# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools.misc import formatLang from odoo.addons.mail_plugin.controllers import mail_plugin _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MailPluginController(mail_plugin.MailPluginController): def _fetch_partner_leads(self, partner, limit=5, offset=0): """ Returns an array containing partner leads, each lead will have the following structure : { id: the lead's id, name: the lead's name, expected_revenue: the expected revenue field value probability: the value of the probability field, recurring_revenue: the value of the recurring_revenue field if the lead has a recurring revenue recurring_plan: the value of the recurring plan field if the lead has a recurring revenue } """ partner_leads = request.env['crm.lead'].search( [('partner_id', '=', partner.id)], offset=offset, limit=limit) recurring_revenues = request.env.user.has_group('crm.group_use_recurring_revenues') leads = [] for lead in partner_leads: lead_values = { 'lead_id': lead.id, 'name': lead.name, 'expected_revenue': formatLang(request.env, lead.expected_revenue, currency_obj=lead.company_currency), 'probability': lead.probability, } if recurring_revenues: lead_values.update({ 'recurring_revenue': formatLang(request.env, lead.recurring_revenue, currency_obj=lead.company_currency), 'recurring_plan': lead.recurring_plan.name, }) leads.append(lead_values) return leads def _get_contact_data(self, partner): """ Return the leads key only if the current user can create leads. So, if they can not create leads, the section won't be visible on the addin side (like if the CRM module was not installed on the database). """ contact_values = super(MailPluginController, self)._get_contact_data(partner) if not request.env['crm.lead'].has_access('create'): return contact_values if not partner: contact_values['leads'] = [] else: contact_values['leads'] = self._fetch_partner_leads(partner) return contact_values def _mail_content_logging_models_whitelist(self): models_whitelist = super(MailPluginController, self)._mail_content_logging_models_whitelist() if not request.env['crm.lead'].has_access('create'): return models_whitelist return models_whitelist + ['crm.lead'] def _translation_modules_whitelist(self): modules_whitelist = super(MailPluginController, self)._translation_modules_whitelist() if not request.env['crm.lead'].has_access('create'): return modules_whitelist return modules_whitelist + ['crm_mail_plugin']