/** @odoo-module alias=@bus/../tests/websocket_worker_tests default=false */ import { WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_CODES } from "@bus/workers/websocket_worker"; import { patchWebsocketWorkerWithCleanup } from "@bus/../tests/helpers/mock_websocket"; import { nextTick, patchWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils"; QUnit.module("Websocket Worker"); QUnit.test("connect event is broadcasted after calling start", async function (assert) { const worker = patchWebsocketWorkerWithCleanup({ broadcast(type) { if (type !== "worker_state_updated") { assert.step(`broadcast ${type}`); } }, }); worker._start(); // Wait for the websocket to connect. await nextTick(); assert.verifySteps(["broadcast connect"]); }); QUnit.test("disconnect event is broadcasted", async function (assert) { const worker = patchWebsocketWorkerWithCleanup({ broadcast(type) { if (type !== "worker_state_updated") { assert.step(`broadcast ${type}`); } }, }); worker._start(); // Wait for the websocket to connect. await nextTick(); worker.websocket.close(WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_CODES.CLEAN); // Wait for the websocket to disconnect. await nextTick(); assert.verifySteps(["broadcast connect", "broadcast disconnect"]); }); QUnit.test("reconnecting/reconnect event is broadcasted", async function (assert) { // Patch setTimeout in order for the worker to reconnect immediatly. patchWithCleanup(window, { setTimeout: (fn) => fn(), }); const worker = patchWebsocketWorkerWithCleanup({ broadcast(type) { if (type !== "worker_state_updated") { assert.step(`broadcast ${type}`); } }, }); worker._start(); // Wait for the websocket to connect. await nextTick(); worker.websocket.close(WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_CODES.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE); // Wait for the disconnect/reconnecting/reconnect events. await nextTick(); assert.verifySteps([ "broadcast connect", "broadcast disconnect", "broadcast reconnecting", "broadcast reconnect", ]); }); QUnit.test("notification event is broadcasted", async function (assert) { const notifications = [ { id: 70, message: { type: "bundle_changed", payload: { server_version: "15.5alpha1+e", }, }, }, ]; const worker = patchWebsocketWorkerWithCleanup({ broadcast(type, message) { if (type === "notification") { assert.step(`broadcast ${type}`); assert.deepEqual(message, notifications); } }, }); worker._start(); // Wait for the websocket to connect. await nextTick(); worker.websocket.dispatchEvent( new MessageEvent("message", { data: JSON.stringify(notifications), }) ); assert.verifySteps(["broadcast notification"]); });