard can directly // retrieve them from the action. Same applies for the view_type, as the // first view of the action can be used, by default. onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [ [4, "list"], [false, "form"], ], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o-dashboard-action .o_list_view").toHaveCount(1); }); test("can sort a sub list", async () => { onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(queryAllTexts("tr.o_data_row")).toEqual(["yop", "lalala", "abc"], { message: "should have correct initial data", }); await contains("th.o_column_sortable:contains(Foo)").click(); expect(queryAllTexts("tr.o_data_row")).toEqual(["abc", "lalala", "yop"], { message: "data should have been sorted", }); }); test("can open a record", async () => { expect.assertions(1); mockService("action", { doAction(action) { expect(action).toEqual({ res_id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[false, "form"]], }); return true; }, }); onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); await contains("tr.o_data_row td:contains(yop)").click(); }); test("can open record using action form view", async () => { expect.assertions(1); Partner._views["form,5"] = '
'; mockService("action", { doAction(action) { expect(action).toEqual({ res_id: 1, res_model: "partner", type: "ir.actions.act_window", views: [[5, "form"]], }); return true; }, }); onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [ [4, "list"], [5, "form"], ], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); await contains("tr.o_data_row td:contains(yop)").click(); }); test("can drag and drop a view", async () => { onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); onRpc("/web/view/edit_custom", () => { expect.step("edit custom"); return true; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect('.o-dashboard-column[data-idx="0"] .o-dashboard-action').toHaveCount(1); expect('.o-dashboard-column[data-idx="1"] .o-dashboard-action').toHaveCount(0); await contains('.o-dashboard-column[data-idx="0"] .o-dashboard-action-header').dragAndDrop( '.o-dashboard-column[data-idx="1"]' ); expect('.o-dashboard-column[data-idx="0"] .o-dashboard-action').toHaveCount(0); expect('.o-dashboard-column[data-idx="1"] .o-dashboard-action').toHaveCount(1); expect.verifySteps(["edit custom"]); }); test("twice the same action in a dashboard", async () => { Partner._views["kanban,5"] = ` `; onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [ [4, "list"], [5, "kanban"], ], }; }); onRpc("/web/view/edit_custom", () => { expect.step("edit custom"); return true; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o-dashboard-action:eq(0) .o_list_view").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o-dashboard-action:eq(1) .o_kanban_view").toHaveCount(1); }); test("non-existing action in a dashboard", async () => { onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { // server answer if the action doesn't exist anymore return false; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect("h3 span:contains(ABC)").toHaveCount(1); expect(".o-dashboard-action div:contains(Invalid action)").toHaveCount(1); }); test(`clicking on a kanban's button should trigger the action`, async () => { expect.assertions(4); Partner._views.kanban = ` `; mockService("action", { doActionButton(params) { expect(params.resModel).toBe("partner"); expect(params.resId).toBe(1); expect("sitting_on_a_park_bench"); expect(params.type).toBe("object"); }, }); onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", view_mode: "kanban", views: [[false, "kanban"]], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); await contains(".btn.oe_kanban_action").click(); }); test("Views should be loaded in the user's language", async () => { expect.assertions(2); serverState.lang = "fr_FR"; onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); onRpc("get_views", (args) => { expect(args.kwargs.context.lang).toBe("fr_FR"); }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); }); test("Dashboard should use correct groupby", async () => { expect.assertions(1); onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); onRpc("web_read_group", (args) => { expect(args.kwargs.groupby).toEqual(["bar"]); }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); }); test("Dashboard should read comparison from context", async () => { expect.assertions(2); Partner._views["pivot,4"] = ''; onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "pivot"]], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o_pivot_origin_row:eq(0)").toHaveText("January 2023"); expect(".o_pivot_origin_row:eq(1)").toHaveText("February 2023"); }); test("Dashboard should use correct groupby when defined as a string of one field", async () => { expect.assertions(1); onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); onRpc("web_read_group", ({ kwargs }) => { expect(kwargs.groupby).toEqual(["bar"]); }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); }); test("click on a cell of pivot view inside dashboard", async () => { Partner._views["pivot,4"] = ''; mockService("action", { doAction(action) { expect.step("do action"); expect(action.views).toEqual([ [false, "list"], [false, "form"], ]); }, }); onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "pivot"]], }; }); onRpc("web_read_group", (args) => { expect(args.kwargs.groupby).toEqual(["bar"]); }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect.verifySteps([]); await contains(".o_pivot_view .o_pivot_cell_value").click(); expect.verifySteps(["do action"]); }); test("graphs in dashboard aren't squashed", async () => { Partner._views["graph,4"] = ''; onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "graph"]], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o-dashboard-action .o_graph_renderer").toHaveCount(1); expect(queryOne(".o-dashboard-action .o_graph_renderer canvas").offsetHeight).toBe(300); }); test("pivot view with property in pivot_column_groupby", async function () { Partner._views["pivot,false"] = ``; Partner._fields.properties_definition = fields.PropertiesDefinition(); Partner._fields.properties_definition = fields.PropertiesDefinition(); Partner._fields.parent_id = fields.Many2one({ relation: "partner" }); = fields.Properties({ definition_record: "parent_id", definition_record_field: "properties_definition", }); onRpc("/web/action/load", () => ({ res_model: "partner", views: [[false, "pivot"]], })); onRpc(({ method, kwargs }) => { if (method === "get_property_definition") { return {}; } else if (method === "read_group" && kwargs.groupby?.includes("properties.my_char")) { return [ { "properties.my_char": false, __domain: [["properties.my_char", "=", false]], __count: 2, }, { "properties.my_char": "aaa", __domain: [["properties.my_char", "=", "aaa"]], __count: 1, }, ]; } }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(queryAllTexts(".o_pivot_cell_value div")).toEqual(["2", "1", "3"]); }); }); describe.tags("mobile"); describe("board_mobile", () => { test("can't switch views in the dashboard", async () => { Partner._views["list,4"] = ''; onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o-dashboard-header").toHaveCount(0, { message: "Couldn't allow user to Change layout", }); expect(".o-dashboard-layout-1").toHaveCount(1, { message: "The display layout is force to 1", }); expect(".o-dashboard-action .o_control_panel").not.toBeVisible(); expect(".o-dashboard-action-header .fa-close").toHaveCount(0, { message: "Should not have a close action button", }); }); test("Correctly soft switch to '1' layout on small screen", async () => { Partner._views["list,4"] = ''; onRpc("/web/action/load", () => { return { res_model: "partner", views: [[4, "list"]], }; }); await mountView({ type: "form", resModel: "board", arch: `
`, }); expect(".o-dashboard-layout-1").toHaveCount(1, { message: "The display layout is force to 1", }); expect(".o-dashboard-column").toHaveCount(1, { message: "The display layout is force to 1 column", }); expect(".o-dashboard-action").toHaveCount(2, { message: "The display should contains the 2 actions", }); }); });