# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import logging import random import threading from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import api, fields, models, tools from odoo.tools import exception_to_unicode from odoo.tools.translate import _ from odoo.exceptions import MissingError _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _INTERVALS = { 'hours': lambda interval: relativedelta(hours=interval), 'days': lambda interval: relativedelta(days=interval), 'weeks': lambda interval: relativedelta(days=7*interval), 'months': lambda interval: relativedelta(months=interval), 'now': lambda interval: relativedelta(hours=0), } class EventTypeMail(models.Model): """ Template of event.mail to attach to event.type. Those will be copied upon all events created in that type to ease event creation. """ _name = 'event.type.mail' _description = 'Mail Scheduling on Event Category' event_type_id = fields.Many2one( 'event.type', string='Event Type', ondelete='cascade', required=True) interval_nbr = fields.Integer('Interval', default=1) interval_unit = fields.Selection([ ('now', 'Immediately'), ('hours', 'Hours'), ('days', 'Days'), ('weeks', 'Weeks'), ('months', 'Months')], string='Unit', default='hours', required=True) interval_type = fields.Selection([ ('after_sub', 'After each registration'), ('before_event', 'Before the event'), ('after_event', 'After the event')], string='Trigger', default="before_event", required=True) notification_type = fields.Selection([('mail', 'Mail')], string='Send', compute='_compute_notification_type') template_ref = fields.Reference(string='Template', ondelete={'mail.template': 'cascade'}, required=True, selection=[('mail.template', 'Mail')]) @api.depends('template_ref') def _compute_notification_type(self): """Assigns the type of template in use, if any is set.""" self.notification_type = 'mail' def _prepare_event_mail_values(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'interval_nbr': self.interval_nbr, 'interval_unit': self.interval_unit, 'interval_type': self.interval_type, 'template_ref': '%s,%i' % (self.template_ref._name, self.template_ref.id), } class EventMailScheduler(models.Model): """ Event automated mailing. This model replaces all existing fields and configuration allowing to send emails on events since Odoo 9. A cron exists that periodically checks for mailing to run. """ _name = 'event.mail' _rec_name = 'event_id' _description = 'Event Automated Mailing' event_id = fields.Many2one('event.event', string='Event', required=True, ondelete='cascade') sequence = fields.Integer('Display order') interval_nbr = fields.Integer('Interval', default=1) interval_unit = fields.Selection([ ('now', 'Immediately'), ('hours', 'Hours'), ('days', 'Days'), ('weeks', 'Weeks'), ('months', 'Months')], string='Unit', default='hours', required=True) interval_type = fields.Selection([ ('after_sub', 'After each registration'), ('before_event', 'Before the event'), ('after_event', 'After the event')], string='Trigger ', default="before_event", required=True) scheduled_date = fields.Datetime('Schedule Date', compute='_compute_scheduled_date', store=True) # contact and status last_registration_id = fields.Many2one('event.registration', 'Last Attendee') mail_registration_ids = fields.One2many( 'event.mail.registration', 'scheduler_id', help='Communication related to event registrations') mail_done = fields.Boolean("Sent", copy=False, readonly=True) mail_state = fields.Selection( [('running', 'Running'), ('scheduled', 'Scheduled'), ('sent', 'Sent')], string='Global communication Status', compute='_compute_mail_state') mail_count_done = fields.Integer('# Sent', copy=False, readonly=True) notification_type = fields.Selection([('mail', 'Mail')], string='Send', compute='_compute_notification_type') template_ref = fields.Reference(string='Template', ondelete={'mail.template': 'cascade'}, required=True, selection=[('mail.template', 'Mail')]) @api.depends('event_id.date_begin', 'event_id.date_end', 'interval_type', 'interval_unit', 'interval_nbr') def _compute_scheduled_date(self): for scheduler in self: if scheduler.interval_type == 'after_sub': date, sign = scheduler.event_id.create_date, 1 elif scheduler.interval_type == 'before_event': date, sign = scheduler.event_id.date_begin, -1 else: date, sign = scheduler.event_id.date_end, 1 scheduler.scheduled_date = date.replace(microsecond=0) + _INTERVALS[scheduler.interval_unit](sign * scheduler.interval_nbr) if date else False @api.depends('interval_type', 'mail_done') def _compute_mail_state(self): for scheduler in self: # registrations based if scheduler.interval_type == 'after_sub': scheduler.mail_state = 'running' # global event based elif scheduler.mail_done: scheduler.mail_state = 'sent' else: scheduler.mail_state = 'scheduled' @api.depends('template_ref') def _compute_notification_type(self): """Assigns the type of template in use, if any is set.""" self.notification_type = 'mail' def execute(self): now = fields.Datetime.now() for scheduler in self._filter_template_ref(): if scheduler.interval_type == 'after_sub': scheduler._execute_attendee_based() else: # before or after event -> one shot communication, once done skip if scheduler.mail_done: continue # do not send emails if the mailing was scheduled before the event but the event is over if scheduler.scheduled_date <= now and (scheduler.interval_type != 'before_event' or scheduler.event_id.date_end > now): scheduler._execute_event_based() return True def _execute_event_based(self): """ Main scheduler