# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from datetime import date from odoo import api, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class HrContract(models.Model): _inherit = 'hr.contract' _description = 'Employee Contract' @api.constrains('date_start', 'date_end', 'state') def _check_contracts(self): self._get_leaves()._check_contracts() def _get_leaves(self): return self.env['hr.leave'].search([ ('state', '!=', 'refuse'), ('employee_id', 'in', self.mapped('employee_id.id')), ('date_from', '<=', max([end or date.max for end in self.mapped('date_end')])), ('date_to', '>=', min(self.mapped('date_start'))), ]) def write(self, vals): # Special case when setting a contract as running: # If there is already a validated time off over another contract # with a different schedule, split the time off, before the # _check_contracts raises an issue. # If there are existing leaves that are spanned by this new # contract, update their resource calendar to the current one. if not (vals.get("state") == 'open' or vals.get('kanban_state') == 'done'): return super().write(vals) specific_contracts = self.env['hr.contract'] all_new_leave_origin = [] all_new_leave_vals = [] leaves_state = {} # In case a validation error is thrown due to holiday creation with the new resource calendar (which can # increase their duration), we catch this error to display a more meaningful error message. try: for contract in self: if vals.get('state') != 'open' and contract.state != 'draft': # In case the current contract is not in the draft state, the kanban_state transition does not # cause any leave changes. continue leaves = contract._get_leaves() for leave in leaves: # Get all overlapping contracts but exclude draft contracts that are not included in this transaction. overlapping_contracts = leave._get_overlapping_contracts(contract_states=[ ('state', '!=', 'cancel'), ('resource_calendar_id', '!=', False), '|', '|', ('id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', '!=', 'draft'), ('kanban_state', '=', 'done'), ]).sorted(key=lambda c: {'open': 1, 'close': 2, 'draft': 3, 'cancel': 4}[c.state]) if len(overlapping_contracts.resource_calendar_id) <= 1: if overlapping_contracts and leave.resource_calendar_id != overlapping_contracts[0].resource_calendar_id: leave.resource_calendar_id = overlapping_contracts[0].resource_calendar_id continue if leave.id not in leaves_state: leaves_state[leave.id] = leave.state if leave.state != 'refuse': leave.action_refuse() super(HrContract, contract).write(vals) specific_contracts += contract for overlapping_contract in overlapping_contracts: new_request_date_from = max(leave.request_date_from, overlapping_contract.date_start) new_request_date_to = min(leave.request_date_to, overlapping_contract.date_end or date.max) new_leave_vals = leave.copy_data({ 'request_date_from': new_request_date_from, 'request_date_to': new_request_date_to, 'state': leaves_state[leave.id], })[0] new_leave = self.env['hr.leave'].new(new_leave_vals) new_leave._compute_date_from_to() new_leave._compute_duration() # Could happen for part-time contract, that time off is not necessary # anymore. if new_leave.date_from < new_leave.date_to: all_new_leave_origin.append(leave) all_new_leave_vals.append(new_leave._convert_to_write(new_leave._cache)) if all_new_leave_vals: new_leaves = self.env['hr.leave'].with_context( tracking_disable=True, mail_activity_automation_skip=True, leave_fast_create=True, leave_skip_state_check=True ).create(all_new_leave_vals) new_leaves.filtered(lambda l: l.state in 'validate')._validate_leave_request() for index, new_leave in enumerate(new_leaves): new_leave.message_post_with_source( 'mail.message_origin_link', render_values={'self': new_leave, 'origin': all_new_leave_origin[index]}, subtype_xmlid='mail.mt_note', ) except ValidationError: raise ValidationError(_("Changing the contract on this employee changes their working schedule in a period " "they already took leaves. Changing this working schedule changes the duration of " "these leaves in such a way the employee no longer has the required allocation for " "them. Please review these leaves and/or allocations before changing the contract.")) return super(HrContract, self - specific_contracts).write(vals)