method when running in event-based mode aka 'after_event' or 'before_event'. This is a global communication done once i.e. we do not track each registration individually. """ auto_commit = not getattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing', False) batch_size = int( self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.batch_size') ) or 50 # be sure to not have 0, as otherwise no iteration is done cron_limit = int( self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.render.cron.limit') ) or 1000 # be sure to not have 0, as otherwise we will loop # fetch registrations to contact registration_domain = [ ('event_id', '=', self.event_id.id), ('state', 'not in', ["draft", "cancel"]), ] if self.last_registration_id: registration_domain += [('id', '>', self.last_registration_id.id)] registrations = self.env["event.registration"].search(registration_domain, limit=(cron_limit + 1), order="id ASC") # no registrations -> done if not registrations: self.mail_done = True return # there are more than planned for the cron -> reschedule if len(registrations) > cron_limit: registrations = registrations[:cron_limit] self.env.ref('event.event_mail_scheduler')._trigger() for registrations_chunk in tools.split_every(batch_size, registrations.ids, self.env["event.registration"].browse): self._execute_event_based_for_registrations(registrations_chunk) self.last_registration_id = registrations_chunk[-1] self._refresh_mail_count_done() if auto_commit: self.env.cr.commit() # invalidate cache, no need to keep previous content in memory self.env.invalidate_all() def _execute_event_based_for_registrations(self, registrations): """ Method doing notification and recipients specific implementation of contacting attendees globally. :param registrations: a recordset of registrations to contact """ self.ensure_one() if self.notification_type == "mail": self._send_mail(registrations) return True def _execute_attendee_based(self): """ Main scheduler method when running in attendee-based mode aka 'after_sub'. This relies on a sub model allowing to know which registrations have been contacted. It currently does two main things * generate missing 'event.mail.registrations' which are scheduled communication linked to registrations; * launch registration-based communication, splitting in batches as it may imply a lot of computation. When having more than given limit to handle, schedule another call of cron to avoid having to wait another cron interval check; """ self.ensure_one() context_registrations = self.env.context.get('event_mail_registration_ids') auto_commit = not getattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing', False) batch_size = int( self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.batch_size') ) or 50 # be sure to not have 0, as otherwise no iteration is done cron_limit = int( self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.render.cron.limit') ) or 1000 # be sure to not have 0, as otherwise we will loop # fillup on subscription lines (generate more than to render creating # mail.registration is less costly than rendering emails) # note: original 2many domain was # ("id", "not in", self.env["event.registration"]._search([ # ("mail_registration_ids.scheduler_id", "in", self.ids), # ])) # but it gives less optimized sql new_attendee_domain = [ ('event_id', '=', self.event_id.id), ("state", "not in", ("cancel", "draft")), ("mail_registration_ids", "not in", self.env["event.mail.registration"]._search( [('scheduler_id', 'in', self.ids)] )), ] if context_registrations: new_attendee_domain += [ ('id', 'in', context_registrations), ] self.env["event.mail.registration"].flush_model(["registration_id", "scheduler_id"]) new_attendees = self.env["event.registration"].search(new_attendee_domain, limit=cron_limit * 2, order="id ASC") new_attendee_mails = self._create_missing_mail_registrations(new_attendees) # fetch attendee schedulers to run (or use the one given in context) mail_domain = self.env["event.mail.registration"]._get_skip_domain() + [("scheduler_id", "=", self.id)] if context_registrations: new_attendee_mails = new_attendee_mails.filtered_domain(mail_domain) else: new_attendee_mails = self.env["event.mail.registration"].search( mail_domain, limit=(cron_limit + 1), order="id ASC" ) # there are more than planned for the cron -> reschedule if len(new_attendee_mails) > cron_limit: new_attendee_mails = new_attendee_mails[:cron_limit] self.env.ref('event.event_mail_scheduler')._trigger() for chunk in tools.split_every(batch_size, new_attendee_mails.ids, self.env["event.mail.registration"].browse): # filter out canceled / draft, and compare to seats_taken (same heuristic) valid_chunk = chunk.filtered(lambda m: m.registration_id.state not in ("draft", "cancel")) # scheduled mails for draft / cancel should be removed as they won't be sent (chunk - valid_chunk).unlink() # send communications, then update only when being in cron mode (aka no # context registrations) to avoid concurrent updates on scheduler valid_chunk._execute_on_registrations() # if not context_registrations: self._refresh_mail_count_done() if auto_commit: self.env.cr.commit() # invalidate cache, no need to keep previous content in memory self.env.invalidate_all() def _create_missing_mail_registrations(self, registrations): new = self.env["event.mail.registration"] for scheduler in self: for chunk in tools.split_every(500, registrations.ids, self.env["event.registration"].browse): new += self.env['event.mail.registration'].create([{ 'registration_id': registration.id, 'scheduler_id': scheduler.id, } for registration in registrations]) return new def _refresh_mail_count_done(self): for scheduler in self: if scheduler.interval_type == "after_sub": total_sent = self.env["event.mail.registration"].search_count([ ("scheduler_id", "=", self.id), ("mail_sent", "=", True), ]) self.mail_count_done = total_sent elif scheduler.last_registration_id: total_sent = self.env["event.registration"].search_count([ ("id", "<=", self.last_registration_id.id), ("event_id", "=", self.event_id.id), ("state", "not in", ["draft", "cancel"]), ]) self.mail_count_done = total_sent self.mail_done = total_sent >= self.event_id.seats_taken else: scheduler.mail_count_done = 0 scheduler.mail_done = False def _filter_template_ref(self): """ Check for valid template reference: existing, working template """ type_info = self._template_model_by_notification_type() if not self: return self.browse() invalid = self.browse() missing = self.browse() for scheduler in self: tpl_model = type_info[scheduler.notification_type] if scheduler.template_ref._name != tpl_model: invalid += scheduler else: template = self.env[tpl_model].browse(scheduler.template_ref.id).exists() if not template: missing += scheduler for scheduler in missing: _logger.warning( "Cannot process scheduler %s (event %s - ID %s) as it refers to non-existent %s (ID %s)", scheduler.id, scheduler.event_id.name, scheduler.event_id.id, tpl_model, scheduler.template_ref.id ) for scheduler in invalid: _logger.warning( "Cannot process scheduler %s (event %s - ID %s) as it refers to invalid template %s (ID %s) (%s instead of %s)", scheduler.id, scheduler.event_id.name, scheduler.event_id.id, scheduler.template_ref.name, scheduler.template_ref.id, scheduler.template_ref._name, tpl_model) return self - missing - invalid def _send_mail(self, registrations): """ Mail action: send mail to attendees """ if self.event_id.organizer_id.email: author = self.event_id.organizer_id elif self.env.company.email: author = self.env.company.partner_id elif self.env.user.email: author = self.env.user.partner_id else: author = self.env.ref('base.user_root').partner_id composer_values = { 'composition_mode': 'mass_mail', 'force_send': False, 'model': registrations._name, 'record_name': False, 'res_ids': registrations.ids, 'template_id': self.template_ref.id, } # force author, as mailing mode does not try to find the author matching # email_from (done only when posting on chatter); give email_from if not # configured on template composer_values['author_id'] = author.id composer_values['email_from'] = self.template_ref.email_from or author.email_formatted composer = self.env['mail.compose.message'].create(composer_values) # backward compatible behavior: event mail scheduler does not force partner # creation, email_cc / email_to is kept on outgoing emails composer.with_context(mail_composer_force_partners=False)._action_send_mail() def _template_model_by_notification_type(self): return { "mail": "mail.template", } def _prepare_event_mail_values(self): self.ensure_one() return { 'interval_nbr': self.interval_nbr, 'interval_unit': self.interval_unit, 'interval_type': self.interval_type, 'template_ref': '%s,%i' % (self.template_ref._name, self.template_ref.id), } @api.model def _warn_template_error(self, scheduler, exception): # We warn ~ once by hour ~ instead of every 10 min if the interval unit is more than 'hours'. if random.random() < 0.1666 or scheduler.interval_unit in ('now', 'hours'): ex_s = exception_to_unicode(exception) try: event, template = scheduler.event_id, scheduler.template_ref emails = list(set([event.organizer_id.email, event.user_id.email, template.write_uid.email])) subject = _("WARNING: Event Scheduler Error for event: %s", event.name) body = _("""Event Scheduler for: - Event: %(event_name)s (%(event_id)s) - Scheduled: %(date)s - Template: %(template_name)s (%(template_id)s) Failed with error: - %(error)s You receive this email because you are: - the organizer of the event, - or the responsible of the event, - or the last writer of the template. """, event_name=event.name, event_id=event.id, date=scheduler.scheduled_date, template_name=template.name, template_id=template.id, error=ex_s) email = self.env['ir.mail_server'].build_email( email_from=self.env.user.email, email_to=emails, subject=subject, body=body, ) self.env['ir.mail_server'].send_email(email) except Exception as e: _logger.error("Exception while sending traceback by email: %s.\n Original Traceback:\n%s", e, exception) pass @api.model def run(self, autocommit=False): """ Backward compatible method, notably if crons are not updated when migrating for some reason. """ return self.schedule_communications(autocommit=autocommit) @api.model def schedule_communications(self, autocommit=False): schedulers = self.search([ # skip archived events ('event_id.active', '=', True), # scheduled ('scheduled_date', '<=', fields.Datetime.now()), # event-based: todo / attendee-based: running until event is not done '|', ('mail_done', '=', False), '&', ('interval_type', '=', 'after_sub'), ('event_id.date_end', '<', self.env.cr.now()), ]) for scheduler in schedulers: try: # Prevent a mega prefetch of the registration ids of all the events of all the schedulers self.browse(scheduler.id).execute() except Exception as e: _logger.exception(e) self.env.invalidate_all() self._warn_template_error(scheduler, e) else: if autocommit and not getattr(threading.current_thread(), 'testing', False): self.env.cr.commit() return True